Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children (英语) 平装 内容简介 P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost forty years ago as the first national parent-training program to teach parents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offer step-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybody wins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, and proven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you. Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, this groundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids will listen to you How to teach your children to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results: less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment. Whethe
The Wonderful Wizard Of OZ 绿野仙踪 英文原版3D 立体书 手工制作的立体造型 烫金彩印 实在太惊艳了 小编展厅实物拍摄 自己收藏、送给大小朋友都是极好的! 爱好立体书的朋友一定不能错过这本精美、华丽、超越想象的立体书,它采用闪闪发光的彩色箔。 这本充满奇思妙想的立体书出自Robert Sabuda之手,*是每个家庭书架上立体图书之一。 出版社: Little Simon; 2001-01-31 (2001年1月31日) 外文书名: 绿野仙踪-纪念版立体折叠书 丛书名: The Childhood of Famous Americans Series 精装: 16页 读者对象: 4 - 8 岁 语种: 英语 开本: 16开 ISBN: 0689817517 条形码: 9780689817519 商品尺寸: 20.3 x 4.3 x 25.4 cm 商品重量: 726 g Robert Sabuda是Pop-up book创作领域成就巨大的
The Sick Bag Song The Sick Bag Song is an exploration of love, inspiration and memory. It began life scribbled on airline sick bags during Cave's 22-city journey around North America in 2014. It soon grew into a restless full-length contemporary epic. Spurred by encounters with modern day North America, and racked by romantic longing and exhaustion, Cave teases out the significant moments, the people, the books and the music that have influenced and inspired him, and drops them into his sick bag. Product detail Format Paperback | 128 pages Dimensions 129 x 198 x 9mm | 137g Publication date 01 Nov 2016 Publisher Canongate Books Ltd Publication City/Country Edinburgh, United Kingdom Language English Edition statement Main ISBN10 1782117938 ISBN13 9781782117933
畅销美国400多万册,被翻译成16种语言畅销全球; 让数百万孩子、父母和老师受益终身的经典之作; 自1981年本书第一版出版以来,《正面管教》已经成为管教孩子的 黄金准则 简 尼尔森 教育学博士、杰出的心理学家 在本书中告诉21世纪的父母和老师们: 惩罚和娇纵为什么对孩子都不好,并且不管用? 怎样用既不惩罚又不娇纵的正面管教方法培养孩子受益终生的良好品质? 如何用正面管教方法自动消除孩子的不良行为? 如何赢得孩子与父母和老师的合作? 如何消解大人与孩子之间的权力之争? 超级父母 对孩子会有什么危害? 各种性格的父母对孩子会有什么正反两方面的影响?父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响? 老师们如何避免对孩子造成管教问题? 从3岁到青春期的十几岁的孩子以及孩子的父母和老师,都将
In perhaps the most important parenting book of the decade,Dr. Harvey Karp reveals an extraordinary treasure sought by parentsfor centuries—an automatic “off-switch” for their baby’scrying.
