我们应该支持素食主义吗?从 纯素食主义的演变 到 为什么今天要做素食主义? 书中研究了现在主流的以植物为基础的饮食的演变, 纯素食主义的挑战 调查了纯素生活方式的营养和误解,设想了素食主义的未来及其对地球的影响。 An insightful look at the arguments for and against universal adoption of a vegan diet and lifestyle. As concern grows over the environmental costs and ethical implications of intensive factory farming, an increasing number of people are embracing diets and lifestyles free from animal products. Should We All Be Vegan? gives a fluid and engaging account of the evolution of veganism. Over the course of four easily digestible chapters, food writer Molly Watson reveals the truth about veganism s impact on our health, the planet, and the global economy. Chapters like The Evolution of Veganism and Why Go Vegan Today? examine the development of veganism from the earliest meat-free human
Louis Eguaras, a renowned chef at the Le Cordon Bleu Programat the California School of Culinary Arts, provides readers with aterrific overview of what is truly involved in the preparation,cooking, and presentation of meals. He also provides invaluableinsights into just what is involved in making this one's chosenprofession. The book will feature a wide range of illustrated lessons, fromhow to properly hold a knife... to the history of food... from foodpreparation and presentation... to restaurant hospitality andmanagement, and much more. The book will be presented in the distinctive andhighly-attractive packaged style of 101 THINGS I LEARNED INARCHITECTURE SCHOOL, and will be the perfect gift for anyone who isthinking about entering culinary school, is already enrolled, oreven just the casual chef.
From an elite Special Operations physical trainer, aningeniously simple, rapid-results, do-anywhere program for gettinginto amazing shape For men and women of all athletic abilities! As the demand for Special Operations military forces has grownover the last decade, elite trainer Mark Lauren has been at thefront lines of preparing nearly one thousand soldiers, getting themlean and strong in record time. Now, for regular Joes and Janes, heshares the secret to his amazingly effective regimen—simpleexercises that require nothing more than the resistance of your ownbodyweight to help you reach the pinnacle of fitness and lookbetter than ever before. Armed with Mark Lauren’s motivation techniques, expert training,and nutrition advice, you’ll see rapid results by working out justthirty minutes a day, four times a week—whether in your livingroom, yard, garage, hotel room, or office. Lauren’s exercises buildmore metabolism-enhancing muscle than weightlifting, burn more fatthan aerob
Other cities have histories. Los Angeles has legends. Midcentury Los Angeles. A city sold to the world as "the whitespot of America," a land of sunshine and orange groves, wholesomeMidwestern values and Hollywood stars, protected by the world’smost famous police force, the Dragnet-era LAPD. Behind this publicimage lies a hidden world of "pleasure girls" and crooked cops,ruthless newspaper tycoons, corrupt politicians, and East Coastgangsters on the make. Into this underworld came two men–one L.A.’smost notorious gangster, the other its most famous policechief–each prepared to battle the other for the soul of the city. Former street thug turned featherweight boxer Mickey Cohen leftthe ring for the rackets, first as mobster Benjamin "Bugsy"Siegel’s enforcer, then as his protégé. A fastidious dresser andunrepentant killer, the diminutive Cohen was Hollywood’s favoritegangster–and L.A.’s preeminent underworld boss. Frank Sinatra,Robert Mitchum, and Sammy Davis Jr.
