The statement that China is passing through an unprecedent-edrevolution has almost become a platitude, but its very obviousnessin no way diminishes its truth. The changes which this huge andvenerable country experienced in the past are negligible whencompared with the developments of the last decade. The reason forthis difference in degree-which amounts to a qualitative change-isthat developments in the past hardly influenced fundamentals, ifthey ever did so at all, whereas the present transformation deeplyaffects them. It is even consciously aimed at changing the socialstructure and all that this entails.
课程思政是高校贯彻立德树人育人理念的重要载体,来华留学生教育是我国高等院校人才培养的重要组成部分,推进课程思政建设,实施课程思政教学改革,同样是来华留学教育工作的一项重要内容。由于文化、习俗、法律、 信仰等方面的差异, 面向来华留学生的课程思政教育有其特殊性。本书主要围绕 中文教育课程思政中的重点、难点问题,展示 中文教育课程思政的典型案例,为 中文教育中课程思政的实施提供一定的参考和范式。本书收录了留学生 中文教育专业25篇课程思政案例,涵盖了初、中、高以及专业类、语言文化类等不同层次的各类课程。这些案例结合课程特点,确立课程的思政教学目标,深度挖掘提炼课程中所蕴含的思政元素,将教学目标、情感目标、价值目标结合起来,使思想价值 贯穿于教学过程的各个环节,具有较强的系统性和可操作性。本书
加标理论是理论语言学的前沿理论,是生成语法学派发展到 简方案理论阶段的奠基性理论,其对句法的新哲思吸引了学者们广泛的关注和探讨。 本书拟从加标理论的视角重新审视汉语中包括重动句、把字句、容量翻转句、存现句、上古汉语中的“者”“所”关系从句等语法现象,对“老问题”提出新思考,解决理论汉语学界中一些悬而未决的难题,从而推动汉语语法研究的发展,为对外汉语教学提供新视角,也为语言学与人工智能、神经科学之间的跨学科发展提供理论支撑。
语法教学,特别是作为第二语言的汉语语法的教学,涉及的问题大致分为两类:往上的一类关涉的是“教什么”的问题,往下的一类关涉的是“怎么学”的问题,语法教学体现教学语法的理论和思想,又直接影响语法习得的过程和效果,处于特别重要的地位,具有连接、贯通的作用。 《汉语语法教学二十讲》全书共 20 讲,分为 5辑,每辑4讲。5辑的内容虽然各自独立,事实上还是有内在的联系的:语法理论是研究的指导思想,建构新的教学语法体系是研究的 终目标,语法大纲是语法体系的直接体现,语法参考书是对语法大纲中某些语法项目的详细分析和解释,服务目标人群的研究宗旨体现在学习者语法习得效果的提高上。 本书既可供 中文教育一线汉语教师、研究者、 中文教育专业研究生和本科生研读,也可供汉语语法研究者及相关专业研究生参考。
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.
Yuan Longping, the renowned and respected Chinese scientist often taken for a farmer, has found the world a way out of famine. Unde-terred by the prevailing ignorance of heterosis in rice and other self-pollinating plants, he has dedicated himself to research into hybrid rice since the 1960s, and his feats have won him the accolade "father of hybrid rice" and earned him the honor of being made foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences Why is Yuan so obsessed by hybrid rice research? How did he manage with such simple conditions, scarce aterials, backward technol-ogy and insufficient information? What global impacts will Yuan and his team have? This book may give the answers.
