唐代传奇即唐代的短篇小说,内容主要表现唐代的生活,以所写故事及人物命运来表达作者的思想。由于作品大多描写人世真情,因此引起广大民众的共鸣和欣赏,受到社会的广泛喜爱。其中还有如《任氏传》《柳毅传》《霍小玉传》等名篇,不断被后世的戏曲和白话小说所改编流传,并由此走进民间大众,成为中国脍炙人口的故事。 为了继承中国的优秀文化遗产,使文明古国的传统文化得以发扬光大,我们精选了中国唐代传奇名著10篇,以古籍原著加今、英译的形式出版。译文力求准确、流畅,使读者能够直面中国古代文化之精华,并在阅读中受益。 唐代传奇曾被译成英、日等外文出版流传。本书所选作品,由已故的张友鹤先生等校订,王中立先生作了今译,杨宪益、戴乃迭夫妇完成英译。
《悲惨世界》是雨果最重要的作品。在这部小说中,雨果刻画了从拿破仑滑铁卢的失败直到反对七月王朝的人民起义这一阶段的历史面貌,绘制了一幅规模宏大的社会和政治生活的图画。书中描述了在逃犯冉·阿让和流落街头的妇女芳汀,还有她的女儿珂赛特三位中心人物的悲惨遭遇,愤怒地谴责和控诉了造成这一切不合理和不公平现象的原因。 此次收入“丛书”,特为中小学生课外阅读制作,书前配有“导读”,书后有“知识链接”,以给青少年朋友以必要阅读指引和知识积累。
寓言是一种历史悠久而生命力强大的古老文体,虽多形制短小,却有丰厚的内涵。中国古代寓言大多数以人物故事为载体,说理深刻透辟,包含许多人生智慧。 中国先秦时期寓言创作很为兴盛,不少寓言作者是世界品质的思想家。《庄子》、《列子》中的寓言,想象飞驰,语言富丽,表现了道家重道、贵虚、齐物、逍遥的思想;《韩非子》中的寓言,文字简洁准确,表现了法家因时变法、严刑峻法的主张;《战国策》中的寓言,手法铺张,气势宏伟,针对外交、内政、军事方面的大事,随机应变,往往能够收到化险为夷的效果。 本书从这些先秦有名典籍中编选了许多寓言,同时还收录了后世其他寓言佳作,共选取121篇作品。它们流传广,饱含智慧,对文学创作和语言的发展影响很大。 本书英译者为有名文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭先生。
The Peach Blossom Fam is a greatmasterpiece of Kun opera and has been a favorite of Chineseaudiences for more than300 years, it takes the love story betweenthe Revival Society poet Hou Fanyu and the beautiful rivercourtesan Li Xiangiun as its basis; but as a historical epic, itreflects the brief splendor and fall of the short-lived SouthernMing dynasty. This book, with plain words, intends to help foreignreaders understand the story and appreciate classic Chineseopera.
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.
Stealing the Golden Bells, tells how Monkey cures the king of Purpuria of his illness. Monkey learns that the queen has been kidnapped by a demon doing harm in the kingdom. He manages to enter the demon's cave, steal his magic golden bells, subdue him and rescue the queen.
The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on the ancient Chinese fantasy novel Journey to the West, a story rich in tales about demons and monsters who try to stop the Tang Priest Xuanzang from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to fetch Buddhist *ures. The real hero of this novel,loved for four hundred years by Chinese readers, is the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey.
The Peony pavilion is one of Tang's"Four Dreams" and has traditionally been performed as a Kun opera.The opera tells a romantic love story of Du Liniang and LiuMengmei, with its focuses on love, beauty, relationship, andmarriage.This passionate story has always been considered a Chinesenalional treasure, and continues to resonate with audienceeverywhere, even in this modern day and age. This book, with plainwords, intends to help foreign readers understand the story andappreciate classic Chinese opera.
寓言是一种历史悠久而生命力强大的古老文体,虽多形制短小,却有丰厚的内涵。中国古代寓言大多数以人物故事为载体,说理深刻透辟,包含许多人生智慧。 中国先秦时期寓言创作为兴盛,不少寓言作者是世界一流的思想家。《庄子》、《列子》中的寓言,想象飞驰,语言富丽,表现了道家重道、贵虚、齐物、逍遥的思想;《韩非子》中的寓言,文字简洁准确,表现了法家因时变法、严刑峻法的主张;《战国策》中的寓言,手法铺张,气势宏伟,针对外交、内政、军事方面的大事,*应变,往往能够收到化险为夷的效果。 本书从这些先秦著名典籍中编选了许多寓言,同时还收录了后世其他寓言佳作,共选取121篇作品。它们流传广,饱含智慧,对文学创作和语言的发展影响很大。 本书英译者为著名文学翻译家杨宪益、戴乃迭先生。
The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on the ancient Chinese fantasy novel Journey to the West, a story rich in tales about demons and monsters who try to stop the Tang Pdest Xuanzang from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to fetch Buddhist *ures. The real hero of this novel,loved for four hundred years by Chinese readers, is the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey.
