The author of the national bestseller Making aDifference presents the indispensable characteristics everytwenty-first century leader needs. In A New Breed of Leader , Dr. Sheila MurrayBethel-global leadership expert, bestselling author, andaward-winning speaker-will show readers how to develop theessential qualities needed to become an effective leader: ? Competence-building purpose ? Accountability-fostering trust ? Openness-generating integrity ? Humility-inspiring authenticity ? Language-connecting relationships ? Values-forging community ? Perspective-establishing balance ? Power-mastering influence Filled with stories about and interviews with successful leaderssuch as golf legend Arnold Palmer; Andrea Young, CEO AvonCorporation; Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks; and David Neeleman, CEOJetBlue; this book offers valuable insights and teaches readers howto take advantage of the immediately usable action steps.
Jesus Built an Inspired Team. You Can, Too. Laurie Beth Jones has given hundreds of thousands of businessreaders insight into how the ideas of Jesus can be used to enhanceperformance. In Teach Your Team to Fish , Jones focuses onone of the most critical areas for anyone in business: teamwork.Leaders today face their greatest challenges not only in definingstrategies and getting updated information but also in gettingdiverse human beings to pull together without falling apart. Jesus is a role model for team leaders everywhere. Teach YourTeam to Fish offers dozens of stories from the Bible, showinghow Jesus managed his team of disciples and other followers, withsuggestions for how to apply these lessons to real-worldteambuilding and management problems. It offers guidance andinspiration on: ? How to excite your team members in order to motivate them ? How to ground them so they’ll be realistic about what can beachieved ? How to transform them into a truly well-functioning team ? How to release them int