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    • 世界100座魅力城市100 Cities of the World
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    • Falko Brenner 著 /2007-01-01/ Parragon
    • This book will transport you to the greatest metropolises and the most beautiful cities around the globe--from Africa to Asia and "Down Under,"and from Europe to North and South America. Experience fascinating insights into the canyon-like streets of modern super-cities, or take a stroll through picturesque lanes all across the continents. These cities have so much to tell--about the greatest events in world history, and also the local stories that make up the life of a city, every single day.

    • ¥49.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Malay Phrasebook 3(ISBN=9781740594943)
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    • Lonely Planet 著 /2008-03-01/ Lonely Planet
    • Flat on your back on the hotel bed, you ponder the arrow onthe ceiling. Does it point past the minarets to the babbling pasarmalam, fragrant with fruit and loud with language? Will it lead youto the shadowy artists of wayang kulit, or to your guide throughunderwater paradise? Does it prophesy a meeting with orang-utans inthe unrivalled jungle beauty of Borneo? If you meet them, what onthis lonely planet will you say? Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience.

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Mongolian Phrasebook 2(ISBN=9781740591867)
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    • Alan J. K. Sanders 等著 /2008-03-01/ Lonely Planet
    • As the traveler at a neighboring table struggles with themenu, you're glad you came equipped with your phrasebook. Not onlydid you order your meal with ease, you're also sure of what'scoming. You smile as the waiter brings your dish and say en miniizakhialsan khool bish... Travel with confidence, using language asyour guide. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience.

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Farsi (Persian) Phrasebook 2(ISBN=9781741040609)
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    • Yavar Dehghani 著 /2008-11-01/ Lonely Planet
    • From mystics to musems, barbers to bazaars, and art toarchaeology, jump into the event with this phrasebook. Pack this phrasebook for: Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Farsiis also spoken by minorities in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Azerbaijan, and countries like Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait andelsewhere. * extensive food section * transliterations throughout for easy pronunciation * concise grammar section geared towards immediate and practicaluse * insider tips on culture and social etiquette * comprehensive two-way dictionary

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • East Timor Phrasebook 2(ISBN=9781741040548) 英文原版
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    • Lonely Planet 著 /2008-01-01/ Lonely Planet
    • A few words can take you a long way. These pocket-sizedlanguages guides--the most extensive two-way dictionary andculinary reader available in a phrasebook--are perfect fortravellers of all ages and budgets who want to interact with thelocals to maximize their travel experience. Each title in theseries features colour sections, a user-friendly sentence builder,an easy-to-follow pronunciation guide and over 2,500 essentialwords and phrases. Useful sections are divided into key areas,including food, health, accommodations and going out. Here is the most useful phrasebook for intrepid travellers drawnto East Timor's relatively untouched culture and environment. Thereis a new sustainable travel language chapter for the responsibletraveller.

    • ¥50 折扣:6.5折
    • Mandarin Phrasebook 6e 普通话
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    • 本社 编 /2006-09-01/
    • There's no need to lose face, forgo the Peking duck or miss the slow boat down the Yangtze. This phrasebook will prove more valuable on the road than a bicycle in Beijing. comprehensive food section; etiquette & cultural tips; easy-to-use pronunciation guide; sections include phrases for finding accommodation & for hitting the town; useful suggestions for health needs & emergencies; extensive two-way dictionary & user-friendly sentence builder; now with Pinyin.

    • ¥66 折扣:8.8折
    • ROME(ISBN=9789812688316) 英文原版
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    • 本社 编 /2010-05-01/ Insight Guides
    • This fully revised and updated Berlitz Pocket Guide is packedwith all the information you need to enjoy Rome, in a genuinelypocketable format. Places to go are explored within easy-to-use,colour-coded sections, so you can locate the information you needat a glance. The city's top attractions are conveniently identifiedto help you plan your trip and to ensure you see the mostspectacular architecture, parks, fountains and other unmissableattractions. The brand new 'Perfect Day' feature is designed tolink all the most exclusive experiences that won't fail to inspireyou, beginning with breakfast on the piazza and ending with drinksat a trendy bar, helping you to plan your ideal time in the'Eternal City'. From Ancient Rome and Centro Storico to theVatican, Monti and Esquilino, all areas are covered in depthalongside full-colour photographs that give a highly visualintroduction to the city. Full colour fold-out maps provide instantorientation wherever you are and include a plan of theMetro/Suburban Rail. For

    • ¥58.8 折扣:5.8折
    • Lao Phrasebook 3(ISBN=9781740594929)
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    • Lonely Planet 著 /2008-03-01/ Lonely Planet
    • Let language be your guide in the land of a million elephants!From the vital flow of the Mekong to the fertile Bolaven Plateau,words will be the life of your travels in Laos as you make thoseconversational connections. In the musical voice of this tonallanguage, you'll forever be singing the praises of Laos and itspeople. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience. Who We Are At Lonely Planet, we see our job as inspiring and enablingtravelers to connect with the world for their own benefit and forthe benefit of the world at large. What We Do We offer travelers the world's richest travel advice, informed bythe collective wisdom of over 350 Lonely Planet authors living in37 countries and fluent in 70 languages. We are relentless in finding the special, the unique and thedifferent for travellers wherever

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Hebrew Phrasebook 2(ISBN=9781740590792)
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    • Lonely Planet , Catherine Soanes 著 /2007-04-01/ Lonely Planet
    • With all the essential words and phrases travellers need,Lonely Planet's illustrated phrasebooks are an indispensabletravelling companion. Conveniently pocket-sized, each languageguide provides extensive vocabulary lists, a two-way dictionary andan easy-to-follow pronunciation key. Also included is culturalbackground and solid advice for challenging situations in remotelocations.

