畅销美国400多万册,被翻译成16种语言畅销全球; 让数百万孩子、父母和老师受益终身的经典之作; 自1981年本书第一版出版以来,《正面管教》已经成为管教孩子的 黄金准则 简 尼尔森 教育学博士、杰出的心理学家 在本书中告诉21世纪的父母和老师们: 惩罚和娇纵为什么对孩子都不好,并且不管用? 怎样用既不惩罚又不娇纵的正面管教方法培养孩子受益终生的良好品质? 如何用正面管教方法自动消除孩子的不良行为? 如何赢得孩子与父母和老师的合作? 如何消解大人与孩子之间的权力之争? 超级父母 对孩子会有什么危害? 各种性格的父母对孩子会有什么正反两方面的影响?父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响? 老师们如何避免对孩子造成管教问题? 从3岁到青春期的十几岁的孩子以及孩子的父母和老师,都将
You may have waited a long time. You may have tried and tried.Now your chances of having a baby are better than ever! For ten years, Making a Baby has been the definitive source forcouples who want to get pregnant, offering vital information onfertility technology, advances in baby-boosting medications, andcutting-edge medical techniques. Written with compassion andclarity, and now with even more tips on the best ways to preparethe body to get pregnant, this invaluable book, in a newly revisedand updated edition, reveals how to protect, increase, and extendyour fertility. Inside you’ll find · the four basic requirements for reproduction · findings from the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study that explaindietary ways to boost fertility · breakthrough information connecting insulin levels withovulation · updates on the importance of marine omega-3 fatty acids in yourbaby’s development · groundbreaking pregnancy advice for women over 35 · news about polycysti
In perhaps the most important parenting book of the decade,Dr. Harvey Karp reveals an extraordinary treasure sought by parentsfor centuries—an automatic “off-switch” for their baby’scrying.
Toddlers can drive you bonkers…so adorable and fun oneminute…so stubborn and demanding the next! Yet, as unbelievable asit sounds, there is a way to turn the daily stream of “nos” and“don’ts” into “yeses” and hugs…if you know how to speak yourtoddler’s language. In one of the most useful advances in parentingtechniques of the past twenty-five years, Dr. Karp reveals thattoddlers, with their immature brains and stormy outbursts, shouldbe thought of not as pint-size people but aspintsize…cavemen. Having noticed that the usual techniques often failed to calmcrying toddlers, Dr. Karp discovered that the key to effectivecommunication was to speak to them in their own primitive language.When he did, suddenly he was able to soothe their outbursts almostevery time! This amazing success led him to the realization thatchildren between the ages of one and four go through four stages of“evolutionary” growth, each linked to the development of the brain,and each echoing a step in pr