Asimov's New Guide to Science 作者:Isaac Asimov 出版社: Penguin (1993年5月27日) 丛书名: Penguin Press Science 平装: 896页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 0140172130 条形码: 9780140172133 商品尺寸: 12.9 x 3.8 x 19.8 cm 商品重量: 540 g 本书是一部全面介绍人类以科学的方法为工具,努力探索宇宙奥秘的科普著作。其内容涵盖了物理科学、生物科学及各个分支的发展状况和所取得的成就,阐述了各门学科之间的相互渗透和交叉。 本书作者阿西莫夫早在本世纪50年代就以创作撰写科幻小说和科普读物而蜚声文坛。他那非凡的驾驭语言和概念能力,不断对虚构世界和真实世界的新探索,以及他所取得的成就和名望,为他的作品赢得了广大的读者。 内容简介 Asimov tells the stories behind the science: the men and women who made the important discoveries and how they did it. Ranging from Galile
This exciting introduction to the human body is brimming with super senses, marvellous medicine, and record-breaking feats. The world is so much bigger than young minds can fathom and there is always more to learn. My Very Important Human Body is a vibrant encyclopedia for curious 5-9 year olds with a unique approach to the human body. Little learners can easily digest scientific information with this breakdown of how our bodies work and all the complex mechanisms that are inside us. Full of fun facts, colourful illustrations, and games that will keep them entertained, this children's encyclopedia is filled with age-appropriate knowledge on a range of topics that support the curriculum. Get ready for a scientific adventure and investigate the ins and outs of the human body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes! This human body encyclopedia for children offers: - Fun facts about bones, blood,