For more than sixty years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. With more than fifteen million copies sold, How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best known motivational books in history, with proven advice for achieving success in life. You ll learn: three fundamental techniques in handling people; six ways to make people like you; twelve ways to win people to you way of thinking; nine ways to change people without arousing resentment; and much, much more! ,
The story of the race to the North Pole is told throughmemoirs, letters, ships' logs, and diaries of Arctic explorers,documenting the motives, modes of travel, and remarkable men whoendured the extremes of physical hardship and grim competition,including Robert Peary, Richard Byrd, Fridtjof Nans
"Dr. Gundry has crafted a wise program with a powerful trackrecord.” –Mehmet Oz, M.D., professor and vice chair of surgery, NYPresbyterian/Columbia Medical Center Does losing weight and staying healthy feel like a battle? Well,it’s really a war. Your enemies are your own genes, backed bymillions of years of evolution, and the only way to win is tooutsmart them. Dr. Steven Gundry’s revolutionary book shares thehealth secrets other doctors won’t tell you: ? Why plants are “good” for you because they’re “bad” for you,and meat is “bad” because it’s “good” for you ? Why plateauing on this diet is actually a sign that you’re onthe right track ? Why artificial sweeteners have the same effects as sugar onyour health and your waistline ? Why taking antacids, statins, and drugs for high blood pressureand arthritis masks health issues instead of addressing them Along with the meal planner, 70 delicious recipes, andinspirational stories, Dr.
Between 1850 and 1900, Boston underwent a stunningmetamorphosis from an insulated New England town into one of theworld’s great metropolises—one that achieved worldwide prominencein politics, medicine, education, science, social activism,literature, commerce, and transportation. In A City So Grand, Stephen Puleo chronicles this remarkableperiod in Boston’s history. He takes readers through the ferocityof the abolitionist movement of the 1850s, the thirty-five-yearengineering and city-planning feat of the Back Bay project,Boston’s explosion in size through immigration and annexation, thedevastating Great Fire of 1872, and the glorious opening ofAmerica’s first subway station in 1897. This lively journey paintsa portrait of a half century of progress, leadership, andinfluence.
If you or someone you love has diabetes, you need thisup-to-date, accessible, and comprehensive guide. Written by twoexperienced physicians, this trusted reference, now completelyrevised, shares everything you need to know to keep yourself in thebest possible health. Discover ? the causes of diabetes–and how to prevent it and cure it ? the differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes ? ways to reduce the risk of long-term complications ? the pros and cons of the insulin pump ? the facts on how diabetes can affect pregnancy ? how to manage diabetes-related impotence ? the proper diet, even when dining out and traveling ? alternative therapies and medical advances Addressing hundreds of patient concerns, this essential guide willhelp you deal constructively with virtually every challenge adiabetic may encounter, so that you can live a full, productive,and meaningful life.
Cheap booze. Flying ?eshpots. Lack of sleep. Endless spin.Lying pols. Just a few of the snares lying in wait for the reporters whocovered the 1972 presidential election. Traveling with the presspack from the June primaries to the big night in November, RollingStone reporter Timothy Crouse hopscotched the country with both theNixon and McGovern campaigns and witnessed the birth of moderncampaign journalism. The Boys on the Bus is the raucous story ofhow American news got to be what it is today. With its verve, wit,and psychological acumen, it is a classic of Americanreporting.
Larry Ellison started the high-flying tech company Oracle with $1,200 in 1977 and turned it into a billion-dollar Silicon Valley giant. If Bill Gates is the tech world's nerd king, Ellison is its Warren Beatty: racing yachts, buying jets, and romancing beautiful women. His rise to fame and fortune is a tale of entrepreneurial brilliance, ruthless tactics, and a constant stream of half-truths and outright fabrications for which the man and his company are notorious. Investigative reporter Mike Wilson, with access to Ellison himself and more than 125 of his friends, enemies, and former Oracle employees, has created an eye-opening, utterly fascinating portrayal of a Silicon Valley success story ... filled with the stuff that dreams and cultural icons are made of.
Ex-cop turned #1 New York Times bestselling writer JosephWambaugh forged a new kind of literature with his great earlypolice procedurals. Here in his classic debut novel, Wambaughpresents a stunning, raw, and unforgettable depiction of lifebehind the thin blue line. In a class of new police recruits, Augustus Plebesly is fast andscared. Roy Fehler is full of ideals. And Serge Duran is anex-marine running away from his Chicano childhood. In a few weeksthey'll put on the blue uniform of the LAPD. In months they'll knowhow to interpret the mad babble of the car radio, smell danger,trap a drug dealer, hide a secret, and-most of all-live with theunderstanding that cops are different from everyone else. But forthese men, these new centurions, time is an enemy. The year is1960. The streets are burning with rage. And before they can growold on this job, they'll have to fight for their lives...
