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    • 室内软装设计与项目管理(中国高等院校十三五环境设计精品课程规划教材)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘斌//陈国俊//罗凌 /2019-08-01/ 中国青年
    • “室内软装设计与项目管理”是高等学校环境设计专业的专业必修课程,是环境设计专业重要课程组成部分。通过本课程的学习,是学生对室内软装设计,特别是软装设计的概念、发展、意义、实施和管理有一个系统、清晰的认识,并且通过室内软装设计理论学习和项目设计实践的解析,掌握软装设计的设计要素、设计流程、招投标流程、方案设计与文本制作,以及设计理念和要素选择、产品采购制作、项目管理与布场等内容的设计原则和实施方法,为软装项目操作和实施奠定扎实的基础。 本书本着实用、系统、详实、创新的原则,力求全面体现艺术设计类教材的特点,图文并茂,案例新颖,集理念性、知识性、实践指导性、启发性与创新性于一体。本书在传统理论教材模式的基础上有所突破, 加贴近学生的阅读习惯和学习特点,以培养学生的求知和专业项目

    • ¥34.4 ¥49.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Rustic Home (Intl)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Ralph Kylloe 著 /2011-09-01/ Disney
    • The Rustic Home explores the mythical and romantic Westthrough the architecture and artistry of its residents. It revealshow the romance, lore, passion, and history of rugged old cabins,settler shelters, and mountain shacks have influenced and shapedmodern Western architecture.

    • ¥129.5 折扣:5折
    • 室内软装设计与项目管理(中国高等院校十三五环境设计精品课程规划教材)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘斌//陈国俊//罗凌 /2019-08-01/ 中国青年
    • “室内软装设计与项目管理”是高等学校环境设计专业的专业必修课程,是环境设计专业重要课程组成部分。通过本课程的学习,是学生对室内软装设计,特别是软装设计的概念、发展、意义、实施和管理有一个系统、清晰的认识,并且通过室内软装设计理论学习和项目设计实践的解析,掌握软装设计的设计要素、设计流程、招投标流程、方案设计与文本制作,以及设计理念和要素选择、产品采购制作、项目管理与布场等内容的设计原则和实施方法,为软装项目操作和实施奠定扎实的基础。 本书本着实用、系统、详实、创新的原则,力求全面体现艺术设计类教材的特点,图文并茂,案例新颖,集理念性、知识性、实践指导性、启发性与创新性于一体。本书在传统理论教材模式的基础上有所突破, 加贴近学生的阅读习惯和学习特点,以培养学生的求知和专业项目

    • ¥34.51 ¥49.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Coffee Time
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Michelle Galindo 著 /2012-06-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Today it is no longer a matter of taste as to how and whichcoffee we drink, as it is even more important where we enjoy it. Amultitude of new cafés, coffee shops and coffee houses around theworld honor a centuries old tradition, setting thereby new designtrends. The task is to create communicative and inspiring locationsand spaces, which at the same time measure up to the functionaldemands. The design solutions are as varied as the concepts, thetransitions to lounge, club or restaurant are flowing. After aninformative introduction, Coffee Time presents current projectsthat show the exciting conceptual and stylistic breadth of cafédesigns today.

    • ¥202.2 折扣:6折
    • Modern Architecture
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Kenneth Frampton 著 /2013-06-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This acclaimed survey of modern architecture and its origins has become a classic since it first appeared in 1980. For this fourth edition Kenneth Frampton has added a major new chapter that explores the effects of globalization on architecture in recent years, the rise annd rise of the celebrity architect, and the way in which practices worldwide have addressed such issues as sustainability and habitat. The bibliography has also been updated and expanded, making this volume more complete and indispensable than ever.

    • ¥102.1 折扣:6.9折
    • 混凝土结构设计原理(第4版高校土木工程专业规划教材)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 编者:梁兴文//史庆轩 /2019-08-01/ 中国建筑工业
    • 本书为高等院校土木工程专业的学科基础课教材,内容包括概论、材料的基本性能、结构构件以概率理论为基础极限状态设计方法的基本原理,以及受弯构件、受压、拉构件、受扭构件、预应力混凝土构件的性能分析、设计计算和构造措施。 本书对混凝土结构构件的性能及分析有充分的论述,概念清楚;有明确的计算方法和详细的设计步骤,以及相当数量的计算例题,有利于理解结构构件的受力性能和具体的设计计算方法。每章有小结、思考题和习题等内容;文字通顺易懂,论述由浅入深,循序渐进,便于自学理解,巩固深入。书中还给出了部分专业术语的英文表述。 本书可作为高等院校土木工程专业的教材,也可供有关的设计、施工和科研人员使用。

    • ¥41.4 ¥59 折扣:7折
    • The Architectural Drawing Course
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Mo Zell 著 /2008-04-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This practical foundation course in architectural design offers key advice on the principles, practice and techniques of the subject. Dealing with much more than just the technical aspects of drawing, it introduces the reader to the visual language of architecture, encouraging them to think spatially and question the built environment. All architecture students, and anyone interested in the creative side of architecture, will find this book an invaluable tool and reference.

