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    • 中国神话故事与三十六计(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 914 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇李超全 绘 /2020-04-30/ 上海译文出版社
    • 虚构或半虚构的故事和现实部分就像阴和阳 中国古代哲学的两大基本原则。本书就为大家呈现了这样两种风格的故事 中国神话 和 三十六计 。这里的 神话故事 描述了人们对自身起源、祖先、历史以及神祗的古老信仰。而 三十六计 则集合了古人在战场上使用的谋略和计策。今天,许多中国人将这些计策运用到政治、商业、体育以及日常生活中去。 Fictional or semi-fictional stories and practical concepts are like yin and yang, the two fundamental principles of ancient Chinese philosophy. In this book, we present just such yin and yang, namely, Chinese Mythology and the "Thirty-Six Stratagems." The mythology here describes ancient beliefs in origins, ancestors, history and deities. On the other hand, the "Thirty-Six Stratagems" were originally a collection of strategies or practical ruses for warfare. But today, many Chinese people apply them to politics, business, sports as well as their d

    • ¥43.2 ¥65 折扣:6.6折
    • 马王堆导引术(英)
    •   ( 121 条评论 )
    • 国家体育总局健身气功管理中心 编著 /2012-07-01/ 外文出版社
    • Health Qigong-Mawangdui Daoyin Exercises, withthe Picturesof Daoyin Exercises unearthed from the Mawangdui Tombs of the HanDynasty (206 BC-AD220)in Changsha, Hunan Province serving as thesource for the exercises, was compiled by the Chinese Health QigongAssociation. The movements are meanl to be practiced using mentalconcentration focused along the meridians, and incorporate risingandsquatting, extending and withdrawing, bending and stretching.These simple, beautiful movements are easy to learn, benefitingpractitioners both physically and spiritually. The book may serveas a reference forpeople who wish to practice the exercises toprevent disease and prolong life.

    • ¥44.3 ¥85 折扣:5.2折
    • 中国历史著述(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 544 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 在中国的历史长河中,经典著述对国家的形成、人民日常生活的影响起到了至关重要的作用。本书每篇短文介绍一本经典著述,时间跨度3000余年,内容包含了医学、数学、军事谋略、宗教、文学以及艺术、游记等。 Throughout China s long history, classic texts have played a vital role in shaping the country and influencing the daily lives of its people. In this series of short articles, we introduce classic texts spanning more than 3,000 years and covering everything from medicine, mathematics and military strategy to religion, literature, arts and travel.

    • ¥45.1 ¥68 折扣:6.6折
    • 中国历史人物(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 696 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇朱晨蕾 绘 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 了解一个国家,必先了解此国的人。在本书中,你将一览中国历史长河,认识曾在哲学、艺术、文学、宗教、科技和政治等领域留下深深烙印的88位重要人物。 To understand a country is to understand its people. In this book, we will take you on a tour through the long history of China to recall the life stories of 88 important figures who left their personal marks in philosophy, art and literature, religion, science and technology and political movements.

    • ¥56.4 ¥85 折扣:6.6折
    • 中国传统文化创新教学-戏剧化课堂实例(下册)
    •   ( 235 条评论 )
    • 中国传统文化创新教学》编委会 /2021-08-01/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 《中国传统文化创新教学 戏剧化课堂实例》(上下册)是*重点项目 中华思想文化术语传播工程 的研发成果。它以中小学教师为读者,向教师们展示如何以戏剧的方式生动地向青少年阐述思想文化术语(中国传统文化关键词),让思政内容活泼可亲。本书分上下两册,上册内容适合教授小学中高年级学生,下册内容则更加切合初高中年级的学生。 每一章都包含了术语词条、使用说明、教案和剧本等板块,可以让教师轻松上手、直接使用。

