我们应该支持素食主义吗?从 纯素食主义的演变 到 为什么今天要做素食主义? 书中研究了现在主流的以植物为基础的饮食的演变, 纯素食主义的挑战 调查了纯素生活方式的营养和误解,设想了素食主义的未来及其对地球的影响。 An insightful look at the arguments for and against universal adoption of a vegan diet and lifestyle. As concern grows over the environmental costs and ethical implications of intensive factory farming, an increasing number of people are embracing diets and lifestyles free from animal products. Should We All Be Vegan? gives a fluid and engaging account of the evolution of veganism. Over the course of four easily digestible chapters, food writer Molly Watson reveals the truth about veganism s impact on our health, the planet, and the global economy. Chapters like The Evolution of Veganism and Why Go Vegan Today? examine the development of veganism from the earliest meat-free human