    • ¥139.4 折扣:6.9折
    • A History of Western Architecture
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • David Watkin 著 /2011-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • In this highly acclaimed reference work David Watkin tracesthe history of western architecture from the earliest times inMesopotamia and Egypt to the eclectic styles of the twenty-firstcentury. The author emphasizes the ongoing vitality of theClassical language of architecture, underlining the continuitybetween, say, the work of Ictinus in fifth-century BC Athens andthat of McKim, Mead and White in twentieth-century New York.Authoritative, comprehensive and highly illustrated, this fifthedition has been expanded to bring the story of westernarchitecture right up to date and includes a separate final chapteron twenty-first century developments, including computers andarchitecture, and sustainability and the environment.

    • ¥232.5 折扣:6.9折
    • 1000 New Designs 2(9781856696432)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Jennifer Hudson 著 /2010-04-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • 1000 New Designs 2 and Where to Find Them is acomprehensive round-up of the best in contemporary design.Featuring a huge range of striking new products, chapters include:Tables and chairs; Sofas and beds; Storage; Kitchens and bathrooms;Tableware; Textiles; Lighting; Electronics, and more. Works by the finest international talents, such as KonstantinGrcic, Tokujin Yoshioka, Ron Arad, Patricia Urquiola, and StephenBurks, are featured, along with commentaries giving an insight intocurrent developments in design and in-depth studies on selectedproducts.

    • ¥168.2 折扣:6.3折
    • Sustainability in Interior Design
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    • Sian Moxon 著 /2012-03-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The environmental impact of interior architecture and designpractice is immense. This book highlights the need for designers toadapt the way they work and relearn lessons that have been lost.Contrary to many preconceptions, sustainable design can besophisticated and stylish. And by its nature, a sustainableapproach means considering the whole life cycle of a project andtherefore improving the functionality, quality, human enjoymentand, in the long term, bringing real social and economic benefits.This book has examples, techniques, and historical and contemporarycase studies, all supported by useful resources and links. Acomprehensive reference book for anyone wanting to work in thisarea, Sian Moxon aims to introduce these ideas to design studentswhile they are formulating their understanding of the industry,encouraging and inspiring them with positive, creative andpractical alternatives.

    • ¥209.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Masterpieces: Villa Architecture + Design
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Manuela Roth 著 /2013-05-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The villa stands for sumptuous home decor and upscale lifestyle. However it is more than a large urban mansion with a piece of land: The villa offers its residents an urban country seat, combining the best of city and country life: impressive architecture and high quality materials, surrounded by green, yet in the midst of all the city has to offer. It esteems quiet and seclusion, without relinquishing its tie to the city. For architects involved in the planning or conversion of a mansion, reinterpreting a classical building in a contemporary context is an exciting challenge. With the aid of texts, pictures and plans this volume of the Masterpieces series presents the works of famous architects as well as those of younger newcomers.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Lorraine FarrellyRachael Brown 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The choice of materials is critical to the success of aninterior. This book examines every aspect of the the use ofmaterials in interior design, from initial concept and selection tovisual representation and practical application. Following a briefintroduction, the first five sections offer historical context anddetailed guidance on selection, application, representation,communication, and sources, while the sixth and final sectionfeatures case studies by international interior designers. The bookincludes useful step-by-step sequences, information on propertiesand sustainability, and a list of resources, online archives andsample libraries. It is an invaluable practical and inspirationalguide for interior design students.

