The definitive text on rocket propulsion—now revised toreflect advancements in the field For sixty years, Sutton's Rocket Propulsion Elements has beenregarded as the single most authoritative sourcebook on rocketpropulsion technology. As with the previous edition, coauthoredwith Oscar Biblarz, the Eighth Edition of Rocket PropulsionElements offers a thorough introduction to basic principles ofrocket propulsion for guided missiles, space flight, or satelliteflight. It describes the physical mechanisms and designs forvarious types of rockets' and provides an understanding of howrocket propulsion is applied to flying vehicles. Updated and strengthened throughout, the Eighth Editionexplores: The fundamentals of rocket propulsion, its essentialtechnologies, and its key design rationale The various types of rocket propulsion systems, physicalphenomena, and essential relationships The latest advances in the field such as changes in materials,systems design, propellants, applications,