From an award-winning New York Times reporter comes the full, mind-boggling story of the lies, crimes, and ineptitude behind the Enron scandal that imperiled a presidency, destroyed a marketplace, and changed Washington and Wall Street forever.
This volume captures the spirit of discovery that pervades"Great Groups". It describes the free-form organization of suchteams, more interested in their mission than their hierarchy. Theauthors discuss how "Great Groups" believe both that they'reunderdogs up against a powerful foe and that they're bound tosucceed. The book also illuminates the roles of a "Great Group"leader as a gatherer of talent, a source of inspiration and abridge to the outside world. Today, organizations require creativethinking from every member, not just a few. The world's complexityand pace mean that people can no longer rely on individual leadersand "Lone Rangers" to solve problems. Rather, people must learn towork together, to identify their own missions, to form their own"Great Groups". The stories and advice from the book show readershow. Warren Bennis is the author of "On Becoming a Leader","Leaders" and "Learning to Lead".