    • ¥209.8 折扣:6.9折
    • Detail in Contemporary Retail Design(9781856697415)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Drew PlunkettOlga Reid 著 /2012-03-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Good retail design must attract and keep customers, support abrand or stores image, showcase the product, and work as afunctional shopping environment. This book features 44 of the bestrecent examples of retail design from around the world, andexamines the details within the larger decorative schemes. Mostretail interiors have a comparatively short life, and economicrealities influence choice of materials and methods ofconstruction; while these will mainly be necessarily modest, styleor a sense of luxury are effectively achieved by the creativeconsideration of detail. Projects range from specialist boutiquesto branded high street chain stores, from fashion retailers toeateries, and include de*ive text, colour photographs, floorplans, sections and construction and decorative details. A bonusCD-ROM contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in bothEPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    • Detailing For Landscape Architects: Function, Constructibili
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Thomas R. RyanEdward AllenPatrick J. Rand 编 /2011-01-01/ Wiley
    • The new industry standard on landscape architecturaldetailing Detailing for Landscape Architects takes the reader on aneducational journey across three major areas of landscapearchitectural detailing—aesthetics, function, andconstructibility—to demonstrate how powerful design patterns cantransform thematic ideas into awe-inspiring built realities. Richlyillustrated examples accompany concise discussions of a variedblend of landscape design/detailing issues such as water movement,soil environments, articulating structures and constructionassemblies, life cycle costing, sustainability, health and safety,and more. This book approaches the subject of detailing in asystematic manner, and provides a balanced framework for design andworkmanship that conveys the essence of the built landscape. Detailing for Landscape Architects shows how details can: Reinforce design ideas through the continuity and discontinuity ofpatterns Actively contribute to the overall form or geometry of thedesign Be designed to be dur

    • ¥506.5 折扣:6.9折
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • David PhillipsMegumi Yamashita 著 /2012-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture provides analysis of both the technical and the aesthetic importance of details in modern concrete architecture. Featuring the work of renowned architects from around the world, this book presents 49 of the most recently completed and influential concrete designs for both residential and commercial architecture. The projects are presented in clear and concise layouts over four pages. All of the drawings are styled consistently and presented at standard architectural scales to allow for easy comparison. Each project is presented with colour photographs, site plans and sections and elevations, as well as numerous construction details. There is also de*ive text, detailed captions and in-depth information for each project. A bonus CD-ROM contains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS and DWG (generic CAD) formats.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    • WOOD ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN 9783037681237
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Michelle Galindo 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Wood has always been a strong contributing factor in the creation of interesting architecture. Because of its special physical characteristics, its many possibilities of application and combination with other construction materials, since human beings began building houses, wood has been one of the main building materials. In addition, because of the increasing sensitivity for the protection of resources, the ecological potential of wood as a renewable raw material wood has gained in significance. To build with wood has been for years and is still a trend topic, this volume is a road tour of contemporary wood architecture. The many possibilities for use of this natural building material are shown with texts, photos, facts and drawings, as well as the innovative construction techniques which have extended these possibilities. The architectural species diversity ranges from energy efficient passive homes to wide span supporting structures, to multi-story productions halls.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    • Detail in Contemporary Glass Architecture(9781856697408)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Virginia McLeod 著 /2011-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Following the success of the earlier titles in this series,"Detail in Contemporary Glass Architecture" provides analysis ofboth the technical and the aesthetic importance of details inmodern glass architecture. Featuring the work of renownedarchitects from around the world, this book presents 50 of the mostrecently completed and influential glass designs for residential,public and commercial architecture. Each project is presented withcolour photographs, site plans and sections and elevations, as wellas numerous construction details. There is also a de*ive text,detailed captions and in-depth information for each project,including the location, client, architectural project team, mainconsultants and contractors. The projects are presented in clearand concise layouts over four pages. All of the drawings are styledin the same consistent way and presented at standard architecturalscales to allow for easy comparison. There is also a CD-ROM whichcontains all the drawings as printed in the book, in both EPS a

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6.9折
    • Total Office Design
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Kerstin ZumsteinHelen Parton 编 /2011-08-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Featuring 50 cutting-edge projects from around the world, thisinternational survey of workplace design is the ultimate resourcefor anyone creating the workplace of today or tomorrow. Abundantlyillustrated with plans and photographs throughout, the book isdivided into three colour-coded sections. Part 1 showcases low-costworkplaces created for small companies. Part 2 is a collection ofmedium-sized projects, all of which place a strong emphasis onenvironmental sensitivity and getting the most from a restrictedbudget. Part 3 is a selection of offices designed for largecompanies; here too the aim is to be as eco-friendly as possible,as well as to provide spaces that promote productivity, creativityand enhanced interaction between employees. The projects in eachsection are located across the globe. From Selgas Cano'ssemi-subterranean, tubular office in a forest near Madrid, to theliving skin of Harmonia 57 in Sao Paolo, each project proves thatour workplaces needn't be boring, expensive or harmful to theenvironme

