The pleasure of reading the Education," wrote Alfred Kazin,"is the pleasure of reading a work of literature made up,literally, from historical facts . . . It is the pleasure of seeinghistory come alive, of seeing it move, of seeing behind history tothe actions and actors. It is the pleasure of seeing revealed thehumanity so often concealed in history. His political ideals shaped by two presidentialancestors--great-grandfather John Adams and grandfather John QuincyAdams--Henry Adams was one of the most powerful and original mindsto confront the American scene from the Civil War to the FirstWorld War. Privately printed in 1907 and published to wide acclaimshortly after the author's death in 1918, Adams's Education is lessa memoir and more a work of brilliant history which charts thegreat transformation in nineteenth-century American intellectuallife. A work of profound lyricism, enormous humanity, andremarkable prescience, The Education of Henry Adams presents aworld poised between the certainties
Waris Dirie (the name means desert flower) lives a double life- by day she is a famous model and UN spokeswoman on women's rightsin Africa, at night she dreams of her native Somalia. Waris, one of12 children, was born into a traditional family of desert nomads inEast Africa. She remembers her early childhood as carefree- racingcamels and moving on with her family to the next grazing spot -until it came her turn to meet the old woman who administered theancient custom imposed on most Somalian girls: circumcision. Warissuffered this torture when she was just five years old. Then, aged12, when her father attempted to arrange a marriage with a 60 yearold stranger in exchange for five camels - she took flight. Afteran extraordinary escape through the dangerous desert she made herway to London and worked as a maid for the Somalian ambassadoruntil that family returned home. Penniless and speaking littleEnglish, she became a janitor in McDonalds where she was famouslydiscovered by a fashion photographer. Her s
Penis envy? P'shaw.From the bestselling author of How to Make Your Man Behave In 21Days or Less Using the Secrets of Professional Dog Trainers comes (ahem) The Clitourist , a witty and empowering guide tothe hottest spot on a woman's body. For something so important toso many, there is a shocking lack of information available on theclitoris. An intimate biography of a gal's best friend, TheClitourist boldly attempts to fill that void, educating andentertaining the reader on every level, from structure and functionto care and upkeep, not to mention handy dandy arousal methods. Andthough funny, The Clitourist is not afraid to tackle thereally tough questions like, if we can put a man on the moon, whynot on a woman's clitoris during intercourse? As revolutionary insubject matter as The Vagina Monologues , as frank as Sexand the City, The Clitourist is a celebration of the femalebody as well as just a plain hoot that women will delight in buyingfor themselves, their sisters, and their friends (and heck, m