During the past decade there has been an explosion in computation and information technology. With it have come vast amounts of data in a variety of fields such as medicine, biology, finance, and marketing. The challenge of understanding these data has led to the development of new tools in the field of statistics, and spawned new areas such as data mining, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Many of these tools have common underpinnings but are often expressed with different terminology. This book describes the important ideas in these areas in a common conceptual framework. While the approach is statistical, the emphasis is on concepts rather than mathematics. Many examples are given, with a liberal use of color graphics. It is a valuable resource for statisticians and anyone interested in data mining in science or industry. The book's coverage is broad, from supervised learning (prediction) to unsupervised learning. The many topics include neural networks, support vector machines, classification trees a
Designed with the beginning journalism student in mind, this undergraduate textbook for fledgling reporters is a reference guide and an instructive text full of real-world examples and writing exercises. Conrad C. Fink, a longtime reporter and bureau chief with the Associated Press, leads intro journalism students through the basics of news writing, followed by analytical, interpretive, and opinion writing, including specialty coverage-sports, science, business, technology, and profiles. This text makes use of a wide range of real-world examples and uses a direct, minimalist writing style developed by the author in 45 years of experience in journalism and teaching. Chapters include exercises that introduce students to a writing opportunity or problem, reproduce a real-life example of how a seasoned journalist handled it, then discuss the point made. In this wise and highly usable text, Fink will ease the path toward becoming a better writer-giving students the tools they need to communicate clearly and effect
Offers surefire advice as well as 50 successful application essays from current students and recent graduates.
新加坡32年教龄资深数学老师编写,新加坡专业权威的新加坡少儿出版社出版,原版引进,这套书以新加坡小学数学大纲为基准,精心编写。本系列属于新加坡数学应用题专属版,将新加坡数学CPA模块思维的精髓完美融入书中,用模块画图的方式精讲例题,让学生举一反三,然后配套课后练习强化单元知识。本系列图书体系合理,由浅入深,设计科学。各个章节后是challengs挑战题型,是小奥数拔高题型。 做题同时详解小学数学中出现的常见英语词汇与句型。提高对数字的听力敏感度,学习数学公式及概念的地道英文表述。
新加坡32年教龄资深数学老师编写,新加坡专业权威的新加坡少儿出版社出版,原版引进,这套书以新加坡小学数学大纲为基准,精心编写。本系列属于新加坡数学应用题专属版,将新加坡数学CPA模块思维的精髓完美融入书中,用模块画图的方式精讲例题,让学生举一反三,然后配套课后练习强化单元知识。本系列图书体系合理,由浅入深,设计科学。各个章节后是challengs挑战题型,是小奥数拔高题型。 做题同时详解小学数学中出现的常见英语词汇与句型。提高对数字的听力敏感度,学习数学公式及概念的地道英文表述。
The aim of this monograph is to discuss several elliptic problems on Rn with two main features: they are variational and perturbative in nature, and standard tools of nonlinear analysis based on compactness arguments cannot be used in general. For these problems, a more specific approach that takes advantage of such a perturbative setting seems to be the most appropriate. The first part of the book is devoted to these abstract tools, which provide a unified frame for several applications, often considered different in nature.Such applications are discussed in the second part, and include semilinear ellipticproblems on Rn, bifurcation from the essential spectrum, the prescribed scalarcurvature problem, nonlinear SchrAdinger equations, and singularly perturbedelliptic problems in domains. These topics are presented in a systematic andunified way.
Featuring examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, this title includes interactive study tools thatprovide you with the material you need for exam success.
The P4 Study Text covers all the relevant ACCA P4 syllabustopics. It focuses on how to apply the knowledge and skills of asenior financial professional to make sound financial decisionsand/or recommendations for organisations. The material follows apractical, common sense approach and detailed case studies and reallife business examples throughout the text will help build yourunderstanding and reinforce learning. Key points are alsosummarised in chapter roundups. BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider ofACCA content. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, and our interactive study tools will provide youwith the up-to-date material you need for exam success.
An expanding series of short, specialist English courses for different professions, work skills, and industries.
The examiner-reviewed F5 Study Text covers all the relevantACCA F5 syllabus topics. It contains step-by-step guides toperformance management techniques such as limiting factor analysisand variance analysis. Exam formulae are highlighted and explainedand detailed examples throughout the text will help build yourunderstanding and reinforce learning. BPP Learning Media is the sole Platinum Approved provider of ACCAcontent. Our examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits and ourinteractive study tools will provide you withthe up-to-date material you need for exam success. BPP eBooks have a restricted print allowance of 15%, click herefor further information