
  • 1星以上
  • 25-49元
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • 同里 TONGLI
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • 何兆兴 等编,章挺权 译 /2010-04-01/ 外文出版社
    • TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.

    • ¥43.2 ¥96 折扣:4.5折
    • 祭三皇五帝--北京历代帝王庙 Worshiping the Three Sage Kings and Five Virt
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • 北京历代帝王庙保护利用促进会北京历代帝王庙管理处 编 /2007-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • In ancient times, people could not explain a great number of natural occurrences and their causes, always feeling they were too mysterious to understand, that people imagined that between the heaven and the earth there were supernatural beings, who created everything and dominated the heaven and earth. Every time they were confronted by natural disasters such as earthquakes, strong winds, heavy storms, inundating floods, ravaging beasts and fires, people would think that these deities were angry, and thus would grow very frightened. Then at times of propitious winds and rains, as well as abundant harvests of all food crops, people would think the gods were blessing them. In a word, out of awe, gratitude and admiration, people would offer a variety of sacrifices to these deities, praying for their protection and blessing. The worship of deities became rituals to demonstrate people's respect and gratitude to various deities and to pray for their protection.

    • ¥48.7 ¥75 折扣:6.5折
    • 紫禁城 The Forbidden City
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • 万博艺林图书有限公司 编著 /2009-05-01/ 外文出版社
    • 紫禁城是明、清两代的皇宫,是中国现存规模*的古建筑群。1987年被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。 紫禁城(故宫)始建于明永乐五年(1407年),至1420年基本建成。占地72万平方米,共建有殿宇房屋9000多问,建筑东西对称,皆沿南起午门北至神武门的中轴线排列并向两旁扩展,是按照中国传统的规制设计布局,体现出皇权至尊的封建思想。紫禁城中宫殿的高度、位置、颜色及至门钉的数目等都有严格的规定和讲究,使这座宏大的皇宫既辉煌壮丽、又变化有序。 紫禁城宫殿区域按功能分为前朝、内廷及外东路三大部分。前朝由气势雄伟的三大殿:太和、中和、保和及东西两座独立的宫殿:文华、武英殿组成。前朝的宫殿基本上用于皇帝举行各种大典、仪式。在前朝的后面,为内延区,中路为乾清、交泰、坤宁三宫及御花园,左右两边分别为东西六宫、

    • ¥39 ¥60 折扣:6.5折
    • 京城皇迹
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 秦永超 等编著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 一座人文古城,历经数百年风雨沧桑,究竟发生过怎样生死攸关的历史变迁,明清两朝帝后,伴随五世纪风云变幻,到底演绎了几多激荡人心的命运悲歌。图书图文并茂,以两条线索介绍京城皇家遗迹,一条线索引导游客参观游览;另一条线索介绍典故传闻、建筑特色。

    • ¥37.9 ¥48 折扣:7.9折
    • 在北京 Beijing Days
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • (美)布里斯 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 北京,拥有丰富的历史名胜古迹与灿烂辉煌的文化艺术,更是一座高度发达的现代化大都市,是倍受瞩目的中国首都。本书以全新的视角,带您深入游走于北京,探访文化古迹和自然风光。本书图文并茂,具有很强的可读性。本书为英文版。

    • ¥47.3 ¥105 折扣:4.5折
    • 祭三皇五帝···北京历代帝王庙(附盘)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • 北京历代帝王庙保护利用促进会北京历代帝王庙管理处 编著 /2006-09-01/ 外文出版社
    • 北京历代帝王庙始建于明代嘉靖九年(1530),清代断续沿用,距今已有470多年的历史。现为全国重点文物保护单位。它是明、清两朝祭祀三皇五帝、历代帝王和功臣名将的一座皇家庙宇,入祀中国史前时期的祖先人物三后五帝以及夏、商、周、汉、唐、宋、元、明等历代杰出帝王188位,功臣名将80位。 历代帝王庙的祭祀活动为国家祭祀,每年春秋两季举行。据文献记载,从明嘉靖十一年(1532)到清末(1911)的380年间,北京历代帝王庙共举行过662次祭祀大典达16次,其中,雍正帝5次、乾隆帝6次到历代帝王庙祭拜。

    • ¥32.5 ¥50 折扣:6.5折
    • 上海往事:1923-1949犹太少女的中国岁月(英文版)
    •   ( 77 条评论 )
    • (美)瑞娜·克拉斯诺 著 /2008-11-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • 弗雷德·马克斯,1924年生于德国一个犹太家庭,1939年跟随父亲从纳粹德国逃至中国上海,在上海生活了十年之后移民美国,后成为一位著名犹太教育者。在上海生活的十年间,他坚持每天用德语写日记,无比翔实地记录了那一段动荡、艰难的岁月。本书由加州中国犹太人学会的公共事务官员Rena Krasno根据弗雷德·马克斯1939—1949十年间的日记撰写而成。 作者简介: Rena Krasno was born in Shanghai, China, in 1923 and lived there until 1949. Her parents, stateless Russian Jews from Siberia, arrived in China in the early 20th century. In her professional life, Krasno worked as a simultaneous freelance interpreter for international organizations in Europe and Asia. Krasno has lectured at Stanford University, U.C.L.A., U.C. Berkeley, the Commonwealth Club, and other well-known institutions in America, Asia, and Europe. She is currently Public Affairs Officer of the Sino-Judaic Institute

