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    • WOLF OF WALL STREET, THE(ISBN=9780553384772)
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    • Jordan Belfort乔丹·贝尔福特) 著 /2008-08-01/ Random House US
    • By day he made thousands of dollars a minute. By night hespent it as fast as he could, on drugs, sex, and internationalglobe-trotting. From the binge that sank a 170-foot motor yacht,crashed a Gulfstream jet, and ran up a $700,000 hotel tab, to thewife and kids who waited for him at home, and the fast-talking,hard-partying young stockbrokers who called him king and did hisbidding, here, in his own inimitable words, is the story of theill-fated genius they called… In the 1990s Jordan Belfort, former kingpin of the notoriousinvestment firm Stratton Oakmont, became one of the most infamousnames in American finance: a brilliant, conniving stock-chopper wholed his merry mob on a wild ride out of the canyons of Wall Streetand into a massive office on Long Island. Now, in this astoundingand hilarious tell-all autobiography, Belfort narrates a story ofgreed, power, and excess no one could invent. Reputedly the prototype for the film Boiler Room, StrattonOakmont turned microcap investing into a wi

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Guerrilla Marketing, 4th edition(ISBN=9780618785919)
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    • Amy Levinson 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • When Guerrilla Marketing was first published in 1983, JayLevinson revolutionized marketing strategies for the small-businessowner with his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients. Basedon hundreds of solid ideas that really work, Levinson's philosophyhas given birth to a new way of learning about market share and howto gain it. In this completely updated and expanded fourth edition,Levinson offers a new arsenal of weaponry for small-businesssuccess including * strategies for marketing on the Internet(explaining when and precisely how to use it) * tips for using newtechnology, such as podcasting and automated marketing * programsfor targeting prospects and cultivating repeat and referralbusiness * management lessons in the age of telecommuting andfreelance employees Guerrilla Marketing is the entrepreneur'smarketing bible -- and the book every small-business owner shouldhave on his or her shelf.

    • ¥58.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Mathematician Plays The Stock Market(ISBN=9780465054817)
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    • John Allen Paulos 著 /2013-05-01/ Little Brown UK
    • From America's liveliest writer on mathematics, a witty andinsightful book on the stock market and the irrepressibility of ourdreams of wealth. In A Mathematician Plays the Stock Marketbest-selling author John Allen Paulos demonstrates what the toolsof mathematics can tell us about the vagaries of the stock market.Employing his trademark stories, vignettes, paradoxes, and puzzles(and even a film treatment), Paulos addresses every thinkingreader's curiosity about the market: Is it efficient? Is itrational? Is there anything to technical analysis, fundamentalanalysis, and other supposedly time-tested methods of pickingstocks? How can one quantify risk? What are the most common scams?What light do fractals, network theory, and common psychologicalfoibles shed on investor behavior? Are there any approaches toinvesting that truly outperform the major indexes? Can a deeperknowledge of mathematics help beat the odds? All of these questionsare explored with the engaging erudition that made Paulos's AMathematic

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    • Dave Kansas 著 /2005-12-01/ Random House US
    • Unravel the Mysteries of the Financial Markets—the Language,the Players, and the Strategies for Success Understanding money and investing has never been more importantthan it is today, as many of us are called upon to manage our ownretirement planning, college savings funds, and health-care costs.Up-to-date and expertly written, The Wall Street Journal CompleteMoney and Investing Guidebook provides investors with a simple—butnot simplistic—grounding in the world of finance. It breaks downthe basics of how money and investing work, explaining: ? What must-have information you need to invest in stocks, bonds,and mutual funds ? How to see through the inscrutable theories and arcane jargonof financial insiders and advisers ? What market players, investing strategies, and money andinvesting history you should know ? Why individual investors should pay attention to theeconomy Written in a clear, engaging style by Dave Kansas, one ofAmerica’s top business journalist

