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    • 预售 【中商原版】查令十字街84号 英文原版 84 Charing Cross Road Helene Hanff 海莲
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    • Helene Hanff海莲汉芙) /2002-10-03/ Virago Press Ltd
    • 北京遇上西雅图 不二情书 里面的传情书籍! 看完电影后,偷偷送他/她一本,让你示爱的方式也诗情画意起来! 全球爱书人之间的一个暗号 被称为 爱书人的圣经 《北京遇上西雅图之不二情书》电影原形 世界那么大,遇到你好难 在这个浮躁的时代,别说有人给你写信了 连好好听你说说心里话都难 总跟人保持着安全距离 把自己活成了仙人掌 扎伤了别人,其实自己更疼 当文学邂逅电影,诗意浪漫至极。 你想看的是爱情 它却还给了你整个人生 查令十字街 ,是伦敦无与伦比的旧书店一条街,是全世界爱书人的圣地; 查令十字街84号 ,是一本小书,是一叠悠悠20载的书信集。那书信的

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    • IRON CAGE, THE(ISBN=9780807003091) 英文原版
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    • Rashid Khalidi 著 /2007-09-01/
    • At a time when a lasting peace between the Palestinians andthe Israelis seems virtually unattainable, understanding the rootsof their conflict is an essential step in restoring hope to theregion. In The Iron Cage, Rashid Khalidi, one of the most respectedhistorians and political observers of the Middle East, homes in onPalestinian politics and history. By drawing on a wealth ofexperience and scholarship, Khalidi provides a lucid context forthe realities on the ground today, a context that has been, untilnow, notably lacking in our discourse. The story of the Palestinian search to establish a state beginsin the mandate period immediately following the breakup of theOttoman Empire, the era of British control, when fledgling Arabstates were established by the colonial powers with assurances ofeventual independence. Mandatory Palestine was a place of realpromise, with unusually high literacy rates and a relativelyadvanced economy. But the British had already begun to construct aniron cage to hem in t

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    • FOREVER WAR, THE(ISBN=9780307279446)
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    • Dexter Filkins 著 /2009-06-01/ Random House US
    • An instant classic of war reporting, The Forever War isthe definitive account of America's conflict with Islamicfundamentalism and a searing exploration of its human costs.Through the eyes of Filkins, a foreign correspondent for the NewYork Times, we witness the rise of the Taliban in the 1990s, theaftermath of the attack on New York on September 11th, and theAmerican wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Filkins is the only Americanjournalist to have reported on all these events, and hisexperiences are conveyed in a riveting narrative filled withunforgettable characters and astonishing scenes.

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    • YOU DON'T NEED/TITLE TO BE A(ISBN=9780385517478) 英文原版
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    • Mark Sanborn 著 /2006-09-01/ Random House US
    • In his inspiring new book, You Don’t Need a Title to Be aLeader , Mark Sanborn, the author of the national bestseller The Fred Factor , shows how each of us can be a leader in ourdaily lives and make a positive difference, whatever our title orposition. Through the stories of a number of unsung heroes, Sanbornreveals the keys each one of us can use to improve ourorganizations and enhance our careers. Genuine leadership – leadership with a “little l ”, as heputs it, is not conferred by a title, or limited to the executivesuite. Rather, it is shown through our everyday actions and the waywe influence the lives of those around us. Among the qualities thatgenuine leaders share: ? Acting with purpose rather than getting bogged down by mindlessactivity ? Caring about and listening to others ? Looking for ways to encourage the contributions and developmentof others rather than focusing solely on personalachievements ? Creating a legacy of accomplishment and contribution ineverything they do As reade

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    • Fellow Citizens(ISBN=9780143114536)
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    • Robert V. ReminiTerry Golway 编 /2008-08-01/ Penguin
    • The complete American presidential inaugural addressesfeaturing historical background by a National Book Awardwinner A testament to the power of oratory, this stirring and oftensurprising collection includes all fifty-five United Statespresidential inaugural addresses, as well as a general introductionand commentary that provides historical context for each speech.Marking pivotal moments in American history, readers willlearn: ? How George Washington came to ad-lib “So help me, God” at theend of his first inaugural address ? Why Thomas Jefferson’s first inaugural address is consideredone of the finest ever delivered ? The historical background behind Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Theonly thing we have to fear is fear itself” and John F. Kennedy’s “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what youcan do for your country.”

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    • FUTURE OF LIBERALISM, THE(ISBN=9780307386250) 英文原版
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    • Alan Wolfe 著 /2010-02-01/ Random House US
    • A compelling and deeply felt exploration and defense ofliberalism: what it actually is, why it is relevant today, and howit can help our society chart a forward course. The Future of Liberalism represents the culmination of fourdecades of thinking and writing about contemporary politics by AlanWolfe, one of America’s leading scholars, hailed by one critic as“one of liberalism’s last and most loyal sons.” Wolfe mines thebedrock of the liberal tradition, explaining how Immanuel Kant,John Stuart Mill, John Dewey, and other celebrated minds helpedshape liberalism’s central philosophy. Wolfe also examines thosewho have challenged liberalism since its inception, fromJean-Jacques Rousseau to modern conservatives, religiousfundamentalists, and evolutionary theorists such as RichardDawkins. Drawing on both the inspiration and insights of seminal workssuch as John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government, Adam Smith’sTheory of Moral Sentiments, Kant’s essay “What is Enlightenment?,”and Mil

