Bringing Chicago circa 1893 to vivid life, Erik Larson'sspellbinding bestseller intertwines the true tale of two men--thebrilliant architect behind the legendary 1893 World's Fair,striving to secure America’s place in the world; and the cunningserial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death.Combining meticulous research with nail-biting storytelling, ErikLarson has crafted a narrative with all the wonder of newlydiscovered history and the thrills of the best fiction.
Get out! No matter what your age, MaryJane Butters walks youto the door and OUT you go. Wilderness ranger turned Idaho organicfarmer, MaryJane is a woman OUTSIDE . . . the norm. Drawing fromher own diverse background, she’ll show you exactly HOW to getoutdoors—and what to do once you’re there. Think and get inspired in her OUTTHINKING chapter. Head to yourporch, yard, or rooftop, using the innovative and easy suggestionsyou’ll find in OUTBOUND. Kick up a little sass with her ideas inOUTRIGGED, joining the ranks of “reel” women who go tramping(trailer camping), or wily huntresses who take the kind of “heartshots” that knock ‘em dead and into the freezer. In OUTSTEPPING,learn to load a backpack with her unique high-protein meal planthat won’t break the bank or your back. And throughout these pages you’ll encounter the inspirationalstories of OUTSPOKEN women who’ve blazed the trail and beyond. Bythe time you turn the last page, you’ll be going flat-OUT for allthe worl
When the struggle to save oil-soaked birds and restoreblackened beaches left him feeling frustrated and helpless, JohnFrancis decided to take a more fundamental and personal stand—hestopped using all forms of motorized transportation. Soon afterembarking on this quest that would span two decades and twocontinents, he took a vow of silence that endured for 17 years. Itbegan as a silent environmental protest, but as a youngAfrican-American man, walking across the country in the early1970s, his idea of "the environment" expanded beyond concern aboutpollution and loss of habitat to include how we humans treat eachother and how we can better communicate and work together tobenefit the earth. Through his silence and walking, he learned to listen, and alongthe way, earned college and graduate degrees in science andenvironmental studies. An amazing human-interest story with a vitalmessage, Planetwalker is also an engaging coming-of-agepilgrimage.
A fascinating look at some fascinating people who show howdemocracy advances hand in hand with crime in Japan.--MarioPuzo In this unorthodox chronicle of the rise of Japan, Inc., RobertWhiting, author of You Gotta Have Wa, gives us a fresh perspectiveon the economic miracle and near disaster that is modernJapan. Through the eyes of Nick Zappetti, a former GI, former blackmarketer, failed professional wrestler, bungling diamond thief whoturned himself into "the Mafia boss of Tokyo and the king ofRappongi," we meet the players and the losers in the high-stakesgame of postwar finance, politics, and criminal corruption in whichhe thrived. Here's the story of the Imperial Hotel diamond robbers,who attempted (and may have accomplished) the biggest heist inTokyo's history. Here is Rikidozan, the professional wrestler whoalmost single-handedly revived Japanese pride, but whose ownethnicity had to be kept secret. And here is the story of theintimate relationships shared by Japan's ruling party, itsf
“Parents will line up single file for [this] guide toManhattan’s private schools.”—The New York Observer “The information is on the mark and insightful. . . . Parentswill pass The Manhattan Family Guide to parents as gleefully asthey once passed notes in class.”—New York Magazine “A knowing look at those privileged places of learning.”—Town Country “Parents can turn to . . . objective and informative ManhattanFamily Guide to Private Schools, the first to cover subjects fromadmission to tuition, curriculum, and general atmosphere.”—AVENUEmagazine This guide, written by a parent for parents, is a perennialseller. Expanded and extensively revised in this sixth edition, itis the first, last, and only word for parents on choosing the bestprivate and selective public schools for children. Includinginformation on admissions procedures, programs, diversity, schoolsize, staff, tuition, and scholarships, this essential referenceguide lists over eighty elementary
The Ultimate Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the Dorm Dorm life offers you a great chance to meet new people and trynew things. But leaving the comforts of home for the first time toenter the roommate-having, small-room-sharing,possibly-coed-bathroom-using world of the dorms can be overwhelmingand intimidating. The College Dorm Survival Guide offers expert advice and theinside scoop on: ? Choosing the right residence hall for you ? Getting along with your roommate (and handling conflict) ? Bathroom, laundry, and dining hall survival ? Dealing with stress, depression, and safety issues From avoiding the dreaded Freshman 15 to decorating your space,this informative and funny guide gives experts' advice oneverything you need to know to enjoy dorm living to thefullest.
If there were a code you could learn that would enable you tobecome a wonderful teacher - of any young person in your life -wouldn't you want to learn it? The Essential 55 collects togetherthe amazingly effective rules that Ron Clark used to become anextraordinary - and award-winning - teacher. Through trial anderror, he has distilled fifty-five ideas that have helped himtransform apathetic students, in some of the most deprived andchallenging circumstances, into prize-winning scholars. Coveringall aspects of life - from the classroom to the world, from humaninteractions to cafeteria manners - Ron Clark shows that withdetermination, discipline and regular rewards, the children youstick by will be the children you eventually admire.