This book is all about those moments when we "know" somethingwithout knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell. one of the world's mostoriginal thinkers, explores the phenomenon of the "blink", showinghow a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautiousdecision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll neverthink about thinking in the same way again....
The author of Simple Spells for Love returns with everythingthe curious reader needs to know about the art of casting spellsand crafting charms to increase prosperity, enhance creativeprocesses, attract investors and partners, increase businessopportunities, and find the right career.
劳伦斯S.里特、威廉L.西尔伯、格雷戈里F.尤德尔编著的《货币金融学原理(原书第12版)》根据读者的学习能力,遵循“必需、够用”的原则,对理论部分做了大量精简,力图使理论讲述言简意赅、脉络清晰,从而做到既通俗易懂又不失理论核心的完整性。 本书设计贴合实际,增加了次贷危机的介绍,另外还涉及中国的金融创新内容。本书形式新颖,在体例、结构、版式方面,做了一些尝试性创新,包括每章起始部分的内容概述,以及穿插在各章节兼具可读性、趣味性同时帮助学生加深理解的相关资料等。 《货币金融学原理(原书第12版)》适合高等院校经济类和管理类学科的本科生、研究生作为金融学的课程教材,也可作为金融初学者的阅读资料。