    • ¥45 ¥90 折扣:5折
    • 世界美食在北京
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • 李幸娟 著 /2008-05-01/ 外文出版社
    • 在一地的生活、旅游,都会细化到口印象深刻的吃。而北京作为中国的首都,2008年奥运会的举办地,正变得越来越国际化、多元化。这里,有全国各地的美食,又有全世界各国的佳肴。纷繁的美食,使得中国人可以感受世界,外国人可以更亲近中国。 美食的美妙之处需要静心的细细品味,这与优雅的环境、精致的餐具、可口的食物,特别是个人的心境大有关联。透过美食,感受到的不仅只有美味,还有美食中的文化、美食中的意境、美食中的哲理。因此美食虽不是生活的全部,但*是生活中不能缺少的部分。 “让美食丰富并滋润着我们的每一餐和每一天”,《世界美食在北京》正是以这样的主旨出现。全书共分“异域风情”、“商务宴请”、“时尚休闲”等七个大类,搜集了250多家值得推荐的餐馆,更贴心提供了餐馆的地址、订餐电话、招牌菜、人均消费等

    • ¥29.2 ¥45 折扣:6.5折
    • 漫游北京---北京寺庙道观 Beijings Tempel
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • 肖晓明 策划,廖频兰佩瑾 编 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • Schon im 4. Jahrhundert v. u. Z. befand sich an der Stelle des heutigen Beijing die Hauptstadt des Staates Yan. Nachdem Kublai Khan im 13. Jahrhundert ganz China erobert hatte, lielB er hier die prachtige Hauptstadt der Yuan-Dynastie errichten. Bis heute gibt es in Beijing unzahlige Tempel und Gotteshauser verschiedener Religionen. Dieser Band stellt einige grol3e und beruhmte Tempel von Beijing vor, sowie eine Reihe kleiner Tempel abseits der Touristenstrome.

    • ¥36 ¥80 折扣:4.5折
    • 这些宁夏人 Ces gens merveilleux du Ningxia
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • (加)李莎Carducci,L.) 著 /2008-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • My tenth journey in Ningxia will have been the longest and the one I will have completed with the most meticulous observation, as this time it was a matter of collec- ting stories and accounts to share with you, the readers. After introducing the wonderful people of China's largest region, Xinjiang, last year, I focused on the smallest one of the country's continent. How rich are the human resources and how great and moving were the stories the Ningxia people had to tell me! From the army veteran Du Licheng, who became engaged at 16 in the Liberation War, to the imam of Nanguan Mosque where, on July 1, 1997, several Hongkong Mus- lims came to celebrate their return to the motherland; from the famous writer Zhang Xianliang, who set up a "Chinese Hollywood," to the four Hui or Han university students who, even though very young, have already performed kind and memorable acts; from Bai Chunlan, an illiterate peasant who, in 28 years, planted 100,000 trees by herself, to Wang Youde who, since 1985

    • ¥44.1 ¥98 折扣:4.5折
    • 泰山 MT.TAISHAN
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • 泰山》编委会 编 /2001-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 泰山以其雄伟著称于世,松云泉石、日出日落,都是风景。泰山又是一座神圣的祭坛,秦皇汉武、唐宗宋祖,都在这里祭祀天地。本画册介绍了泰山上下的风景名胜以及周边地区的风俗民情,供读者一睹这座名山的风采。

    • ¥31.2 ¥48 折扣:6.5折
    • 桂林(小画册)Guilin
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • 曹蕾 编,蒙紫 等摄 /2010-02-01/ 外文出版社
    • 桂林山水早已驰名于世。清澈明净的漓江,千姿百态的奇峰,构成如诗如画的山光水色。本画册介绍了从桂林到阳朔的一系列风光佳景和文物古迹,供读者神游胜境。

    • ¥25.3 ¥39 折扣:6.5折
    • 北京胡同(小画册) Alleys in Beijing
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • 沈延太 摄,王长青 摄 /2002-01-01/ 外文出版社
    • 笔者生在北京,长在北京,半个多世纪过去了,大约算得上是个地道的“老北京”。北京城里使人难以忘怀的是什么呢?就是那大大小小的、在南方被叫做街巷的胡同。每当我从外地特别是从外国出差归来的时候,急于想见到的使是那一条条古朴的、幽雅的、熟悉的、亲切的胡同。或者说,只有见到了这些胡同才能算是回到了北京,回到了家。胡同与家分不开,北京与胡同分不开。一定意义上说,胡同就是北京的魂。

    • ¥37 ¥48 折扣:7.7折
    • 漫画旅游北京(英文版) beijing tour guide:cartoons
    •   ( 101 条评论 )
    • 王麒诚 著,刘浚 译 /2009-05-01/ 五洲传播出版社
    • Beijing drew the whole world's attention with the 2008 Olympics. But it is also an ancient city that has been the nation's capital for 850 years in its total history of more than 3,000 years. It is a great city with the magnitude of a vast country and the hustle and bustle of a thriving cosmopolis. It is home to the humorous Beijingers, who take immense pride in world-known landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The long, glorious history has brought Beijing an air that is elegant, unconventional, yet reserved; the fast-developing economy and culture have never stopped making facelifts to the old city. The interesting and amazing contrast between the old and new has enticed numerous people to admire and experience the city's unique charm.

    • ¥44.5 ¥89 折扣:5折
    • 浦东奇迹(英)
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • 赵启正邵煜栋 著,林乐荪张庆年 译 /2008-07-01/
    • Thirty years ago, China took to the road of reform and opening up to the outside world under the guidance of its chief architect Deng Xiaoping. The development and opening of Pudong in Shanghai is one of the outstanding achievements of Deng's theory on building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Former President Jiang Zemin once described it as "the symbol of China's reform and opening up." Those who are engaged in the study of Chinese economy in general and China's reform and opening up program in particular may well use it for case study and as a window for observation. This book reviews the progress of Pudong's development. At the same time, it reveals the key concepts and basic views formed by the leaders of Shanghai and participants in Pudong's development in the course of their exploration.

    • ¥49 ¥98 折扣:5折