作者伊丽莎白·吉尔伯特在小时候有个梦想:以为自己长大后会是儿女成群的妈妈。但在30岁以后,她才发现自己既不想要小孩,也不想要丈夫。 108个短篇象征了灵魂探索、自我发现之旅。作者在意大利、印度、印尼三个不同国度之间寻找自己——到意大利品尝美食,尽享感官的满足,在世上好的比萨与美酒的陪伴下,灵魂就此再生。在印度,与瑜伽士的接触,洗涤了她混乱的身心。巴厘岛上,她寻得了身心的平衡。在这一整年的追寻快乐与虔诚之间的平衡中,她终于发现:“拯救我的人,并非王子,而是我自己操控我,拯救我”。 ^_^:d2d7199c755a3c082a7f98c7837f7bc4
does eminem matter? On assignment for his first cover story for Rolling Stone, thevery first national cover story on Eminem, Anthony Bozza met ayoung blond kid, a rapper who would soon take the country by storm.But back in 1999, Eminem was just beginning to make waves amongsuburban white teenagers as his first single, “My Name Is,” wentinto heavy rotation on MTV. Who could have predicted that in a mere two years, Eminem wouldbecome the most reviled and controversial hip-hop figure ever? Orthat twelve months after that, Eminem would sit firmly at thepinnacle of American celebrity, a Grammy winner many times over andthe recipient of an Oscar. did eminem change or did america finally figure him out? Whatever You Say I Am attempts to answer this question and manymore. Since their first meeting, Bozza has been given a level ofaccess to Eminem that no other journalist has enjoyed. In WhateverYou Say I Am, original, never-before-published text from Bozza’sinterviews with Eminem a
There is a superstition that if an emptied theater is ever leftcompletely dark, a ghost will take up residence. To prevent this, asingle "ghost light" is left burning at center stage after theaudience and all of the actors and musicians have gone home. FrankRich's eloquent and moving boyhood memoir reveals how theateritself became a ghost light and a beacon of security for a childfinding his way in a tumultuous world. Rich grew up in the small-townish Washington,D.C., of the 1950s and early '60s, a place where conformity seemedthe key to happiness for a young boy who always felt different.When Rich was seven years old, his parents separated--at a timewhen divorce was still tantamount to scandal--and thereafter he andhis younger sister were labeled "children from a broken home."Bouncing from school to school and increasingly lonely, Rich becameterrified of the dark and the uncertainty of his future. But therewas one thing in his life that made him sublimely happy: theBroadway theater. Rich's parents w
In his #1 New York Times bestseller, Jack Welch surveys his brilliant career at General Electric, reveals his personal business philosophy, and discusses his life post-retirement in a new afterword. They called him Neutron Jack. They called him the world's toughest boss. And then Fortune called him 'The Manager of the Century.' In his 20-year career at the helm of General Electric, Jack Welch defied conventional wisdom and turned an aging behemoth of a corporation into a lean, mean engine of growth and corporate innovation. In this remarkable autobiography-a classic business book and runaway New York Times bestseller now updated with a new afterword-Jack Welch takes us on the rough-and-tumble ride that has been his remarkable life.
Marine General Tony Zinni was known as the "Warrior Diplomat"during his nearly forty years of service. As a soldier, hiscredentials were impeccable, whether leading troops in Vietnam,commanding hair-raising rescue operations in Somalia, or-asCommander-in-Chief of CENTCOM-directing strikes against Iraq and AlQaeda. But it was as a peacemaker that he made just as great amark-conducting dangerous troubleshooting missions all over Africa,Asia, and Europe; and then serving as Secretary of State ColinPowell's special envoy to the Middle East, before disagreementsover the 2003 Iraq War and its probable aftermath caused him toresign. This is his story-and that of his beloved Marine Corps-from thecauldron of Vietnam to the realities of the post-9/11 military, astold by none other than Tom Clancy.
At any given time, any number of the Royal Navy's 15 nuclearsubmarines lurk undetected in the world's oceans. Totallyself-sufficient for months at a time, they lie in readiness to bedeployed to listen, intercept, or attack wherever they may beneeded. And should the UK be devastated by a nuclear strike, theymight just be the last military force standing. Award-winningjournalist Danny Danziger has been allowed unprecedented access toone of the attack class submarines of the 'silent service', joiningthe crew on operations for weeks on end, living among them andhearing their stories. Unrestricted and uncompromising, it paints avivid picture of this enigmatic branch of our armed forces. In anincreasingly unstable world, these are the people who are in thebest position to keep us safe. It is time for the silent service tobe heard.
The epic life and times of one of the most important politicalfigures in our history. He was the Great Compromiser, a canny and colorful legislator andleader whose life mirrors the story of America from its foundinguntil the eve of the Civil War. Speaker of the House, senator,secretary of state, five-time presidential candidate, and idol tothe young Abraham Lincoln, Henry Clay is captured in full at lastin this rich and sweeping biography that vividly portrays all thedrama of his times. David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler present Clay in his earlyyears as a precocious, witty, and optimistic Virginia boy, raisedon a farm, who at the age of twenty transformed himself frombumpkin to attorney—a shrewd and sincere defender of the ordinaryman who would be his eventual political base. The authors revealClay’s tumultuous career in Washington, one that transformed thecapital and the country. Nicknamed “the Western Star,” Clay becamethe youngest Speaker of the House shortly before the War of 1812and tran
Celebrated Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson isthe director and editor of the Martin Luther King Papers Project;with thousands of King's essays, notes, letters, speeches, andsermons at his disposal, Carson has organized King's writings intoa posthumous autobiography. In an early student essay, Kingprophetically penned: "We cannot have an enlightened democracy withone great group living in ignorance.... We cannot have a nationorderly and sound with one group so ground down and thwarted thatit is almost forced into unsocial attitudes and crime." Suchstatements, made throughout King's career, are skillfully woventogether into a coherent narrative of the quest for social justice.The autobiography delves, for example, into the philosophicaltraining King received at Morehouse College, Crozer TheologicalSeminary, and Boston University, where he consolidated theteachings of Afro-American theologian Benjamin Mays with thephilosophies of Locke, Rousseau, Gandhi, and Thoreau. ThroughKing's voice, the
V. S. Naipaul is perhaps the most famous émigré writer sinceVladimir Nabokov, and though he always spoke and wrote English, hisself-imposed exile to England from his native Trinidad representeda cultural shift as profound as learning to think in anotherlanguage. In this moving, novel-like correspondence, we witness thegreat writer’s early transformation from an expatriate adrift to aworld-renowned man of letters. The letters collected here illuminate with unalloyed candor therelationship between a sacrificing father and his determined son asthey encourage each other to persevere with their writing. Forthough his father’s literary aspirations would go unrealized,Naipaul’s triumphant career would ultimately vindicate his belovedmentor’s legacy.