This is a book focuse on the historical and current affairsconcerning stability and development in Xinjiang. It has beenwritten with the purpose of respecting history, clarifying thetruth, and basing on the reality.
New Year Picture (Nianhua) derives its name from the age-old custom of Chinese New Year decorations. A fascinating and popular art form, it in fact constitutes a separate branch of traditional Chinese ainting. The concept of New Year Picture refers to painted works made by local workshops and regularly posted inside and outside homes. New Year Picture encompasses all such paintings reflecting rural and urban lives, handmade by folk artisans, as well as those carved or produced and painted in local workshops. Folk New Yea~" Picture possesses colorful detail with abundant cultural and historical co~notations. here are five major categories of Chinese New Year Pictures discussed in this book: Door Gods, Folk Deities, Cute Babies and Beauties, Customs and Festivals, Stories and Local Operas. The principal images are explained with brief captions. Most of the New Year Pictures collected in this book are made by folk masters from every area of China.
I he art of stone carving has a long history in China. Created with astonishing skill, Chinese stone carvings are artistically appealing, highly functional as well as decorative, revealing distinctive national features and regional variations. This book deals with the history, varieties and schools of Chinese stone carving. It gives readers a comprehensive understanding of this time-honored folk art in concise terms.
With its long history and elegant technique, the Chinese papercut is treasured for its highly artistic, practical and ornamental appeal. Demanding superb skill, with a feel for paper and shape that centers on shadow and contour, the papercut has formed a unique artistic style and is popularly used in folk activity and the daily life of Chinese people. Displaying over 300 papercuts by diverse folk papercut craftspeople from 21 areas, with a detailed introduction, the book helps readers gain a more rofound understanding of the art of the Chinese papercut.
Chinese folk embroidery is a type of arts and crafts for both esthetic appreciation and practical use. The embroidered works have high decorative value, often with exquisite designs, and represent Chinese folk culture and traditional spirits. This book collects over 200 illustrations in 39 categories of folk embroidered works by the Han, Miao, Tujia, Yao, Dong, Tibetan, Dai and Manchu peoples. The accompanying detailed introductions will allow readers to truly appreciate the magnificence of folk embroideries.
Has anyone seriously observed the houses scattered in China's metropolis, counties or towns? Huge in number, these plain buildings have nothing to catch news headlines.History hasn't conferred them any special meaning, nor can they supply food for debates with ingenious design. However, such common houses represent the fundamental aesthetic awareness of contemporary Chinese.
Die chinesische Steinbildhauerei hat eine lange Geschichte. Ihre kunstvollen Skulpturen sind Ausdruck nationaler Besonderheiten und reich an regionalem Gepr ge. Dieses Buch besch ftigt sich mit der historischen Entwicklung, den Stilen und Schulen der chinesischen Steinbildhauerei und gibt dem Leser einen umfassenden berblick über diese Volkskunst.
Traditional images of the lion are iconic cultural symbols of China. The lion is believed to be one of the most auspicious animals in Chinese folk culture. Images of the creature gradually gained popularity throughout the country as they spread from religious venues to people's homes. With their distinctive national character and regional features, rugged appearance and excellent craftsmanship, Chinese stone lions are favorites of the Chinese people.This book focuses on the development of stone lion carving, the evolution of its designs, the folk culture the creatures exemplify, the principles for stone lion carving, and the various styles and uses of stone lions. On these pages are more than 300 photographs of the carved beasts from nearly 20 regions in China.
Seit der Antike geniesst China – die Heimat der Seidenherstellung – einen hervorragenden Ruf als Herstellungsland von gewebten und gef rbten Seidenprodukten. Chinesische Seidenarbeiten zeichnen sich durch eine grosse Formenvielfalt und Formsch nheit aus. Ihre fein gearbeiteten, schlichten und repr sentativen Muster, und ihre starke Verwurzelung in lokalen Traditionen haben eine enorme Bandbreite des Handwerks entstehen lassen. In China gibt es acht Hauptarten von Seidenbrokat: Miao, Zhuang, Yao, Dong, Dai, Bouyei, Tujia und Maonan. Davon abgeleitet gibt es Batik, Schnürbatik und Indigo-Drucke, die alle ihre spezifischen Besonderheiten aufweisen. Das Buch pr sentiert rund 30 Arten der Web- und F rbekunst, wie sie unter verschiedenen Volksgruppen in China verbreitet sind. Die Stoffe sind bekannt für ihre ausgezeichneten Muster und ihren hohen Gebrauchswert. Darüber hinaus gew hren sie einen Einblick in die Traditionen volkstümlicher Handwerkskunst.
Der volkstümliche Silberschmuck geh rt zu den repr sentativsten Kunstwerken des chinesischen Volkes. Er stammt aus dem allt glichen Leben der einfachen Leute und bezieht daraus seine sprudelnde Lebenskraft. Alle in diesem Buch enthaltenen Silberschmuckwaren (darunter einige Silberschmuckwaren der adligen Oberschicht) weisen eine starke volkstümliche F rbung auf und sind Ausdruck der Essenz der traditionellen chinesischen Kunst. Eine grosse Rolle bei der Auswahl der Motive spielen Homonym und Konnotation, um dem Wunsch nach Glück und Wohlstand bildhaft Gestalt zu verleihen. Das Buch umfasst mehr als 200 Abbildungen volkstümlicher Silberschmuckwaren, die in Kategorien unterteilt sind. Zu jeder Abbildung gibt es eine kurze Erkl rung.