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Dutch Phrasebook 1(ISBN=9781741791808)
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    • Lonely Planet 著 /2009-12-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • A few words can take you a long way. These pocket-sizedlanguages guides--the most extensive two-way dictionary andculinary reader available in a phrasebook--are perfect fortravellers of all ages and budgets who want to interact with thelocals to maximize their travel experience. Each title in the series features colour sections, auser-friendly sentence builder, an easy-to-follow pronunciationguide and over 2,500 essential words and phrases. Useful sectionsare divided into key areas, including food, health, accommodationsand going out. This new phrasebook for a rapidly changing European favouriteprovides intuitive navigation for finding the right phrase in apinch.

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Indonesian Phrasebook 5(ISBN=9781740592970)
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    • Laszlo Wagner , Lonely Planet Phrasebooks 著 /2006-03-01/ Lonely Planet
    • Feel like a tasty plate of gado-gado , a visit to a ricepadi, or maybe a date with an orangutan? You'll need tocommunicate. With this phrasebook in hand, talk your way rightacross the vibrant Indonesian archipelago. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience.

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Middle East Phrasebook 1(ISBN=9781864502619)
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    • Lonely Planet 著 /2007-09-01/ Lonely Planet
    • A few words can take you a long way. These pocket-sizedlanguages guides--the most extensive two-way dictionary andculinary reader available in a phrasebook--are perfect fortravellers of all ages and budgets who want to interact with thelocals to maximize their travel experience. Each title in theseries features colour sections, a user-friendly sentence builder,an easy-to-follow pronunciation guide and comprehensive vocabularylists. Useful sections are divided into key areas, including food,health, accommodations and going out. Middle East Phrasebook covers five Arabics (Modern Standard,Egyptian, Gulf Levantine and Tunisian) as well as Farsi, Hebrew andTurkish. It is the only phrasebook to include a culture section andsustainable vocabulary for this increasingly popular region.

    • ¥61.1 折扣:6.5折
    • In The Land Of White Death(ISBN=9780679783619)
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    • Valerian Albanov 编,Alison Anderson 译 /2001-09-01/ Random House US
    • In 1912, six months after Robert Falcon Scott and four of hismen came to grief in Antarctica, a thirty-two-year-old Russiannavigator named Valerian Albanov embarked on an expedition thatwould prove even more disastrous. In search of new Arctic huntinggrounds, Albanov's ship, the Saint Anna, was frozen fast in thepack ice of the treacherous Kara Sea-a misfortune grievouslycompounded by an incompetent commander, the absence of crucialnautical charts, insufficient fuel, and inadequate provisions thatleft the crew weak and debilitated by scurvy. For nearly a year and a half, the twenty-five men and onewoman aboard the Saint Anna endured terrible hardships and dangeras the icebound ship drifted helplessly north. Convinced that theSaint Anna would never free herself from the ice, Albanov andthirteen crewmen left the ship in January 1914, hauling makeshiftsledges and kayaks behind them across the frozen sea, hoping toreach the distant coast of Franz Josef Land. With only a shockinglyinaccurate map to g

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Ancient Rome古罗马
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    • Duncan Hill 编 /2007-01-01/ Parragon
    • "l'he rise of Rome, from provincial settLement to imperial power,is an epic story that reads like fiction rather than fact. Fable does indeed pLay a part: RomuLus is said to have slain his twin brother Remus and founded the future city-state, both infants having survived abandonment on the banks of the Tiber thanks to the nurturing miLk of a she-woLf.When myth is stripped away, what remains is hardly Less extraordinary. Ancient Rome traces alL facets of one of the world's greatest civiLizations, from the Legends surrounding Rome's foundation to the strife that precipitated the Empire's collapse. It describes a remarkable imperiaL power that Left an indeLibLe mark on the Lands it occupied. The face of Europe today would be radically different were it not for the rich culturaL, technoLogicaL, linguistic, and administrative Legacy bequeathed it by the Romans.

    • ¥52.1 折扣:7.9折
    • Thai Phrasebook 6(ISBN=9781740597340)
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    • Bruce Evans 著 /2008-09-01/ Lonely Planet
    • If your handle on Thai extends no further than asking the chefto hold the chilli, then you need this guide. Wrap your tonguearound all those essential phrases and you'll be booking in andordering up before you know it. 3500-word two-way dictionary guide to pronunciation and phrase-building practicalities - buying the right train ticket and ordering theright beer the etiquette of smiles in the Land of Smiles

    • ¥50.1 折扣:6.5折