由国际著名电化学家A. J. Bard 和L. R. Faulkner 合著的“ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS Fundamentals and Applications”一书于1980 年问世, 引起了全世界电化学和电分析化学界热烈反响, 大家普遍认为这是一本非常好的教科书和参考书。它既适于大学化学系高年级学生和研究生作为教材, 同时也是从事电化学与电分析化学领域研究和应用的推荐基础书。世界各大学相应专业均指定为教科书和参考书。我国相关大学和研究所也不例外, 普遍选用该书为研究生相应专业的教材。
Let'egin by discussing what the discipline of theoretical chemistry is about. I think most young students of chemistry think that theory deals with using puters to model or simulate molecular behaviors. This is only partly true. Theory indeed contains under itroad umbrella the field of putational simulations,and it is such applications of theory that have gained much recent attention especially as powerful puters and user-friendly software packages have bee widely available. However, this discipline also involves analytical theory, which deals with how the fundamental equations used to perform the simulations are derived from the Schrrdinger equation or from classical mechanics, among other things. The discipline also has to do with obtaining the equations that relate laboratory data (e.g., spectra, heat capacities, reaction cross-sections) to molecular properties(e.g., geometries, bond energies, activation energies). This analytical side ofthe0ry is also where the equations of statistical mechanics that