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    • Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing
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    • Peter LynchJohn Rothchild 著 /2007-12-01/ SCRIBNER
    • Mutual-fund superstar Peter Lynch and author John Rothchildexplain the basic principles of investing and business in a primerthat will enlighten and entertain anyone who is high-school age orolder. Many investors, including some with substantial portfolios, haveonly the sketchiest idea of how the stock market works. The reason,say Lynch and Rothchild, is that the basics of investing -- thefundamentals of our economic system and what they have to do withthe stock market -- aren't taught in school. At a time whenindividuals have to make important decisions about saving forcollege and 401(k) retirement funds, this failure to provide abasic education in investing can have tragic consequences. For those who know what to look for, investment opportunities areeverywhere. The average high-school student is familiar with Nike,Reebok, McDonald's, the Gap, and the Body Shop. Nearly everyteenager in America drinks Coke or Pepsi, but only a very few ownshares in either company or even understand how to buy them. Everystu

    • ¥66.8 折扣:5折
    • Untapped(ISBN=9780156033725) 英文原版
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    • John Ghazvinian 著 /2008-03-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Although Africa has long been known to be rich in oil,extracting it hadnt seemed worth the effort and risk untilrecently. But with the price of Middle Eastern crude oilskyrocketing and advancing technology making reserves easier totap, the region has become the scene of a competition between majorpowers that recalls the nineteenth-century scramble forcolonization there. But what does this giddy new oil boom meanforAmerica, for the world, for Africans themselves? John Ghazviniantraveled through twelve African countriesfrom Sudan to Congo toAngolatalking to warlords, industry executives, bandits, activists,priests, missionaries, oil-rig workers, scientists, and ordinarypeople whose lives have been transformednot necessarily for thebetterby the riches beneath their feet. The result is a high-octanenarrative that reveals the challenges, obstacles, reasons fordespair, and reasons for hope emerging from the worlds newestenergy hot spot.

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    • Essential Galbraith(ISBN=9780618119639)
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    • John Kenneth Galbraith 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • THE ESSENTIAL GALBRAITH includes key selections from the mostimportant works of John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the mostdistinguished writers of our time - from THE AFFLUENT SOCIETY, thegroundbreaking book in which he conined the tern "conventionalwisdom," to THE GREAT CRASH, an unsurpassed account of the eventsthat triggered America's worst economic crisis. Galbraith's newintroductions place the works in their historical moment and makeclear their enduring relevance for the new century. THE ESSENTIALGALBRAITH will delight old admirers and introduce one of our mostbeloved writers to a new generation of readers. It is also anindispensable resource for scholars and students of economics,history, and politics, offering unparalleled access to the seminalwritings of an extraordinary thinker.

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    • MONEY GAME(ISBN=9780394721033)
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    • Adam Smith 著 /1976-08-01/ Random House US
    • "This is a modern classic." —Paul A. Samuelson, First AmericanNobel Prize Winner in Economics "The best book there is about the stock market and all that goeswith it." — The New York Times Book Review "Anyone whose orientation is toward where the action is, where thehappenings happen, should buy a copy of The Money Game andread it with due diligence." — Book World " 'Adam Smith' is a veteran observer and commentator on the eventsand people of Wall Street.... His thorough knowledge of financialaffairs gives his observations a great degree of authenticity. Butthe joy of reading this book comes from his delightful sense ofhumor. He is a lively and ingeniously witty writer who never stoopsto acerbity. None of the solemn, sacred cows of Wall Street escapesdebunking." — Library Journal

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折
    • AFTERSHOCK(ISBN=9780307476333)
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    • Robert B. Reich 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Updated for paperback publication, Aftershock is a brilliantreading of the causes of our current economic crisis, with a planfor dealing with its challenging aftermath. When the nation’s economy foundered in 2008, blame was directedalmost universally at Wall Street bankers. But Robert B. Reich, oneof our most experienced and trusted voices on public policy,suggests another reason for the meltdown. Our real problem, heargues, lies in the increasing concentration of wealth in the handsof the richest Americans, while stagnant wages and rising costshave forced the middle class to go deep into debt. Reich’sthoughtful and detailed account of where we are headed over thenext decades—and how we can fix our economic system—is a practical,humane, and much-needed blueprint for restoring America’s economyand rebuilding our society.

