本书通过发音和感知两种类型的实验研究了初级、中级、 三个阶段泰国留学生的单音节和双音节声调产出和感知特征。 一是探索了泰国留学生汉语声调习得中“洋腔洋调”的深层次心理认知方面原因,发现声调产出和感知的特征及规律。二是从泰语母语声调经验出发,通过实验量化了汉泰声调的相似度和对应关系,探讨不同阶段泰国留学生感知汉语普通话声调感知和产模型,发现了母语经验的作用机制。三是对声调感知与产出的关系进行深入探讨,考察了不同阶段的泰国留学生声调感知与产出(发音)有怎样的相关关系。四是建立了一个基于感知的汉语声调习得预测模型,用于预测留学生将在汉语声调学习中可能的难易点,同时指出感知训练在声 学中的重要意义。
本社专事外文图书的编辑出版,几十年来用英文翻译出版了大量的中国文学作品和文化典籍,上自先秦,下迄现当代,力求全面而准确地反映中国文学及中国文化的基本面貌和灿烂成就。这些英译图书均取自相关领域的、的作品,英译则出自外译界名家。每本图书的编选、翻译过程均极其审慎严肃,精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。 我们意识到,这些英译精晶,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。为此,我们对这些英译精品做了认真的遴选,编排成汉英对照的形式,陆续推出,以飨读者。
本书选编的教学案例,来自在非洲 中文教育一线的各个孔学院、孔课堂任教的教师。它们从某种意义上来说是“实例”,来自非洲一线课堂,从不同的角度展示了当前非洲各个 汉语教学课堂的面貌,展示了当时教师思考、解决问题的过程。这为学习者提供了非洲实际教学情境的观察角度,同时也提供了必要的学习、反思、决策的空间。这些案例 的特点也是真实,不仅仅是事件的真实,同时教师自发的对教学事件的分析亦未经雕琢, 是他们当时的想法。也许读者会看到这些案例中面临的教学问题并未 解决,但这无疑是另外一种意义上的客观。
This book deals with the 13-Step Taiji Exercise for Health and the Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness. The l 3-Step Taiji Exercise for Health is a simplified form of the 248-Step Taiji Internal-power Exercise for Health, This simplified approach uses fewer movements, and is thus well-suited to beginners. The ten forms of fitness-related Taijiquan, integrating meditation and exercise, were developed by Guan Yongnian on the basis of theTaiji Exercise Manuals written by Taiji master Zhao Zhongdao who lived to the age of 119. The Ten Movements of Taiji Roushu for Fitness is easy to learn and helps to boost energy and prevent illness.
本社专事外文图书的编辑出版,几十年来用英文翻译出版了大量的中国文学作品和文化典籍,上自先秦,下迄现当代,力求全面而准确地反映中国文学及中国文化的基本面貌和灿烂成就。这些英译图书均取自相关领域的、的作品,英译则出自国内外译界名家。每本图书的编选、翻译过程均极其审慎严肃,精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。 我们意识到,这些英译精晶,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对国内英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。为此,我们对这些英译精品做了认真的遴选,编排成汉英对照的形式,陆续推出,以飨读者。
The Chinese nation evolevd between two rivers,the Yellow and Yangtze,basins of wheat and rice,giving Chinese people characterstics of thrift and persistence,sirvival and an innate understanding of the forces of change which e with teh revolving seasons and ever harmonious cycles of naure.
The Chinese nation evolevd between two rivers,the Yellow and Yangtze,basins of wheat and rice,giving Chinese people characterstics of thrift and persistence,sirvival and an innate understanding of the forces of change which e with teh revolving seasons and ever harmonious cycles of naure.
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.
China is one of the earliest ancient civilizations in the world. Chinese civilization is the only ancient civilization in humanhistory without any interruption. This book outlines the developmenttrajectory of Chinese history, represents the demeanor andcharacteristics of Chinese civilization and interprets the secrecy ofthe continuity and rejuvenation of the densely populated ancientcivilization after several thousand years of vicissitudes.
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.
This book is not meant to be a general history of Tibet, nor a Tibetan adventureor folklore monograph. It focuses on the attempts being made today to solve the riddles and confusion surrounding Tibet, including contemplations, reflections, in-depth discussions, and plain narrations in a language of honesty and sincerity. It also expresses a feeling of fraternity towards Tibetan patriots and a longing for a beautiful tomorrow for Tibet. Careful readers may be inspired and moved by its content.