Join Verity and her magical fairy friends in this enchanting retelling of Rapunzel, a much-loved fairy-tale classic, full of magic, mystery and more! Author Caroline Wakeman takes you on a journey to a magical Fairy Kingdom alongside lovable Verity and her gang of her sparkly fairy friends, as they set out on a special mission to ensure Rapunzel gets the happily ever after she deserves! Verity is a thrill-seeking fairy with a heart of gold and a habit of telling the truth at all times during her endless adventures with fellow princesses and fairy friends! Proving the perfect fairytale book for your little princess, Verity Fairy and Rapunzel gently encourages conversation surrounding the difference between right and wrong, positively influencing your child's moral intelligence and sense of justice, whilst sparking their curiosity and imagination. With a sprinkle of stardust in every page, your youngster ca
STEM subjects are where the future's at. Now you can be a science superstar with this colourful practice book. Are you a budding Einstein? Or do you need a little more help to avoid falling behind in science class? DK's How to be Good at Science, Technology, and Engineering course book for children aged 7-14 now has two accompanying workbooks: Workbook 1 covers ages 7-11 and Workbook 2 covers ages 11-14. These workbooks will help to cement everything you need to know about "STE" subjects through practice questions and practical exercises. Easy-to-follow instructions allow you to try out what you've studied, helping you understand what you've learned in school or giving extra revision practice before that important test. Workbook 2 is aimed at children aged 11-14 (Key Stage 3 in the UK; Grades 6, 7, and 8 in the US), and covers all the key areas of the school curriculum for this level, including genes and DNA, atoms and mole
The publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species in 1859marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought. The volumehad taken Darwin more than twenty years to publish, in part becausehe envisioned the storm of controversy it was certain to unleash.Indeed, selling out its first edition on its first day, The Originof Species revolutionized science, philosophy, and theology. Darwin’s reasoned, documented arguments carefully advance histheory of natural selection and his assertion that species were notcreated all at once by a divine hand but started with a few simpleforms that mutated and adapted over time. Whether commenting on hisown poor health, discussing his experiments to test instinct inbees, or relating a conversation about a South American burrowingrodent, Darwin’s monumental achievement is surprisingly personaland delightfully readable. Its profound ideas remain controversialeven today, making it the most influential book in the naturalsciences ever written—an important work n
Bestselling nature writer David Quammen introduces CharlesDarwin's incredible tale of excursion that led to his revolutionarytheory of evolution--Voyage of the Beagle.