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#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets. The great secret of our time is that there are still uncharted frontiers to explore and new inventions to create. In Zero to One , legendary entrepreneur and investor Peter Thiel shows how we can find singular ways to create those new things. Thiel begins with the contrarian premise that we live in an age of technological stagnation, even if we re too distracted by shiny mobile devices to notice. Information technology has improved rapidly, but there is no reason why progress should be limited to computers or Silicon Valley. Progress can be achieved in any industry or area of business. It comes from the most important skill that every leader must master: learning to think for yourself. Doing what someone else already knows how to do takes the world from 1 to n, adding more of something familiar. But when you do something new, you go from 0 to 1. The next Bill Gates will not build an operating system.
[英文原版]The Economic NaturalistbyRobertH.Frank 牛奶可乐经济学 牛奶可乐经济学-基本信息 书名:The EconomicNaturalist(牛奶可乐经济学) 出版日期:2008-04-03 ISBN:9780753513385 页码:256 装帧:平装 牛奶可乐经济学-内容提要 This book helps you discoverthesecrets behind hundreds of everyday enigmas. Why is there alightin your fridge but not in your freezer? Why do 24-hour shopsbotherhaving locks on their doors? Why did Kamikaze pilots wearhelmets?The answer is simple: economics. Economics doesn't justhappen inclassrooms or international banks. It is everywhere andinfluenceseverything we do and see, from the cinema screen to thestreets. Itcan even explain some of life's most intriguing enigmas.For years,economist Robert Frank has been encouraging his studentsto useeconomics to explain the strange situations they encounterineveryday life, from peculiar product design to the vagaries ofsexappeal. Now he shares
本书探索研究并解释了80余个世界上*重要的、有关贸易、商业和管理的理论和伟大构思,并提供一个极具吸引力的视角,用以洞察过去和当下的商业世界。 作为对商业主题下基本原理的完美导读,《商业手册》分析了历史↑部分*重要的商界里程碑的发展和从亨利 福特到史蒂夫 乔布斯等大师和业内领军智囊所使用的关键商业策略。 在书中,每一个有影响力的商业构思都通过时尚雅致的信息图表对其作出清晰简单的解释。本书中简单易懂的解释,逐步分解的思维导图,让下至学生和商业从业者,上至准企业家们的所有人都能理解贸易和商业世界。本书同时描述了一系列具有启发意义的商业构思和超过100句值得铭记的名言警句。 Exploring and explaining more than 80 of the world's most important theories and big ideas about trade, commerce, and management, this book offers a fascinating