Max Weber's best-known and most controversial work, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, first published in 1904, remains to this day a powerful and fascinating read. Weber's highly accessible style is just one of many reasons for his continuing popularity. The book contends that the Protestant ethic made possible and encouraged the development of capitalism in the West.
From distinguished moral philosopher Martha Nussbaum, this isa historical and conceptual study of the American tradition ofreligious freedom. In one of greatest triumphs of the colonial andRevolutionary periods, the founders of the future United Statesovercame religious intolerance in favour of a constitutional orderdedicated to fair treatment for people's deeply held conscientiousbeliefs. It granted equal liberty of conscience to all and took afirm stand against religious establishment. This respect forreligious difference, argues Martha Nussbaum, is the basis fordemocracy in America. Yet today there signs that this legacy ismisunderstood. The prominence of a particular type of Christianityin America's public life suggests the unequal worth of citizens whohold different religious beliefs or no beliefs. Other people,meanwhile, seek to curtail the influence of religion in public lifein a way that is itself unbalanced and unfair. Such partisanefforts, argues Nussbaum, violate the spirit of the AmericanCo
Featuring seminal work in the philosophies of mathematics and language, this comprehensive and assiduously edited collection also makes available his provocative and controversial views on religion and international relations.
Scattered over much of the world throughout most of theirhistory, are the Jews one people or many? How do they resemble andhow do they differ from Jews in other places and times? What havetheir relationships been to the cultures of their neighbors? Toaddress these and similar questions, some of the finest scholars ofour day have contributed their insights to Cultures of the Jews, awinner of the National Jewish Book Award upon its hardcoverpublication in 2002. Constructing their essays around specific cultural artifacts thatwere created in the period and locale under study, the contributorsdescribe the cultural interactions among different Jews–from rabbisand scholars to non-elite groups, including women–as well asbetween Jews and the surrounding non-Jewish world. What theyconclude is that although Jews have always had their own autonomoustraditions, Jewish identity cannot be considered the fixed productof either ancient ethnic or religious origins. Rather, it hasshifted and assumed new forms
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story ofDan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms ofromance and magic, light and darkness, body, mind, and spirit.Guided by a powerful old warrior named Socrates and tempted by anelusive, playful woman named Joy, Dan is led toward a finalconfrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Readers join Dan ashe learns to live as a peaceful warrior. This internationalbestseller conveys piercing truths and humorous wisdom, speakingdirectly to the universal quest for happiness.
For many years, Parker Palmer has worked on behalf of teachers and others who choose their vocations for reasons of the heart but may lose heart because of the troubled, sometimes toxic systems in which they work. Hundreds of thousands of readers have benefited from his approach in The Courage to Teach , which takes teachers on an inner journey toward reconnecting with themselves, their students, their colleagues, and their vocations, and reclaiming their passion for one of the most challenging and important of human endeavors.This book builds on a simple premise: good teaching cannot be reduced to technique but is rooted in the identity and integrity of the teacher. Good teaching takes myriad forms but good teachers share one trait: they are authentically present in the classroom, in community with their students and their subject. They possess 'a capacity for connectedness' and are able to weave a complex web of connections between themselves, their subjects, and their students, helping their student
The I Ching is the most ancient and profound of the Chineseclassics, venerated for over three thousand years as an oracle offortune, a guide to success, and a dispensary of wisdom. This newtranslation, with commentary by Confucius, emphasizes applyingpractical wisdom in everyday affairs. Complete instructions forconsulting the I Ching are included.
