HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Across Cultures (with featured article Cultural Intelligence by P. Christopher Earley and Elaine Mosakowski) (英语) 平装 内容简介 Put an end to miscommunication and inefficiency and tap into the strengths of your diverse team. If you read nothing else on managing across cultures, read these 10 articles. We ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business Review articles and selected the most important ones to help you manage culturally diverse employees, whether they re dispersed around the world or you re working with a multicultural team in a single location. This book will inspire you to: Develop your cultural intelligence Overcome conflict on a team where cultural norms differ Adopt a common language for more efficient communication Use the diverse perspectives of your employees to find new business opportunities Take varying cultural practices into account when resolving ethical issues Accommodate and
Unfolding the Napkin: The Hands-On Method for Solving Complex Problems with Simple Pictures 餐巾纸系列2:打开餐巾纸 餐巾纸沟通力之父 丹 罗姆经典畅销作品,开启视觉化思维狂潮! 《餐巾纸系列2:打开餐巾纸》教你在面对商务难题时打开 内心的眼睛 ,只要会画最简单的圆圈、方块和小人,就可以解决沟通中的一切难题。 《餐巾纸系列2:打开餐巾纸》告诉你,你所遇到的所有看似再复杂的难题都逃不出6种框架,只需要用6种图就能将所有难题轻松解决。 开始实践吧,几笔简单的手绘图,就能让你看待世界的方式从此焕然一新! 作者:丹 羅姆(Dan Roam) 出版社: Portfolio Trade; 1 (2009年12月29日) 外文書名: 打開餐巾紙(《餐巾紙的背面》之實用手冊) 平裝: 320頁 語種: 英語 ISBN: 1591843197 條形碼: 9781591843191 商品尺寸: 24.9 x 20.1 x 2.3 cm
贫穷只是缺钱?忙碌只是缺时间? 稀缺心态 才是一切稀缺的根源! 哈佛大学终身教授、 麦克阿瑟天才奖 获得者塞得希尔 穆来纳森和普林斯顿大学心理学教授埃尔德 沙菲尔强强联合之作,继诺贝尔经济学奖获得者丹尼尔 卡尼曼《思考,快与慢》之后的又一部行为经济学重磅新作,《金融时报》2013年***十佳商业图书。 Product details Paperback: 304 pages Author: Sendhil Mullainathan,Eldar Shafir Publisher: Penguin (4 Sept. 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 0141049197 ISBN-13: 9780141049199 Product Dimensions: 12.9 x 1.7 x 19.8 cm Sendhil Mullainathan, the 'most interesting young economist in the world', and Eldar Shafir, the 'most brilliant psychologist' of his generation, explain the hidden problem behind everything with Scarcity 在长期研究穷人和扶贫的过程中,塞德希尔 穆来纳森发现他和穷人的焦虑竟然类似:穷人缺钱,他
Praise for The Three Signs of a Miserable Job "This is a page-turner that unravels the mystery of job satisfaction for any manager. Whether you manage six or sixty thousand people, it is essential reading." —Trevor Fetter, president and CEO, Tenet Healthcare Corporation "In a sea of generic books on employee engagement and empowerment, Lencioni throws us a life preserver. His book is a masterful tale which I highly recommend to leaders and anyone else trying to build more personal satisfaction in their work." —Kevin D. Wilde, vice president, chief learning officer, General Mills, Inc. "Lencioni provides a powerful message to all who lead people, one that will produce exceptional loyalty and results. This simple book can make a huge difference." —Robert W. Savage, chief operating officer, Taco Bell Corporation "I love this clever and insightful book! It will remind any manager, at any level, why they became a manager in the first place." —Greg Cross, senior vice president, Hilton Hotels Corporat
Zeroing in on the specific skills that make great managers stand out from the pack, this comprehensive guide is both an essential primer for new managers and a valuable resource for seasoned executives. From hiring and retaining good people to motivating and developing team members, from understanding key financial statements to delegating work effectively, and from setting goals for others to managing your own career, this actionable guide walks readers through every aspect of managing in a complex business world. Filled with practical tools and tips, this essential toolkit will help managers to stay at the top of their game. The Harvard Business Essentials series is for managers at all levels but is especially relevant for new managers. It offers on-the-spot guidance, coaching, and tools on the most relevant topics in business. Each book includes the critical information that managers need on a given topic-from budgeting to hiring to communication to strategy-and offers interactive tools and worksheets
Bazerman and Watkins, faculty at the Harvard Business School, define predictable surprises as "an event or set of events that take an individual or group by surprise, despite prior awareness of all of the information necessary to anticipate the events and their consequences." They cite as examples the tragedy of 9/11 and Enron's collapse. Insisting theirs is not 20/20 hindsight, they explain how many disasters are preceded by clear warning signals that leaders miss or ignore. Characteristics of predictable surprises include when leaders know a problem exists and that problem does not solve itself and gets worse, the human tendency to maintain the status quo, and the reality of a small vocal minority (special interests) that benefit from inaction. Future predictable surprises include government subsidies, global warming, government's ignoring future financial obligations in medical costs and retirement commitments, and the large obligations airlines have in frequent flyer miles. This is an excellent book for l
“Long-term commitment to new learning and new philosophy is required of any management that seeks transformation。The timid and the fainthearted,and the people that expect quick results,are doomed to disappointment。” According to W。Edwards Deming,American companies require nothing less than a transformation of management style and of governmental relations with industry。 In Out of the Crisis,originally published in 1982, Deming offers a theory of management based on his famous 14 Points for Management。 Management's failure to plan for the future,he claims,brings about loss of market,which brings about loss of jobs。Management must be judged not only by the quarterly dividend, but by innovative plans to stay in business,protect investment,ensure future dividends,and provide more jobs through improved product and service。In simple, direct language,he explains the principles of management transformation and how to apply them。 Presents the assertion that Ame
The nonprofit sector is growing rapidly, creating a major need for expert advice on how to manage these organizations effectively. Management legend Peter Drucker provides excellent examples and explanations of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals, and much more. Interviews with nine experts also address key issues in this booming sector.
The systematic management of executive talent is a key strategic challenge for most large corporations. This is an emerging field and, consequently, there is a lack of consensus about what is involved and a variety of approaches have been adopted. In Developing Executive Talent Jonathan Smilansky, Ph.D. summarises the key activities and concerns of large businesses in the USA and Europe that are focused around the identification, development and effective utilisation of executive talent. In doing so, he provides even the most experienced Human Resource executive with a much broader array of inputs about what today's leading organizations are doing in this area. What quickly becomes clear is that even the best businesses are still developing their talent management processes. There are no 'right' answers and different organizations, with different levels of commitment, at different stages of development and in different environments produce different approaches. Developing Executive Talent is a ma
You never dreamed being the boss would be so hard. You'recaught in a web of conflicting expectations from subordinates, yoursupervisor, peers, and customers. You're not alone. As Linda Hill and Kent Lineback reveal in Beingthe Boss, becoming an effective manager is a painful, difficultjourney. It's trial and error, endless effort, and slowly acquiredpersonal insight. Many managers never complete the journey. Atbest, they just learn to get by. At worst, they become terriblebosses. This new book explains how to avoid that fate, by mastering threeimperatives: · Manage yourself: Learn that management isn't about gettingthings done yourself. It's about accomplishing things throughothers. · Manage a network: Understand how power and influence work inyour organization and build a network of mutually beneficialrelationships to navigate your company's complex politicalenvironment. · Manage a team: Forge a high-performing "we" out of all the "I"swho report to you. Packed wi