"CONGRATULATIONS--YOU'RE EXPECTING TWINS!" Remember when you first heard the news? After regaining the powerof speech, you allowed the joy and anxious anticipation to settlein. Though family and friends simply suggest buying two ofeverything, parents of twins (triplets, quadruplets, right on up)need more than multiple strollers. For along with equipment, theyneed more facts, more advice, more patience, more support. Now helpis here with The Art of Parenting Twins. Whether you have just discovered you're expecting two (or more)babies, are about to give birth, are struggling through thoseincredible first weeks, or are engaged in the whirlwind ofchild-rearing, here are the answers and resources you've beenlooking for. Written by the president and founder of Twin Services,Inc., this complete up-to-date guide will give you the skills youneed. The Art of Parenting Twins covers such vital issues as - Bonding with more than one baby - Breast-feeding techniques
The number of anxious, depressed, hyperactive and withdrawnchildren is staggering—and still growing! Millions have experiencedbullying, violence (real or in the media), abuse or sexualmolestation. Many other kids have been traumatized from more“ordinary” ordeals such as terrifying medical procedures,accidents, loss and divorce. Trauma-Proofing Your Kids sends alifeline to parents who wonder how they can help their worried andtroubled children now. It offers simple but powerful tools to keepchildren safe from danger and to help them “bounce back” afterfeeling scared and overwhelmed. No longer will kids have to bepassive prey to predators or the innocent victims of life’scircumstances. In addition to arming parents with priceless protectivestrategies, best-selling authors Dr. Peter A. Levine and MaggieKline offer an antidote to trauma and a recipe for creatingresilient kids no matter what misfortune has besieged them.Trauma-Proofing Your Kids is a treasure trove of simple-to-follow“st
From "Goo" to Gab — Guiding Your Child to EffectiveCommunication The first five years of a child's life are the most critical forspeech and language development, and, as a parent, you are yourchild's primary language role model. So what are the best ways tohelp your child develop the all-important skill of communication?Fun, easy, and engaging, this book shows you how! Inside, you'lldiscover all of the essential steps and checkpoints from birththrough age five, tips to help your child progress on schedule, andeasy methods to: · Evaluate and monitor your child's language development · Understand and deal with environmental impacts such astelevision and cultural styles · Recognize the signs of language development problems · And much, much more!
Raising decent, caring, and responsible children is the mostcomplex and challenging job in every parent’s life—and anincreasingly difficult one in today’s society. Here is the mostauthoritative book available on this crucial subject, a valuableand sensitive guide for parents who want their children to grow upwith lifelong positive values. Based on fascinating research, this groundbreaking work bypsychologist and educator Dr. Thomas Lickona describes thepredictable stages of moral development from birth to adulthood.And it offers you down-to-earth advice and guidance for eachstage: ? Seven caring ways to discipline “terrible twos” ? Why your preschooler “lies” and how to handle it ? What to do about a four-year-old’s back talk ? How to handle your seven-year-old’s endless negotiations aboutwhat’s “fair” ? Why teens have trouble with peer pressure—and how to helpthem ? How to talk to your child about drugs, drinking, and se
The Goodnight Book for Moms and Little Ones is filled withstories to read, songs to sing, poetry to inspire, activities todelight, recipes to soothe, and prayers to calm. Perfect snugglingmaterial for moms and little ones, this magical book is sure toguarantee a love of bedtime and sweet, sweet dreams. The GoodnightBook for Moms and Little Ones includes: ? Literary Excerpts: Ten excerpts relating to sleep, stars, anddreams from beloved children’s classics. In Charlotte’s Web,Charlotte sings Wilbur to sleep; in Mary Poppins, she glues starsto the sky; and in James and the Giant Peach, James falls asleep inthe web hammock under the soft light of a glowworm. ? Tales Legends: Fourteen stories from Sleeping Beauty andRip Van Winkle to creation tales of the moon and stars fromdifferent cultures. ? Songs: Ten songs and lullabies, including "Dream a Little Dreamof Me," "Goodnight" by Lennon and McCartney, and "Hush, LittleBaby." ? Poetry: Fourteen poems, including "The Land of Nod
Have you ever stepped back to watch what really goes on whenyour children play? As psychologist Lawrence J. Cohen points out,play is children's way of exploring the world, communicating deepfeelings, getting close to those they care about, working throughstressful situations, and simply blowing off steam. That's why"playful parenting" is so important and so successful in buildingstrong, close bonds between parents and children. Through play wejoin our kids in "their" world-and help them to - Express andunderstand complex emotions- Break through shyness, anger, andfear- Empower themselves and respect diversity- Play their waythrough sibling rivalry - Cooperate without power struggles Fromeliciting a giggle during baby's first game of peekaboo to crackingjokes with a teenager while hanging out at the mall, "PlayfulParenting "is a complete guide to using play to raise confidentchildren. Written with love and humor, brimming with good adviceand revealing anecdotes, and grounded in the latest research, this