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Insightful and inspiring, Closing the Leadership Gap is a call to action to increase the presence of women in powerful leadership positions in our country-in politics as well as business. Marie C. Wilson, a leading women's advocate and founder of the White House Project argues that even as our nation sits on a world spinning with crises, we have barely begun to tap our most critical natural resource--women. Despite the common view that women already permeate every level of leadership, in fact: The United States ranks sixtieth in the world in terms of female political representation A study of Sunday-morning tall shows found that male guests outnumbered females 9 to 1 Women constitute 47 percent of the labor force in the United States yet lead only six Fortune 500 companies One out of every seven military personnel in Iraq are women, but only fifty women in the armed services Rich have reached the rank of admiral or general Rich with historical context and supported by a wealth of curr
It's not more money, bigger offices, better benefts, or flextime. Recent surveys reveal that the number one reason employees quit their jobs is that theydon't feel valued on a human level. Growing employment opportunities and the lure of Internet companies have brought this problem to near crisis level. Now, Dottie Gandy, a former regional director with the Franklin Covey Company, provides a simple, principle-based solution that will work to solve the problem in any business. In this clear, straightfoward book, she gives us a step-by-step plan that managers can implement immediately and which yields compelling results, including:
These quick reads, based on McGraw-Hill bestsellers, are designed to meet the needs of busy people. Titles in the series focus on each book's main themes and action ideas, reduced to a manageable page count for on-the-go readers. Specific strategies for understanding the 10 types of problem people and influencing them to adopt positive behaviors.
Your success in business depends on your ability to understand and improve "the numbers." Finance for Non-Financial Managers provides you with twenty-four plain-English lessons covering the basics of accounting, financial statements, and budgeting. Packed with tips and insights for reading a financial statement, measuring profitability, tracking cash flow, and more, this fingertip guide to the essentials of accounting will show you how to: Put numbers in context * Read and understand footnotes * Determine if inventory is too high * Ensure that sales are recorded properly * Use key ratios * Set realistic sales goals * Understand what an auditor does * Learn where to go for answers * Spot potential problem areas Before you can accurately assess a company's strengths and weaknesses, you must understand the language of finance. Finance for Non-Financial Managers will allow you to comprehend and speak that language by giving you a fundamental knowledge of where your organization's numbers come from, what t
The Last Partnerships narrates the rise and fall of the great financial houses--from the "Yankee Bankers" at the turn of the 19th century, up to Goldman Sachs's historic IPO in 1999-- tracing their origins, their successes and failures over the years, and the reasons for their ultimate demise.
These quick reads, based on McGraw-Hill bestsellers, are designed to meet the needs of busy people. Titles in the series focus on each book's main themes and action ideas, reduced to a manageable page count for on-the-go readers. Goal-focused, commonsense techniques for stimulating greater productivity in the workplace and fostering true commitment.
From setting goals and breaking them down into tasks to creating a manageable schedule and putting it into action, this user-friendly guide outlines proactive ways to focus on mission-critical tasks, eliminate or delegate non-priority projects, control interruptions, and avoid distractions. It is the essential guide to maximizing every manager's most valuable commodity. Key features Instructs readers how to: Set goals and focus on high-priority tasks Organise your space and save your time Use scheduling tools that really work for you Avoid distractions and control interruptions Delegate effectively Get more done in less time
THE MCGRAW-HILL EXECUTIVE MBA SERIES "Executive education is suddenly every CEO's favorite strategic weapon."--BusinessWeek Now repackaged in easily transportable paperback editions, these informative titles--written by frontline executive education professors and modeled after the programs of the nation's top business schools--will find new popularity with today's on-the-go, every-second-counts executive.
Six Sigma for Managers is a practical overview on how to implement Six Sigma practices in everyday business. Emphasizing straightforward explanations instead of complex charts and statistics, it shows managers how to map processes, measure smart, and follow other Six Sigma principles. 作者简介: GREG BRUE is president and CEO of Six Sigma Consultants,Inc.and has implemented Six Sigma methodologies for some of the world's most recognized companies.