[英文原版]The RoadLess Traveled 少有人走的路 基本信息 出版社: Holiday House;Intl edition; Export (1997年9月1日) 外文书名: 少有人走的路 平装: 320页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 068485015X 条形码: 9780684850153 商品尺寸: 2.2 x 10.8 x16.9 cm 商品重量: 150g 图书描述 这是一本震惊世界的名著,出版后虽未作任何宣传,但经人们口耳相传,迅速畅销起来,它曾在美国著名的《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜上连续上榜近二十年,创下了出版史上的一大奇迹。 这是一部罕见的心理学杰作,早在1983年,它便成为有口皆碑的超级畅销读物。作者灵活运用传统心理分析方法去解决人生的冲突和难题。它的有效和实用,产生了前所未有的轰动响应。 《出版者周刊》 本书处处透露出沟通与理解的意味,它跨越时代限制,帮助我们探索爱的本质,引导我
Now in paperback: The New York Times bestselling author andstar of A E’s reality series Big Spender, Larry Winget, cleansup America’s personal finance crisis More than 40 percent of families today are feeling financialpressure: spending more than they earn, and worrying about retiringand being dependent on the government, family, or charity. LarryWinget knows. He grew up poor, then made and lost a fortune when abusiness in which he’d invested went bankrupt. But he worked hisway back from rock bottom to become a multimillionaire. In You’re Broke Because You Want to Be, Winget expands on theideas that have made his popular television show Big Spender a hitand offers straightforward talk about coming to grips with yourfinances, such as: ? Feel bad. Have remorse. You need to feel deep emotion to takeaction. So start crying and take responsibility. ? Figure out who you owe and how much you owe. It’ll be a scarynumber to face, but you need to know where you are and what youh
What do Martha Stewart, genetically cloned sheep and the scandalous Piss Christ artist Andres Serrano have in common? They're all manifestations of "high tech/high touch," an unwieldy concept pulled from Naisbitt's bestselling 1982 Megatrends and here dusted off as a cautionary paradigm for the technologically addled 1990s. Written collaboratively with Naisbitt's daughter, Nana, with additional help from artist Douglas Philips, the book draws on Naisbitt's indefatigable research techniques to spot trends in newspapers, television shows, magazines and the Internet. Naisbitt is concerned with the conundrums that technology has presented to American culture. Children soak up violence from video games like Redneck Rampage, while the specter of eugenics looms over the burgeoning biotech industry. A final section lightens the cautionary tone of much of this book, delivering an eloquent survey of artists who are probing the ethical questions raised by evolving medical practices. Naisbitt sees Americans trapped in wh
In this remarkable New York Times bestseller, Joel Osteenoffers unique insights and encouragement that will help readersovercome every obstacle in their lives.
If you are a baby boomer nearing fifty and you haven't saved adime, don't panic. Charles Schwab, one of America's most trustedand respected names in financial services will help you takecontrol of your financial life.In You're Fifty -- Now What? hewalks even the most inexperienced person through the process ofinvesting money to prepare for tomorrow, while offering solidanswers to tough questions. He helps you figure out exactly whatyou'll need for your retirement, how to maximize the best earningand investing years of your life, and how to work out your wisestbalance of asset allocation by offering straightforward advice thatenables you to put your affairs in order and your mind at ease.
Business 2.0 magazine publishes an annual cover story called "The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business." Featuring 101 hilarious items about the year’s most unbelievably stupid business blunders, it’s hugely popular with its more than half a million print subscribers—and with the two million people who read it on the Web this year. In The Dumbest Moments in Business History, the editors of Business 2.0 have compiled the best of their first four annual issues plus great (or not so great, if you happen to be responsible) moments from the past. From New Coke to the Edsel, from Rosie magazine to Burger King’s "Herb the Nerd," the book’s highlights include: a Romanian car plant whose workers banded together to eliminate the company’s debt by donating sperm and giving the proceeds to their employer the Heidelberg Electric Belt, a sort of low-voltage jockstrap sold in 1900 to cure impotence, kidney disorders, insomnia, and many other complaints the time Beech-Nut sold "100% pure apple juice"
On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will end. Manysee it as an apocalyptic sign. But is it? In The Twelfth Insight, the long-awaited fourth book in thebeloved Celestine Series, we again follow our Hero and his closefriend Wil. They have just received a portion of another ancientand mysterious manu* that describes a secret approach tospirituality that is silently arriving in the second decade of the21st Century. But the manu* is only available in fragments. To understand its full meaning for mankind, our Hero and Wilbegin an urgent search to find the message in its entirety. As theyembrace the power of Synchronicity and begin their search, they areconfronted by powerful political forces and religious extremiststhat stand in the way of these spiritual revelations. Utilizing what he calls the "parable effect," and based on hisown sources, James Redfield explores the similarities anddifferences that exist among the world religions, revealing theessential
"This is a provocative, persuasive and important book. Eventhose who passionately disagree with its conclusions will come awayenriched and enlightened from the process of confronting itsarguments." —Michael Medved, Nationally Syndicated Talk Radio Host andColumnist, USA Today “In the 21st century 'stay-at-home mom' is neither a complimentnor an epithet, but the latest chapter in the ongoing stories ofwomen, marriage, and careers in America. Megan Basham's fascinatingstudy of women in the oldest and most challenging workplace ofall–the home--is the owner's manual for women and men who look uponmarriage as a genuine partnership, and the key to success.” —Philip Terzian, Literary Editor, The Weekly Standard “Megan Basham offers wise and eloquent counsel for those willingto ignore popular opinion as they pursue family happiness.” —Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief, World “Meghan Barsham’s book tells us three timely truths you will no
No Matter Where You Start, David Bach Can Help You Live andFinish Rich With his national bestsellers "Smart Women Finish Rich"and "Smart Couples Finish" "Rich," renowned financial advisor andeducator David Bach has taught millions of people of all ages andincomes how to take control of their financial future. His message,that the key to building wealth is "values first, stuff second,"has inspired people all over the world. Now, "The" "Finish RichWorkbook" gives couples and singles alike a new opportunity totailor his advice for their individual circumstances. Combining thedown-to-earth, jargon-free approach that has made him so popularwith the hands-on practicality of a workbook, this new addition tothe "Finish Rich" series is like having a one-on-one session withDavid Bach. You will learn how to: - Use the power of the LatteFactor(TM), David Bach's international recognized approach tobuilding wealth on a few dollars a day. - Apply the Debt FreeSolutionTM, a powerful way to reduce debt quickly and repa