清代初期的历史剧《长生殿》,是中国古代戏曲史上杰出的作品之一,作者洪升(1645—1704)于康熙二十七年(1688)完成。 《长生殿》讲述的是中国历史上唐朝皇帝李隆工(712—756年在位)和贵妃杨玉环之间的爱情情故事。这是一个由史实演绎而成、历代相传的传奇故事,作者供升继承了前人的成就,用人间天上、现实与幻景交错的戏曲艺术手法,将这对帝妃之间“在天愿为比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝”的生殆恋情描绘得出神入化,凄婉动人。作品同时还反映了当时朝廷内外复杂的矛盾斗争,勾勒出悲欢离合家国兴衰的历史风貌,成为这类题材中成就、影响*的戏曲作品。剧作一经问世,当即产生了巨大的社会反响,成为剧坛竞相传抄和演出的剧目。 全剧共分为五十出,曾被译成英、日、俄等外文出版流传。本次出版,采用的是由徐朔方先生校订,杨宪益、戴乃
The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on the ancient Chinese fantasy novel Journey to the West, a story rich in tales about demons and monsters who try to stop the Tang Priest Xuanzang from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to fetch Buddhist *ures. The real hero of this novel,loved for four hundred years by Chinese readers, is the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey.
罗曼·罗兰著,傅雷译的《约翰·克利斯朵夫(上中下)》讲述了主人公约翰·克利斯朵夫为音乐奋斗反抗的一生,从儿时音乐才能的觉醒、到青年时代对权贵的蔑视和反抗、再到成年后在事业上的追求和成功、最后达到精神宁静的崇高境界。 本书共分三册,分别代表了主人公的三个时期: 上册是童年、少年及青年时期的克里斯朵夫,为卷一至卷四。这一册主要讲述了主人公出生在德国一个比较穷苦的音乐教师家庭,在祖父的教导下逐渐展现出自己的音乐才能,甚至得到了公爵贵族的嘉奖。但他天性的敏感及自尊让他在情感上多次受挫,开始是友情,后面还有懵懂的初恋。祖父父亲去世之后,他的家庭更加陷入了一贫如洗的状态,他肩负起了养家的责任,但他又因为生性耿直,不愿阿谀奉承,虚伪待人,最后遭人陷害失去工作,音乐上也反复遭人诟病否定,又在冲动之
From Emperor to Citien is the autobiography of Pu Yi, the man who was the last emperor of China. A unique memoir of the first half of the 20th century as seen through the eyes of one born to be an absolute monarch, the book begins with the author's vivid account of the last, decadent days of the Ching Dynasty,and closes with an introspective self-portrait of the last Ching emperor transformed into a retiring scholar and citizen of the People's Republic of China. In detailing the events of the fifty years between his ascension to the throne and the final period of his life as a quiet-living resident of Beijing, Pu Yi reveals himself to be first and foremost a survivor, caught up in the torrent of global power struggles and world conflict that played itself out on the Asian continent through many decades of violence and upheaval. This firsthand de*ion of the dramatic events of Pu Yi's life was the basis for the intemationally acclaimed 1987 Bemardo Bertolucci film The Last Emperor which was named Be
西班牙拉曼查地方有一位乡绅,酷爱骑士小说,终日捧读,手不诗卷,最后读昏了头脑,竟异想天开,想要做一名游侠骑士,锄强扶弱,行侠仗义,闯荡天下,便自称堂吉诃德,并说服村上一位农夫做他的侍从,乘马持矛,踏上冒险之途。 堂吉诃德满脑子都是骑士书中的人和事,所以,在他的眼中,妓女是贵妇,客栈为城堡;他同风车厮杀,将羊群视为军队;闹了许多笑话,出尽了洋相。他屡战屡败,屡败屡战,坚持自己的理想,直到一命归西。 堂吉诃德和侍从桑丘·潘沙主仆二人,一高一矮,一瘦一胖,一个追求理想,一个非常现实,两者形成强烈对比,产生强烈的喜剧效果,又象征人的双重性:理想主义与现实主义,因此,使作品具有普遍和永恒的意义。
Catching the Red Boy, tells how the Tang Priest is tricked by a demon who disguises himself as a boy, Monkey battles the demon but cannot defeat him because the demon uses more powerful magic, so Monkey sends Pig to fetch the Bodhisattva Guanyin. With her help Monkey finally conquers the demon and rescues his master.
Since the appeance of this play TheRomance of the Western Chamber in the thirteenth century, it hasenjoyed unparalleled popularity. The play has given rise toinnumerable sequels, parodies, and rewritings; it has influencedcountless later plays, short stories, and novels and has played acrucial role in the development of drama crilicism. The theme ofthe drama is an attack on feudal mores, supporting the longing ofyoung people in those days for freedom of marriage, although itfollows the timeworn pattern of a gifted scholar and a beautifullady falling in love at first sight. This book, with plain words,intends to help foreign readers understand the story and appreciateclassic Chinese opera.
《约翰-克利斯朵夫》是罗曼·罗兰的长篇小说代表作,通过约翰-克利斯朵夫一生经历去反映现实社会一系列矛盾冲突,宣扬人道主义和英雄主义。小说描写了约翰-克利斯朵夫奋斗的一生,从儿时音乐才能的觉醒,到青年时代对权贵的蔑视和反抗,再到成年后在事业上的追求和成功,最后达到精神宁静的崇高境界。1915年罗曼·罗兰凭借《约翰-克利斯朵夫》获诺贝尔文学奖。 此次收入“丛书”,特为中小学生课外阅读制作,书前配有“导读”,书后有“知识链接”,以给青少年朋友以必要阅读指引和知识积累。