From ancient Palestine through Europe and Asia, to America andmodern Israel, Max I. Dimont shows how the saga of the Jews isinterwoven with the story of virtually every nation on earth.--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
In this provocative yet persuasive book, now in paperback, EricH. Cline uses the tools of his trade to examine some of the mostpuzzling mysteries from the Hebrew Bible and, in the process, tonarrate the history of ancient Israel. Combining academic with anaccessible style that has made him a favorite with readers andstudents alike, he lays out each mystery, evaluates all availableevidence—from established fact to arguable assumption tofar-fetched leap of faith—and proposes an explanation thatreconciles Scripture, science, and history. Numerous amateur archaeologists have sought some trace of Noah’sArk to meet only with failure. But, though no serious scholar wouldundertake such a literal search, many agree that the Flood was nomyth but the cultural memory of a real, catastrophic inundation,retold and reshaped over countless generations. Likewise, someexperts suggest that ’s storied victory at Jericho is thedistant echo of an earthquake instead of Israel’s sacred trumpets—afascinating, geological
Constructing their essays around specific cultural artifactsthat were created in the period and locale under study, thecontributors describe the cultural interactions among differentJews–from rabbis and scholars to non-elite groups, includingwomen–as well as between Jews and the surrounding non-Jewish world.What they conclude is that although Jews have always had their ownautonomous traditions, Jewish identity cannot be considered thefixed product of either ancient ethnic or religious origins.Rather, it has shifted and assumed new forms in response to thecultural environment in which the Jews have lived. Mediterranean Origins , the first volume in Cultures ofthe Jews , describes the concept of the “People” or “Nation” ofIsrael that emerges in the Hebrew Bible and the culture of theIsraelites in relation to that of neighboring Canaanite groups. Italso discusses Jewish cultures in Babylonia, in Palestine duringthe Greco-Roman and Byzantine periods, and in Arabia during theformative ye
Warriors of God is the rich and engaging account of the ThirdCrusade (1187-1192), a conflict that would shape world history forcenturies and which can still be felt in the Middle East andthroughout the world today. Acclaimed writer James Reston, Jr.,offers a gripping narrative of the epic battle that left Jerusalemin Muslim hands until the twentieth century, bringing an objectiveperspective to the gallantry, greed, and religious fervor thatfueled the bloody clash between Christians and Muslims. As he recounts this rousing story, Reston brings to life the twolegendary figures who led their armies against each other. Heoffers compelling portraits of Saladin, the wise and highlycultured leader who created a united empire, and Richard theLionheart, the romantic personification of chivalry who emergeshere in his full complexity and contradictions. From its rivetingscenes of blood-soaked battles to its pageant of fascinating,larger-than-life characters, Warriors of God is essential history,history that
After-death communications, or "ADCs, " occur when someone iscontacted spontaneously and directly by a deceasedfamily member or friend, without the help of any medium. Theauthors' research shows that these spiritual experiences offerhope, love, and comfort for thousands of people. Included are morethan 350 first-hand accounts of those whose lives have been changedand even protected by messages or signs from the deceased.
In this "rare book that combines searing passion . . . with asubject that has affected all of our lives" (Chicago Tribune), thenovelist and cultural critic James Carroll maps thetwo-thousand-year course of the Church's battle against Judaism andfaces the crisis of faith it has sparked in his own life as aCatholic. "Fascinating, brave and sometimes infuriating" (Time),this dark history is more than a chronicle of religion. It is thecentral tragedy of Western civilization, its fault lines reachingdeep into our culture. Drawing on his well-known talents as astoryteller and memoirist, Carroll has created "a deeply felt work,a book that measures the "sweep of history" against [his]experience as a man of the church" (San Francisco Chronicle). Acourageous and affecting reckoning with difficult truths that willtouch every reader, "CONSTANTINE'S SWORD is a history written tochange the way people live" (Talk).
These are passages that inform and transform: enjoy theirpoetry, study their wisdom, or use them for Easwaran's "PassageMeditation"."Timeless Wisdom", the companion volume to Easwaran's"Passage Meditation", is a rich collection of spiritual texts fromall the world's great traditions, selected by Easwaran for studyand for his method of meditation.Here are flashes of insight fromthe Hindu Upanishads; prayers of comfort from the Christian saints;psalms from the Old Testament; songs of praise from the Sufis; and,deep wisdom from the Buddhist and Taoist traditions. Some of thesepassages, such as the Prayer of St. Francis, the Buddha's "TwinVerses", and the Twenty-third Psalm, are familiar and well loved,others may be fresh discoveries - all are beautiful. Short texts,easy to read and memorize, are interspersed with longer ones, whichthe reader can study in depth." Passage Meditation", together withits companion volume, "Timeless Wisdom", are the first two books inNilgiri Press' "Essential Easwaran Library",