    • ¥232.5 折扣:6.9折
    • New Paris Style
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Danielle Miller 编著,Richard Powers 摄 /2012-09-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This publication presents a fresh look into the privatedwellings of the most exciting creative talents in Parisindividuals from the music, fashion, design, film and art worlds.The 27 properties photographed exclusively for the book are looselyarranged by their location across the city's grooviest, on-the-edgearrondissements from the elevated bohemianism of the Left Bank tothe trendy Marais and the edgier Belleville and 13th and reflectthe cosmopolitan melting pot that influences Paris' design trends.Aimed at an urban audience who dream of revamping their city crashpads, or who want to inject glamour into their personal spaces,"New Paris Style" is packed with creative and inspiring ideas, forwherever you live.

    • ¥232.5 折扣:6.9折
    • BATH & SPA 9783037681312
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Sibylle Kramer 著 /2012-12-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The evolution from yesterdayss bathroom to todays wellnessoasis continues to open new frontiers. New spa areas as such canhardly be distinguished at first glance, and could as easily betaken for lounges, meditation rooms or even museums for modern art.Bath design will be increasingly marked by the identity of theuser. The deployment of new technologies and materials, thetreatment of light and color creates dream-worlds, in which it paysto immerse oneself. With its international selection of projects,Bath Spa represents the spectrum ranging from small andintimate baths to wide open spa landscapes, all with their owninvitation to immerse, relax and let go. With a multitude of designconcepts this volume presents the coming together of solid andfluid elements in architecture and interior design.

    • ¥419.5 折扣:6.9折
    • Alvar Aalto 阿尔瓦 阿尔托
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Markku Lahti 著 /2000-04-01/
    • To Alvar Aalto life, art, architecture, and creativity were inseparable from everyday work. When developing ideas or researching a design challenge he moved as easily in the world of natural sciences as he did in the world of art. This remarkable book celebrates the 1998 centenary of Alvar Aalto's birth. It is not the most comprehensive book on his work, but it is without question the most sumptuous and poetic. 23 projects from different decades are featured, ranging from private houses to public buildings. The text, written by Marku Lahtti, director of the Alvar Alto Museum, intelligently complements the photographic genius of Maija Holma, whose bold images capture the finest details of Aalto's structures and interiors. Works include Finland Hall, Helsinki; Art Museum, Aalborg, Denmark; Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki; House of Culture, Helsinki; Villa Mairea, Noormarkku; and Aalto's own house in Helsinki. Alvar Aalto - A Gentler Structure for Life is a visual feast and featur

    • ¥342 折扣:6折
    • Caf?! Best of Coffee Shop Design 9783037680452
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Braun 著 /2010-03-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • The design of coffee shops is increasingly on the move. Wherecafs have traditionally been viewed as places principally to enjoya coffee, they have evolved to show a broad range ofmultifunctional purposes and amenities: They can, for instance,exist as cozy lunch-time meeting spots before abruptly transforminginto vibrant late-night bars after sundown. Caf! Best of CoffeeShop Design shows the wide scope of different caf concepts,including coffee bars as integral parts of cutting-edgemultipurpose buildings, flagship stores and traditional shops witha contemporary twist. The 40 projects featured comprise anextensive variety of designs and styles, ranging from minimalist,strict and reduced, to opulent and extravagant.

    • ¥161.4 折扣:6折
    • 室内软装设计与项目管理(中国高等院校十三五环境设计精品课程规划教材)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 编者:刘斌//陈国俊//罗凌 /2019-08-01/ 中国青年
    • “室内软装设计与项目管理”是高等学校环境设计专业的专业必修课程,是环境设计专业重要课程组成部分。通过本课程的学习,是学生对室内软装设计,特别是软装设计的概念、发展、意义、实施和管理有一个系统、清晰的认识,并且通过室内软装设计理论学习和项目设计实践的解析,掌握软装设计的设计要素、设计流程、招投标流程、方案设计与文本制作,以及设计理念和要素选择、产品采购制作、项目管理与布场等内容的设计原则和实施方法,为软装项目操作和实施奠定扎实的基础。 本书本着实用、系统、详实、创新的原则,力求全面体现艺术设计类教材的特点,图文并茂,案例新颖,集理念性、知识性、实践指导性、启发性与创新性于一体。本书在传统理论教材模式的基础上有所突破, 加贴近学生的阅读习惯和学习特点,以培养学生的求知和专业项目

    • ¥34.4 ¥49.8 折扣:6.9折