教程:本书是专门为1年级小朋友运用原版英语做数学练习的,为小朋友中高年级阶段数学做准备。 本书亮点: 1、先学后练 通过新加坡学习法训练思维 方式,系统学习基础知识。 2、基础练习 课程配套同步基础练习题,巩固 知识点,了解孩子的薄弱项。 3、建模数学 新加坡数学注重建模教学,化抽象为具体,让孩子轻松理解题目的含义记忆牢固,理解深刻。 4、答案详解 配备详细解题答案,让孩子更加清晰知道解题思路。 练习册:learn master系列专门用来巩固提高知识点,以简答题为主,单项训练配合。没有压力感的刷题模式,提高小朋友解题效率。 每个主题有3个练习部分: 1、认知概念 让小朋友认识数学概念,并对数学概念逐步理解。 2、理解问题 通过考试式的习题,强化所学的概念并深化它们。 3、拓展思维 拓展分析能力,思考能力解决更具有挑战性的问题
This is "must-have" information for all presidents-andcitizens-of the twenty-first century: Is Iran's nascent nuclearcapability a genuine threat to the West? Are biochemical weaponslikely to be developed by terrorists? Are there viable alternativesto fossil fuels that should be nurtured and supported by thegovernment? Should nuclear power be encouraged? Can global warmingbe stopped?
Featuring examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, this title includes interactive study tools thatprovide you with the material you need for exam success.
Chapter Openers Chapter Openers provide a motivating photo and application toshow students an example of the relevance of what they'll belearning in the chapter. Chapter Overviews A Chapter Overview begins each chapter to give students a senseof what they are going to learn. This overview provides a roadmapof the chapter as well as telling how the different topics in thechapter are connected under one big idea. It is always helpful forstudents to remember that mathematics isn't modular, butinterconnected, and that the different skills they are learningthroughout the course build on one another to help them understandmore complex concepts.
Featuring examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, this title includes interactive study tools thatprovide you with the material you need for exam success.
It's that bruiser of a term paper. Or maybe you're facing the writing tests on a college or grad school admissions exam and the personal essay for the school you really want to attend. Or it could be those business proposals for your boss. Whatever your writing needs, you know the importance of communicating with clarity and persuasiveness. This book provides the essential writing workshop that shows you that powerful writing is a process that can be learned -- step by step.