"This series would help to fill gaps in the nonfiction technology section of any library. Recommended." -- Library Talk, March/April 2001
"You’ve just purchased a TI-83 Plus calculator to assist in performing different types of mathematical equations—now, how can you get the most out of it? You’ll find the answer to this question with our comprehensive, 3-panel guide that shows in great detail what exactly the TI-83 Plus can do. Function key and mode de*ions, as well as problem-solving examples, are included within a color-coded format for easy reference. "
由来学嘉编著的《信息安全与密码学(英文版)》是2010年10月在上海召开的第六届中国密码学与信息安全国际会议(The 6thchina International Conference on Information Securityandcryptology- Inscrypt2010)的短论文文集。lnscrypt系列国际会议是由信息安全国家重点实验室发起,与中国密码学会联合举办的高水平国际会议,每年在中国举办一次,该会议论文集由Springer出版社出版。本书收录了这次会议的短文13篇。主要内容包括公钥和椭圆曲线密码学、密码系统构造、系统安全等。 《信息安全与密码学(英文版)》可供从事密码学、信息安全、通信与信息系统、计算机应用技术等专业的科技人员和高等院校师生参考。