If you work nonstop without a break...worry about offending others and back down too easily...explain too much when asked for information....or "poll" your friends and colleagues before making a decision, chances are you have been bypassed for promotions and ignored when you expressed your ideas. Although you may not be aware of it, girlish behaviors such as these are sabotaging your career! Dr. Lois Frankel reveals why some women roar ahead in their careers while others stagnate. She's spotted a unique set of behaviors--101 in all--that women learn in girlhood that sabotage them as adults. Now, in this groudbreaking guide, she helps you eliminate these unconscious mistakes that could be holding you back--and offers invaluable coaching tips you can easily incorporate into your social and business skills. If you recognize and change the behaviors that say "girl" not "woman", the results will pay off in carrer opportunites you never thought possible--and in an image that identifies you as someone with the powe
All those baby boomers who have embarked on the journey ofraising their second and third children have found themselves leftin the lurch by existing child care literature. Now child careexpert Nancy Samalin, who has earned a reputation for her forgivingand empowering approach to parenting, brings her inspiring outlookto this guide to the pitfalls and rewards of parenting two or morechildren. Parents who consider themselves pros after the first child are infor a surprise when the encounter life after the second child isborn and beyond. Suddenly their world is an exhausting haze ofcompeting demands, perpetual squabbling, sibling rivalry,complaints of unfairness and "you love him more" (and sometimes youdo), unrelenting stress, and a pervasive sense of guilt andinadequacy. Culled from her years of workshops with hundreds ofparents, Nancy Samalin shares the trials and joys of parenthood andprovides specific advice on steering your way through the parentingrapids. This is a must-read for today's harri
A collection of studies in which Arendt, from the standpointof a political philosopher, views the crises of the 1960s and early1970s as challenges to the american form of government. Index.
If you knew you only had a short time to live, what would you do?In September 2007, computer science professor Randy Pausch delivered a traditional last lecture called 'Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams'. Ironically , it really was his last lecture, as this youthful, energetic and cheerful man had just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and had only months to live.Randy's inspirational lecture about the joy of life -- his legacy to his three young children -- has become an internet and publishing phenomenon.The Last Lecture has sold over 5 million copies Lecture There's a reason why it has -- open this book and find out. It could change the way you live your life.
"This book is a gift, and not only to Jordan."–USA Today In 2005, First Sergeant Charles Monroe King began to write whatwould become a two-hundred-page journal for his son in case he didnot make it home from the war in Iraq. He was killed by a roadsidebomb on October 14, 2006. His son, Jordan, was seven months old. AJournal for Jordan is a mother’s letter to her son about the fatherhe lost before he could even speak–including a fiercely honestaccount of her search for answers about Charles’s death. It is alsoa father’s advice and prayers for the son he will never know.Finally, this is the story of Dana and Charles together–twoseemingly mismatched souls who loved each other deeply and losteach other too soon.
A New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, WashingtonPost, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, andDenver Post Bestseller In 1925, the legendary British explorer Percy Fawcett venturedinto the Amazon jungle, in search of a fabled civilization. Henever returned. Over the years countless perished trying to findevidence of his party and the place he called “The Lost City of Z.”In this masterpiece of narrative nonfiction, journalist David Granninterweaves the spellbinding stories of Fawcett’s quest for “Z” andhis own journey into the deadly jungle, as he unravels the greatestexploration mystery of the twentieth century.
Thanks to processed and fast foods, being overworked, andfeeling stressed while eating on the fly, it is increasinglydifficult for most of us to eat anywhere near a balanced diet. Wemay not be obviously sick, but may suffer from lack of focus,insomnia, sluggishness, or any host of symptoms caused bynutritional deficiency. Green Smoothie Revolution takes aim at thissilent epidemic by restoring balance to our diets. Combining nutrition and know-how with recipes that pack apowerhouse punch, Victoria Boutenko reintroduces long neglectedfruits, vegetables, and greens in the most persuasive style for ourbusy lives: with fast prep and delicious results. Featuring 200recipes, Green Smoothie Revolution offers both simplicity (4 ripepears, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups water; blend well) and enoughvariety to keep taste buds happy and nutrients coming from a wealthof options.
For the past 90 years, the House of Windsor, through its four successive monarchs,has reigned over the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and 'other realms and territories'. It has borne witness to almost a century of unprecedented social and political change, and has itself undergone substantial modemisation. As Head of State, the Queen continues to have an important part to play in the life of the nation: she and many other members of the Royal Family make regular and extensive visits throughout the UK, meeting the public, supporting the work of charities and other public bodies, recognising excellence in both business and social contexts. Her State duties include the Opening of Parliament and the giving of the Queen's Speech; on the international stage, close links with former colonies are maintained through her role as Head of the Commonwealth, and state visits to all parts of the world help promote international relations.