A withering exposé of the unethical practices that triggeredthe indictment and collapse of the legendary accounting firm. Arthur Andersen's conviction on obstruction of justice chargesrelated to the Enron debacle spelled the abrupt end of the88-year-old accounting firm. Until recently, the venerable firm hadbeen regarded as the accounting profession's conscience. In FinalAccounting, Barbara Ley Toffler, former Andersen partner-in-chargeof Andersen's Ethics Responsible Business Practicesconsulting services, reveals that the symptoms of Andersen's fataldisease were evident long before Enron. Drawing on her expertise asa social scientist and her experience as an Andersen insider,Toffler chronicles how a culture of arrogance and greed infectedher company and led to enormous lapses in judgment among her peers.Final Accounting exposes the slow deterioration of values that lednot only to Enron but also to the earlier financial scandals ofother Andersen clients, including Sunbeam and Waste Management,
Since the publication of its first English translation in1974, The Book of Five Rings has become an underground classic inthe American business community, where it is studied as a text onJapanese management techniques. Here are timeless principles ofcraft, skill, timing, and spirit from a great samurai warrior--plusbackground on Zen, Bushido, Heiho, and Musashi's life. Twocolor.
"One of the best leadership books of the year." -strategy+business Leadership is the art of transforming how people think, feel, andact. Though some experts make it seem complicated, it really hasonly two elements: what you say and what you do. And according toAlan Deutschman, most leaders focus too much on words and notnearly enough on setting an example. Deutschman profiles a wide range of leaders (in business,education, the military, and nonprofits) who always walked thewalk, especially when times got tough. In a skeptical world, thatgave them more credibility than even the best possiblespeeches. Deutschman also shows the devastating consequences of not walkingthe walk, even on seemingly minor matters. Consider how the CEOs ofGM and Chrysler hurt their chances of a government bailout byflying their private jets to Washington. The eye-opening examples in Walk the Walk will inspire leaders atall levels.
Persuasive people generate real value for their companies byturning ideas into action. But persuasion isn't easy: It takespractice, patience, and psychological savvy. That’s wherePersuading People comes in, by enabling you to: Build yourcredibility; adapt your pitch to your audience; win your listeners’minds and hearts; overcome resistance to your proposals; andleverage the forces that move people to embrace new ideas.
From the man the Wall Street Journal hailed as "theguru of Revenue Management" comes revolutionary ways to recoverfrom the after effects of downsizing and refocus your business ongrowth. Whatever happened to growth? In Revenue Management, RobertG. Cross answers this question with his ground-breaking approach torevitalizing businesses: focusing on the revenue side of the ledgerinstead of the cost side. The antithesis of slash-and-burn methodsthat left companies with empty profits and dissatisfiedstockholders, Revenue Management overturns conventionalthinking on marketing strategies and offers the key to initiatingand sustaining growth. Using case studies from a variety of industries, smallbusinesses, and nonprofit organizations, Cross describes no-tech,low-tech, and high-tech methods that managers can use to increaserevenue without increasing products or promotions; predict consumerbehavior; tap into new markets; and deliver products and servicesto customers effectively and efficiently
From the author of the acclaimed book Fierce Conversationscomes the antidote to some of the most wrongheaded practices ofbusiness today. ? “Provide anonymous feedback.” ? “Hire smart people.” ? “Hold people accountable.” These are all sound, business practices, right? Not so fast, saysleadership visionary and bestselling author Susan Scott. In fact,these mantras — despite being long-accepted and adopted by businessleaders everywhere — are completely wrongheaded. Worse, they arecosting companies billions of dollars, driving away valuableemployees and profitable customers, limiting performance, andstalling careers. Yet they are so deeply ingrained inorganizational cultures that no one has questioned them. Untilnow. In Fierce Leadership, Scott teaches us how to spot the worst“best” practices in our organizations using a technique she calls“squid eye”–the ability to see the “tells” or signs that we havefallen prey to disastrous behaviors by knowin
Prospecting for new customers is a key part of everysalesperson's job-and perhaps the most challenging part. Yourleads, your approach, your timing, everything needs to be perfect.That's why you need Perfect Phrases for Lead Generation by renownedsales guru Bill Brooks. He's assembled a winning collection ofproven sales strategies for the 21st century-each linked withappropriate phrases for every customer scenario. Using his surefireselection of targeted phrases, you'll learn how to: Identify the 25 types of clients-and customize your words to winthem over Master the 10 principles of direct prospecting-using the rightphrases to turn cold calls into cash Expand your customer base-and grow your sales-faster, bigger, andbetter Filled with hundreds of ready-to-use phrases, specific salespitches, new communication tools, and other networking secrets,this invaluable handbook puts all the tricks of trade at yourfingertips. 作者简介: Bill Brooks is CEO of The Brooks Group, on