    • ¥36.7 ¥58 折扣:6.3折
    • 中国鸣虫 孟昭连 著 9787530675090 百花文艺出版社
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 孟昭连 著 /2018-05-01/ 百花文艺出版社
    • 鸣虫玩赏是我国一项广泛而历史悠久的娱乐活动,奇趣横生,引人入胜,为人们的生活带来了欢乐,形成我国民俗文化一个独特的组成部分。 《中国鸣虫(修订本)》是一本图文并茂,内容丰富的文化类图书,既有对玩虫历史的追溯,又有对数十种鸣虫饲养及玩赏方法的介绍,大量昆虫的实物照片和图表说明,将中国鸣虫的玩赏、养护、繁殖集中囊括在一起,对中国玩赏鸣虫的爱好者来说,是一本既有趣味性、知识性,又具有工具书性质的图书。书中对各类鸣虫的介绍与描写,严格遵循了科学研究的方法,有准确的实验数据作依据。

    • ¥89.9 ¥180 折扣:5折
    • 中国博物馆指南(英文版)
    •   ( 60 条评论 )
    • (美)克利福德 等 /2013-08-01/ 译林出版社
    • 无论你是充满好奇心的游客,或是艺术历史学者,无论你是希望探寻中国文化的博物馆管理人员,还是中国艺术的爱好者,都不容错过《中国博物馆指南(英文版)》。《中国博物馆指南(英文版)》由三位英美作者撰写、中国博物馆协会编写的手册,收录有我国近200家博物馆,以地道的英文,海量精彩图片,引领读者跨越古今,感受令人心醉神迷的中国历史、艺术与文化。

    • ¥55.6 ¥88 折扣:6.3折
    • 中国历代绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom
    •   ( 433 条评论 )
    • 张慈贇 陈洁 著 /2020-05-01/ 上海译文出版社
    • 《中国历代著名绘画作品鉴赏(英文版)》介绍了38幅国画,从风格、技巧、视角等方面来引导读者领略国画艺术的美,同时也讲述了画家的创作背景和审美理念。 Chinese painting, also known as brush painting or ink-wash painting, is one of the oldest art forms in the world. However, the unique styles, techniques and perspectives of Chinese painting are often unfamiliar to readers and art lovers in other parts of the world. This book aims to expound the aesthetic concepts behind some famous Chinese paintings and tell interesting stories about their creation and their creators. It may serve as a helpful guide in exploring the fabulous yet mysterious treasure house of great Chinese paintings.

    • ¥41.2 ¥62 折扣:6.6折
    •   ( 103 条评论 )
    • 中国科学院自然科学史研究所 编著 /2009-08-01/ 外文出版社
    • Catalogued according to different scientific fields, the book draws wisdom from authoritative experts in the institute of the History of Natural Sciences (IHNS) from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and comprehensively introduces ancient Chinas scientific and technological achieve- ments in such fields as astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, biology, agriculture, medicine, printing, spinning and weaving, metal-lurgy and foundry, machinery, architecture, ship-building and navigation, and military technology, etc. This book is Of high academic quality yet writ- ten in the simplest language possible, and thus is a very readable popular science collection.

    • ¥56.3 ¥108 折扣:5.2折
    • 中国红·中国茶(精装)Chinese Tea
    •   ( 56 条评论 )
    • 羽叶 编著 /2011-09-01/ 黄山书社
    • 中国是茶的故乡,中国人种茶、制茶、喝茶、爱茶,并把茶叶传向海内外,茶已成为中国*代表性的文化符号之一。作为一种绿色饮品,茶有着独特的保健功效,同时,还是招待客人、增进友谊的媒介。本书对中国茶历史、名茶、泡茶方法、茶礼茶俗等做了生动讲解。

    • ¥51.3 ¥79 折扣:6.5折
    • 孔子 CONFUCIUS
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • 孔祥林 著 /2010-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Allow all people to have education regardless of their family background. A man of virtue should never degrade himself to be a mere tool. Only a benevolent person knows who is to be loved and who is to be rejected. A gentleman attaches priorities to principles;while a mean person, material gains. Never meddle in affairs that do not fall within your responsibilities. Administration cannot be effective if the government is not held in high regard among the people.