中国是早发明养蚕、缫丝、织绸的国家。而用彩色丝线在丝织物上绣成图案的刺绣工艺.大约在公元前15世纪的商代就已出现。最早的刺绣工艺主要用于服饰,大约在公元10世纪的宋代,刺绣工艺逐渐向具有观赏性的艺术品方向发展,到明、清(1368—1911年)刺绣艺术成就显著,刺绣工艺形成了不同的艺术流派.苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣、湘绣名绣争奇斗艳。苏州地处太湖之滨,盛产蚕桑.中国经济文化重心从五代(907—960年)朝江南转移,“上有天堂,下有苏杭”的说法亦就是五代时期开始流传的。江南文化经济的繁荣促使苏绣技艺有了长足的进步,苏绣艺术独领风骚,影响深远。 的苏绣艺术又开创了一个大有作为的新天地。苏绣艺人对传统技艺进行挖掘,加以总结.提高,发展,使苏绣艺术既有传统的文化内涵,又有新时期的时代风貌.苏绣艺术已成为中国工艺美术园
Huang Hua just celebrated his 96th birthday. A graduate of Yenching University, he is a typical Chinese progressive intellectual of his time. In old China the suffering of the mon people and the pressing danger of losing the sovereignty of the entire nation led Huang Hua and millions of young people to join the struggle for China’s liberation. Huang Hua’s memoir is a book describing his more than 70 years of activities as a revolutionary and a diplomat. It reflects also many significant aspects of China’s modern political history. In his posts as ambassador and foreign minister he witnessed a great range of events in international relations and participated in the realization of the foreign policy of New China. As to the book’s style of writing, it is just like the character of the author-clear and straightforward, so it is easy to read and prehend.
This book is not meant to be a general history of Tibet, nor a Tibetan adventureor folklore monograph. It focuses on the attempts being made today to solve the riddles and confusion surrounding Tibet, including contemplations, reflections, in-depth discussions, and plain narrations in a language of honesty and sincerity. It also expresses a feeling of fraternity towards Tibetan patriots and a longing for a beautiful tomorrow for Tibet. Careful readers may be inspired and moved by its content.
《汉语听力教程》是为提高汉语初学者的听力理解能力而编写的一套训练方式针对性强、题量丰富、内容生动有趣、难易度适宜的听力教材,也是“对外汉语本科系列教材”中《汉语教程》(第3版)的配套教材。全套教程共分三册, 册侧重语音语调训练和汉语基础语法理解训练。 本教程分“学生用书”和“学习参考”两部分。 在“学习参考”里我们为大多数拼音练习加上了汉字,便于有这方面需求的学生自主学习。
语法教学,特别是作为第二语言的汉语语法的教学,涉及的问题大致分为两类:往上的一类关涉的是“教什么”的问题,往下的一类关涉的是“怎么学”的问题,语法教学体现教学语法的理论和思想,又直接影响语法习得的过程和效果,处于特别重要的地位,具有连接、贯通的作用。 《汉语语法教学二十讲》全书共 20 讲,分为 5辑,每辑4讲。5辑的内容虽然各自独立,事实上还是有内在的联系的:语法理论是研究的指导思想,建构新的教学语法体系是研究的 终目标,语法大纲是语法体系的直接体现,语法参考书是对语法大纲中某些语法项目的详细分析和解释,服务目标人群的研究宗旨体现在学习者语法习得效果的提高上。 本书既可供 中文教育一线汉语教师、研究者、 中文教育专业研究生和本科生研读,也可供汉语语法研究者及相关专业研究生参考。
《新实用汉语课本》是为海外成人汉语学习者编写的一套零起点综合汉语教材,是《实用汉语课本》系列的第二代产品。两代产品在 汉语教学界的影响已有30余年。本次修订后的第3版,主要围绕几个外国人在中国的生活及他们与中国朋友和教师的友情与交往,展开一系列贴近生活、有趣的故事。教材坚持以学习者“ 容易学”、教师“ 方便用”为宗旨,贯彻“结构—功能—文化相结合”的理念,力图通过语言结构、语言功能和相关文化知识的学习及听说读写技能训练,培养学习者汉语的综合运用能力,特别是跨文化交际的能力。本书为第3版 册《课本》的配套《综合练习册》(俄文注释)产品,包含了丰富的语音、词汇、句型和汉字练习及听说读写全面的技能训练。As the second generation of the?Practical Chinese Reader?series,?New Practical Chinese Reader?(NPCR) is a series of comprehens