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    • CRUDE WORLD(ISBN=9781400075454) 英文原版
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    • Peter Maass 著 /2010-08-01/ Random House US
    • The catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has broughtnew attention to the huge costs of our oil dependence. In thisstunning and revealing book, Peter Maass examines the social,political, and environmental impact of petroleum on the countriesthat produce it. Every unhappy oil-producing nation is unhappy in its own way, butall are touched by the “resource curse”—the power of oil toexacerbate existing problems and create new ones. Peter Maasspresents a vivid portrait of the troubled world oil has created.From Saudi Arabia to Equatorial Guinea, from Venezuela to Iraq, thestories of rebels, royalty, middlemen, environmentalists,indigenous activists, and CEOs—all deftly and sensitivelypresented—come together in this startling and essential account ofthe consequences of our addiction to oil.

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    • REAGAN'S WAR(ISBN=9780385722285) 英文原版
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    • Peter Schweizer 著 /2003-10-01/ Random House US
    • Reagan’s War is the story of Ronald Reagan’s personaland political journey as an anti-communist, from his early days asan actor to his years in the White House. Challenging popularmisconceptions of Reagan as an empty suit who played only a passiverole in the demise of the Soviet Union, Peter Schweizer detailsReagan’s decades-long battle against communism. Bringing to light previously secret information obtained fromarchives in the United States, Germany, Poland, Hungary, andRussia—including Reagan’s KGB file—Schweizer offers a compellingcase that Reagan personally mapped out and directed his war againstcommunism, often disagreeing with experts and advisers. Anessential book for understanding the Cold War, Reagan’s War should be read by open-minded readers across the politicalspectrum.

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    • PROMISES TO KEEP(ISBN=9780812976212)
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    • Joe Biden 编 /2008-08-01/ Random House US
    • “Nearly forty years after I first got involved, I remaincaptivated by the possibilities of politics and public service. Infact, I believe that my chosen profession is a noble calling.That’s why I wanted to be a part of it.” –Joe Biden As a United States senator from Delaware since 1973, Joe Biden hasbeen an intimate witness to the major events of the past fourdecades and a relentless actor in trying to shape recent Americanhistory. He has seen up close the tragic mistake of the VietnamWar, the Watergate and Iran-contra scandals, the fall of the BerlinWall, the reunification of Germany, the disintegration of theSoviet Union, the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, a presidentialimpeachment, a presidential resignation, and a presidentialelection decided by the Supreme Court. He’s observed Nixon, Ford,Carter, Reagan, Clinton, and two Bushes wrestling with thepresidency; he’s traveled to war zones in Europe, the Middle East,and Africa and seen firsthand the devastation of genocide. Heplayed a vital role

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    • SWEET LAND OF LIBERTY(ISBN=9780812970388) 英文原版
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    • Thomas J. Sugrue 编 /2009-10-01/ Random House US
    • Sweet Land of Liberty is Thomas J. Sugrue’s epicaccount of the abiding quest for racial equality in states fromIllinois to New York, and of how the intense northern strugglediffered from and was inspired by the fight down South. Sugrue’spanoramic view sweeps from the 1920s to the present–more thaneighty of the most decisive years in American history. He uncoversthe forgotten stories of battles to open up lunch counters,beaches, and movie theaters in the North; the untold history ofstruggles against Jim Crow schools in northern towns; the dramaticstory of racial conflict in northern cities and suburbs; and thelong and tangled histories of integration and black power. Filledwith unforgettable characters and riveting incidents, and makinguse of information and accounts both public and private, such asthe writings of obscure African American journalists and therecords of civil rights and black power groups, Sweet Land ofLiberty creates an indelible history.

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    • MIND OF WAR, THE(ISBN=9781588341785) 英文原版
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    • Grant Hammond 著 /2004-08-01/ Random House US
    • The ideas of US Air Force Colonel John Boyd have transformedAmerican military policy and practice. A first-rate fighter pilotand a self-taught scholar, he wrote the first manual on jet aerialcombat; spearheaded the design of both of the Air Force's premierfighters, the F-15 and the F-16; and shaped the tactics that savedlives during the Vietnam War and the strategies that won the GulfWar. Many of America's best-known military and political leadersconsulted Boyd on matters of technology, strategy, andtheory. In The Mind of War, Grant T. Hammond offers the first completeportrait of John Boyd, his groundbreaking ideas, and his enduringlegacy. Based on extensive interviews with Boyd and those who knewhim as well as on a close analysis of Boyd's briefings, thisintellectual biography brings the work of an extraordinary thinkerto a broader public.

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    • FIRST IN(ISBN=9780891418757)
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    • Gary Schroen 著 /2006-05-01/ Random House US
    • While America held its breath in the days immediatelyfollowing 9/11, a small but determined group of CIA agents covertlybegan to change history. This is the riveting first-person accountof the treacherous top-secret mission inside Afghanistan to set thestage for the defeat of the Taliban and launch the war onterror. As thrilling as any novel, First In is a uniquely intimate lookat a mission that began the U.S. retaliation against terrorism–andreclaimed the country of Afghanistan for its people. From the Hardcover edition.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折