书目信息 书号:9781596730519 装 帧:平装 作 者:Evan Moor Educational Publishers 页 数:144 语 言:English 出版社:Evan Moor Educational Publishers 开 本: 211 x 272 x 15mm | 363g 出版日期:01 Jun 2005 以上信息均为网络信息,仅供参考,具体以实物为准
Kaplan New GMAT Premier 2013 with 5 Computer Adaptive PracticeTests is the most comprehensive resource for the GMAT—including thenew Integrated Reasoning section. Kaplan New GMAT Premier 2013 with5 Computer Adaptive Practice Tests includes:* 6 Practice Tests (1in the book, 5 CAT tests online) * Detailed answer explanations*Integrated Reasoning strategies and practice questions* Includesfree iPad version For students who want to break 700—and nailIntegrated Reasoning—Kaplan New GMAT Premier 2013 with 5 ComputerAdaptive Practice Tests is the definitive resource.
If you need to know it, it’s in this book! Crackingthe AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam, 2012 Edition ,includes: ? A comprehensive glossary of key U.S.Government Politics terms ? An in-depth review of all AP U.S.Government Politics topics, including the institutionsof government, elections, political parties, interest groups,public policy, civil rights, constitutional underpinnings, andmore ? Useful techniques for cracking thefree-response section ? 2 full-length practice tests with detailedexplanations for each multiple-choice question, plus fullbreakdowns of how to tackle the free-response questionsand examples of "Excellent" essays for each ? Updated strategies that reflect the APtest scoring change
Kaplan GMAT 2014 Strategies, Practice, and Review with 2 Practice Tests, a streamlined alternative to Kaplan’s Premier title, covers all the essentials of the GMAT, including the new Integrated Reasoning section. This book features: * 2 practice tests (1 in the book and 1 CAT test online) * Proven test-taking strategies and complete explanations * Hundreds of additional practice questions * Integrated Reasoning strategies and practice questions For streamlined GMAT practice, Kaplan's GMAT 2014 Strategies, Practice, and Review with 2 Practice Tests is the definitive resource. Also available: GMAT Premier 2014 with 6 Practice Tests: book + online + DVD + mobile.