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    • QUANTS, THE(ISBN=9780307453389)
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    • Scott Patterson 著 /2011-01-01/ Random House US
    • “Beware of geeks bearing formulas.” --Warren Buffett In March of 2006, the world’s richest men sipped champagne in anopulent New York hotel. They were preparing to compete in apoker tournament with million-dollar stakes, but those numbersmeant nothing to them. They were accustomed to riskingbillions. At the card table that night was Peter Muller, an eccentric,whip-smart whiz kid who’d studied theoretical mathematics atPrinceton and now managed a fabulously successful hedge fund calledPDT…when he wasn’t playing his keyboard for morning commuters onthe New York subway. With him was Ken Griffin, who as anundergraduate trading convertible bonds out of his Harvard dormroom had outsmarted the Wall Street pros and made money in one ofthe worst bear markets of all time. Now he was thetough-as-nails head of Citadel Investment Group, one of the mostpowerful money machines on earth. There too were Cliff Asness, thesharp-tongued, mercurial founder of the hedge fund AQR, a man asf

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • INVESTMENT BIKER(投资骑士)(ISBN=9780812968712)
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    • Jim Rogers 著 /2003-04-01/ Random House US
    • Legendary investor Jim Rogers gives us his view of the worldon a twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey in hisbestselling business/adventure book, Investment Biker, which hasalready sold more than 200,000 copies. Before you invest another dollar anywhere in the world(including the United States), read this book by the man Timemagazine calls “the Indiana Jones of finance.” Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded theQuantum Fund. Investment Biker is the fascinating story of Rogers’sglobal motorcycle journey/investing trip, with hardheaded advice onthe current state and future direction of international economiesthat will guide and inspire investors interested in foreignmarkets.

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need(ISBN=9780547447254)
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    • Andrew Tobias 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • For more than thirty years, The Only InvestmentGuide You’ll Ever Need has been a favorite finance guide,earning the allegiance of more than a million readers across theUnited States. Now even more indispensable, this completely revisedand updated edition will show readers how to use money to theirbest advantage in the wake of epochal change on Wall Street, nomatter how much or how little they may have.

    • ¥58.1 折扣:4.5折
    • GREATEST TRADE EVER, THE(ISBN=9780385529945)
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    • Gregory Zuckerman 著 /2010-12-01/ Random House US
    • In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something fewothers suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprimemortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, andhe knew little about real estate or how to wager againsthousing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street.But Paulson was convinced this was his chance to make his mark. Hejust wasn't sure how to do it. Colleagues at investment banksscoffed at him and investors dismissed him. Even prosskeptical about housing shied away from the complicated derivativeinvestments that Paulson was just learning about. But Paulsonand a handful of renegade investors such as Jeffrey Greene andMichael Burry began to bet heavily against risky mortgages andprecarious financial companies. Timing is everything, though.Initially, Paulson and the others lost tens of millions of dollarsas real estate and stocks continued to soar. Rather than back down,however, Paulson red

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • DEATH OF THE BANKER, THE(ISBN=9780375700378)
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    • Ron Chernow 著 /1997-07-01/ Random House US
    • For anyone interested in the world behind the business-pageheadlines, this is the book to read. --Publishers Weekly With the same breadth of vision and narrative élan he brought tohis monumental biographies of the great financiers, Ron Chernowexamines the forces that made dynasties like the Morgans, theWarburgs, and the Rothschilds the financial arbiters of the earlytwentieth century and then rendered them virtually obsolete by thecentury's end. As he traces the shifting balance of power among investors,borrowers, and bankers, Chernow evokes both the grand theater ofcapital and the personal dramas of its most fascinatingprotagonists. Here is Siegmund Warburg, who dropped a client in theheat of a takeover deal because the man wore monogrammed shirtcuffs, as well as the imperious J. P. Morgan, who, when faced witha federal antitrust suit, admonished Theodore Roosevelt to "sendyour man to my man and they can fix it up." And here are the menwho usurped their power, from the go-getters of the 1

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