Facing down mercenaries in Africa, Jason Bourne witnesses thedeath of an art dealer named Tracy Atherton. Her killing dredges upsnatches of Bourne's impaired memory, in particular the murder of ayoung woman on Bali who entrusted him with a strangely engravedring??-an artifact of such powerful significance that people havekilled to obtain it. Now he's determined to find the ring's ownerand purpose. But Bourne never knows what terrible acts he'lldiscover he committed when he digs into the past. The trail will lead him through layers of conspiracy to a viciousRussian mercenary, Leonid Arkadin, who was also a graduate of theCentral Intelligence training program Treadstone. A covert coursedesigned to create ruthless assassins for C.I., it was shuttered byCongress for corruption. Yet before it was dismantled, it producedBourne and Arkadin, giving them equal skills, equal force, andequal cunning. As Bourne's destiny circles closer to Arkadin's, it becomes clearthat the eventual collision of these
An analysis of the nature, causes, and significance of violencein the second half of the twentieth century. Arendt also reexaminesthe relationship between war, politics, violence, and power."Incisive, deeply probing, written with clarity and grace, itprovides an ideal framework for understanding the turbulence of ourtimes"(Nation). Index.
“I like the surprise of the curtain going up, revealing what’sbehind it.” –John Schlesinger The British director John Schlesinger was one of the cinema’smost dynamic and influential artists. Now, in Conversations withJohn Schlesinger, acclaimed writer Ian Buruma, Schlesinger’snephew, reveals the director’s private world in a series ofin-depth interviews conducted in the later years of the director’slife. Here they discuss the impact of Schlesinger’s personal life on hisart. As his films so readily demonstrate, Schlesinger is awonderful storyteller, and he serves up fascinating and provocativerecollections of growing up in a Jewish family during World War II,his sexual coming-of-age as a gay man in conformist 1950s England,his emergence as an artist in the “Swinging 60s,” and theroller-coaster ride of his career as one of the most prominentHollywood directors of his time. Schlesinger also discusses his artistic philosophy and approach tofilmmaking, recounting stories from the sets of hi
Studies show that patients who contribute to their owntreatment and recovery fare better in rehabilitation.Tailoring theconcept for those suffering from joint pain, orthopedicpsychologist Kate O'Shea draws from her patients and her owncongenital hip orblems (she has four major surgeries by the timeshe was thirteen) to describe a program for caring for theemotional and physical body while healing joint pain or aftersurgery. Conventional medical care, thouch technologicallysophisticated, often ignores the humanity of individuals--patientsare on their own once they are home. Healing Hip, Joint and KneePain offers exercises, breathing techniques, visualization andwriting suggestions for becoming aware emotionally and forenhancing awareness of the healing joint. Drawing from Rosen work,Feldenkrais, Eutony, and orthopedic psychologym O'Shea provides thereader with inviting methods to hasten healing.
This short time is all it takes to master the 38 simpleexercises in this book. You will quickly grasp the ancientYoga secrets of breathing, concentration, nutrition andmuscle control -- in just minutes of your spare time andwithout any discomfort. Day by day you will noticeastonishing results -- loss of weight, greater firmness,more energy, relief from pain, freedom from stress andan overall feeling of youthfulness and well-being. This Yoga regimen will become a lifetime program to keep yourwhole organism radiant with a natural beauty andhealth. This Yoga regimen will become a lifetime program to keepyour whole organsim radiant with natural beauty andhealth!
The rise and decline of witchcraft around the world, as seen through the perceptive eyes of an anthropologist and historian well-acquainted with traditional Basque and Spanish folklore--which inspired this fascinating, macabre, and chilling book. Beginning with an analysis of the basic mentality of those who have believed in or practiced the magic arts, and covering witchcraft's startling rise throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, it launches into an absorbing and original study that upsets many of the popular notions about the nature and history of the subject. Includes much enthralling material from art, literature, and ecclesiastical and legal documents, as well as discerning psychological studies of witches and their accusers.
A clear and practical guide...I recommend it highly. --Christiane Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women'sWisdom "Dr. Murray is...a champion of natural medicine who has much toteach psychiatry about relieving mental suffering." --Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D., bestselling author of HealingAnxiety with Herbs and Hypericum (St. John's Wort) andDepression "Explains why 5-HTP, a natural substance, is as powerful atreatment as the latest wonder drugs--and yet is so much safer itdoesn't need a pre*ion! This is an important book that willbring blessed relief to many people." --Melvyn R. Werbach, M.D., author of Nutritional Influences onMental Illness; Assistant Clinical Professor, Department ofPsychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles "Again Dr. Murray is on target, this time teaching us thepertinent facts and the importance of serotonin and its precursor,5-HTP.... An important book for all who desire a healthier, longer,and more fruitful life." --James
For the student who has already mastered the basic postures,this book addresses itself to the philosophy behind the system ofmovements and to all the variations possible.