当他当选总统之后,我们才发现他早已是一个在美国亚马逊上排名前列的畅销书作家--尤其是他的几本商业类图书,比如Trump: How to Get Rich、Think Big 、Trump: the Art of Deal(交易的艺术)和Never Give Up (中文名:永不放弃)。 无论从政治、历史、传记,还是管理、商业的角度,你都应该了解美国新任总统特朗普的这些著作。其中 交易的艺术 被火速疯传是特朗普做一个个精彩谈判的方向,到底这本书有什么神奇之处能让川普成功登上元首宝座呢? Trump makes one believe for a moment in the American dream again. The New York Times Donald Trump is a deal maker. He is a deal maker the way lions are carnivores and water is wet. Chicago Tribune Fascinating . . . wholly absorbing . . . conveys Trump s larger-than-life demeanor so vibrantly that the reader s attention is instantly and fully claimed. Boston Herald A chatty, generous, chutzpa-filled
Most managers coach employees by giving them feedback and evaluating their performance, right? Wrong. Coaching differs markedly from other managerial functions. With its wealth of tips, worksheets, and self-assessments, this handy guide shows managers how to use coaching—not only to strengthen direct reports’ skills but also to rev up their performance to unprecedented levels. The books in this series offer immediate solutions to the challenges managers face every day. Each book is packed with handy tools, checklists, and real life examples, including a Test Yourself section to help identify strengths and weaknesses. For all readers eager to address the daily demands of work, these books are ideal.
Prospecting for new customers is a key part of everysalesperson's job-and perhaps the most challenging part. Yourleads, your approach, your timing, everything needs to be perfect.That's why you need Perfect Phrases for Lead Generation by renownedsales guru Bill Brooks. He's assembled a winning collection ofproven sales strategies for the 21st century-each linked withappropriate phrases for every customer scenario. Using his surefireselection of targeted phrases, you'll learn how to: Identify the 25 types of clients-and customize your words to winthem over Master the 10 principles of direct prospecting-using the rightphrases to turn cold calls into cash Expand your customer base-and grow your sales-faster, bigger, andbetter Filled with hundreds of ready-to-use phrases, specific salespitches, new communication tools, and other networking secrets,this invaluable handbook puts all the tricks of trade at yourfingertips. 作者简介: Bill Brooks is CEO of The Brooks Group, on
The motivations behind today's most successful leaders and entrepreneurs come to a simple yet decisive explanation: there are people who give, people who take, people who match, and people who fake. Our world is filled with these givers, takers, matchers and fakers. Amazingly, those who succeed (not only personally but for their clients and companies) don't take or match. They give. (Although they're not necessarily philanthropic.) GIVE AND TAKE presents the fascinating secrets to givers' success. The results are unequivocal: givers gain big. Jack Welch, Richard Branson, Jon Huntsman Sr. - all of them are givers. In a world in which so many takers such as Bernard Madoff and Raj Rajaratnam have ruined lives and reputations, this book will reassure readers that the real power lies in becoming a giver. Since the vast majority of people aren't born givers, Grant not only presents the case for why givers win, he also offers their hidden strategies for winning.
The latest addition to the bestselling Perfect Phrases series, Perfect Phrases for Managers and Supervisors is an indispensable tool for novice to mid-level managers and frontline supervisors. Corporate communications guru Meryl Runion coaches readers in the six fundamentals of effective delivery, including "Be Short, Specific, Targeted," and "Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, and Don't Be Mean When You Say It." And she arms them with: Hundreds of perfect phrases for every phase of management, from supervising operations, to performance reviews, to communicating the company's mission Expert advice on effective communication, with tips on what to say and what not to say, establishing the right tone, establishing authority, and more Phrases for hundreds of specific tasks, including delegating, giving feedback, empowering employees, handling emotional employees, disciplining, and terminating。
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork, and profits. Since Welch retired in 2001 as chairman and chief executive officer of GE, he has traveled the world, speaking to more than 250,000 people and answering their questions on dozens of wide-ranging topics. Inspired by his audiences and their hunger for straightforward guidance, Welch has written both a philosophical and pragmatic book, which is destined to become the bible of business for generations to come. It clearly lays out the answers to the most difficult questions people face both on and off the job. Welch's objective is to speak to people at every level of an organization, in companies large and small. His audience is everyone from line workers to MBAs, from
Your success in business depends on your ability to understand and improve "the numbers." Finance for Non-Financial Managers provides you with twenty-four plain-English lessons covering the basics of accounting, financial statements, and budgeting. Packed with tips and insights for reading a financial statement, measuring profitability, tracking cash flow, and more, this fingertip guide to the essentials of accounting will show you how to: Put numbers in context * Read and understand footnotes * Determine if inventory is too high * Ensure that sales are recorded properly * Use key ratios * Set realistic sales goals * Understand what an auditor does * Learn where to go for answers * Spot potential problem areas Before you can accurately assess a company's strengths and weaknesses, you must understand the language of finance. Finance for Non-Financial Managers will allow you to comprehend and speak that language by giving you a fundamental knowledge of where your organization's numbers come from, what t
Jack Welch became one of history's most admired and successful CEOs by rewriting the rules of leadership and letting hands-on, frontline employees--instead of bureaucrats --tell him what needed to be done. The Welch Way distills Welch's management style into a fast-moving, hard-hitting plan for leadership success, one that will help anyone reach the top in virtually any professional setting.
Managing your boss: Isn't that merely manipulation? Corporate cozying up? Not according to John Gabarro and John Kotter. In this handy guidebook, the authors contend that you manage your boss for a very good reason: to do your best on the job--and thereby benefit not only yourself but also your supervisor and your entire company. Your boss depends on you for cooperation, reliability, and honesty. And you depend on him or her for links to the rest of the organization, for setting priorities, and for obtaining critical resources. By managing your boss--clarifying your own and your supervisor's strengths, weaknesses, goals, work styles, and needs--you cultivate a relationship based on mutual respect and understanding. The result? A healthy, productive bond that enables you both to excel. Gabarro and Kotter provide valuable guidelines for building this essential relationship--including strategies for determining how your boss prefers to process information and make decisions, tips for communicating mutual expect
THE TIPPING POINT is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. Just as a single sick person can start an epidemic of the flu, so too can a small but precisely targeted push cause a fashion trend, the popularity of a new product, or a drop in the crime rate. This bestselling book, in which Malcolm Gladwell brilliantly illuminates the tipping point phenomenon, is already changing the way people throughout the world think about selling products and disseminating ideas.