    • ¥78 ¥120 折扣:6.5折
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • 李养正 著,颜钟祐 译 /2009-07-01/ 外文出版社
    • Li Yangzheng,a researcher in Taoism,was born in t 925 in Gong'an County,Hubei Province,and graduated from National Wuhan University in 1949.When the Chinese Taoist Association was founded in 1957,he joined the organization and devoted himself to Taoist research under the guidance of the reputed Taoist scholar Chen Yingning.Li Yangzheng used to be the Deputy,Dean of the Chinese Taoist College.His published works indude An Introduction to Taoism.Taoism and Chinese Society,Modern Chinese Taoism,Taoism and Various Pre-Qin Schools of Thought,among others.He has also compiled A Handbook of Taoism,The Taoist Culture Series,A Collection of Materials on the History of Taoism,The Great Dictionary of Taoism (with coeditor Min Zhiting),etc.,as well as published almost a hundred academic articles.

    • ¥63.7 ¥98 折扣:6.5折
    • 中国传统文化创新教学-戏剧化课堂实例(上册)
    •   ( 254 条评论 )
    • 中国传统文化创新教学》编委会 /2021-08-01/ 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 《中国传统文化创新教学 戏剧化课堂实例》(上下册)是*重点项目 中华思想文化术语传播工程 的研发成果。它以中小学教师为读者,向教师们展示如何以戏剧的方式生动地向青少年阐述思想文化术语(中国传统文化关键词),让思政内容活泼可亲。本书分上下两册,上册内容适合教授小学中高年级学生,下册内容则更加切合初高中年级的学生。 每一章都包含了术语词条、使用说明、教案和剧本等板块,可以让教师轻松上手、直接使用。

    • ¥36.7 ¥58 折扣:6.3折
    • 《宋词选》汉德对照 (大中华文库)
    •   ( 80 条评论 )
    • 作者:(宋)柳永 等 ,译注:[德]吕福克 等 /2019-06-04/ 中国人民大学出版社
    • 词的鼎盛时期无疑是在宋代( 960 1279 年),城市生活的繁荣多彩为文学和艺术的发展提供了肥沃的土壤,铸就了中国词史上的艺术*。宋词以丰富的情思意蕴和独特的艺术魅力大放异彩,不仅限于寄情娱乐,更寄托了对人生、对时代乃至对社会等各方面的思索,给人很高的艺术享受。 《大中华文库 宋词选》是首次全面收录各流派宋词的德译本,囊括李煜、苏轼、柳永、赵佶、李清照等词人的169首经典之作,其言深美闳约,是德语读者品鉴宋词艺术不可错失的力作。

    • ¥108.8 ¥158 折扣:6.9折
    • 美猴王(意大利文版)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • 徐玉敏 等主编 /2011-07-01/ 北京师范大学出版社
    • Redattcici等的《美猴王》共分56章,每章篇幅不长,看完一章,你不会觉得累。全书以对话形式为主,读过的句子马上可以在日常生活中应用。每一章后边都有练习题,练习题可供课堂教学使用,也可供读者独自来做。练习题是为了引导读者理解和思考书中词语的含义和用法,或用来检查读者阅读时易于忽略的词句。书后提供了练习参考答案和词汇总表。当你们开始读《美猴王》时,你们一定会被有趣的故事情节吸引。当你们读完以后,你们的汉语水平定会提高。因此,我很愿意把这本书推荐给正在学习汉语的朋友们。

    • ¥48.3 ¥69 折扣:7折
    •   ( 45 条评论 )
    • 王柯平 著 /2010-09-01/ 外文出版社
    • Dao De Jing (The Book of Lao Zi)is windely read add celebrated as a Daoist classic.It is fyll form and literally presented in 81 chapters,the texts as a whole turn our to be suggestive, im- plicit and somewhat obscure in meaning; hence they are often found insoring to venture through with responses of appreciation, but not easy to digest the key arguments in questi0n, especially so in the case of general readers today. In order to facilitate a more fruitful reading of the classic,a new approach is therefore recommended with due consideration of the reading habit in genera,New Investigation. This study proiect is noticeably characterized by.a thematic rearrangement of the-81 chapters along with elaborate annotations and relevant commentary. They are offered as a resultof contextual analysis and absorptive incorpora- tion with some of the recent findings by Lao :Zi scholars. All this is intended to help one obtaincertain insights into the highlights of early Daoismas a philosophy. In addition to that, o

    • ¥52 ¥80 折扣:6.5折