米歇尔·图尔尼埃(1924-),法国当代文学大师,当代著名的新寓言派文学的主将。他不仅是才华横溢的小说家,而且是睿智深刻的哲学家。西方批评界对他的小说以及融汇在小说中的现代哲学思想推崇备至,评价极高,认为他以自己独特的风格为法国小说开创了新局面。《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是他的代表作之一,发表当年即获法兰西学院文学大奖。 《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是一篇“现代文明衰亡记”的寓言,它戏仿笛福的名著《鲁滨孙漂流记》的题材,在主题上却反其道而行之。鲁滨孙孤独一人被弃荒岛后,按西方文明社会的模式将荒岛治理得井井有条。礼拜五来到荒岛后,非但没有被驯化为鲁滨孙的奴隶,反而以其自然的天性将文明的迹象破坏得一干二净,同时也慢慢影响了鲁滨孙,使这个西方文明的代表逐步抛弃了原有的文化传统,变成了一个
米歇尔·图尔尼埃(1924-),法国当代文学大师,当代著名的新寓言派文学的主将。他不仅是才华横溢的小说家,而且是睿智深刻的哲学家。西方批评界对他的小说以及融汇在小说中的现代哲学思想推崇备至,评价极高,认为他以自己独特的风格为法国小说开创了新局面。《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是他的代表作之一,发表当年即获法兰西学院文学大奖。 《礼拜五或太平洋上的灵薄狱》是一篇“现代文明衰亡记”的寓言,它戏仿笛福的名著《鲁滨孙漂流记》的题材,在主题上却反其道而行之。鲁滨孙孤独一人被弃荒岛后,按西方文明社会的模式将荒岛治理得井井有条。礼拜五来到荒岛后,非但没有被驯化为鲁滨孙的奴隶,反而以其自然的天性将文明的迹象破坏得一干二净,同时也慢慢影响了鲁滨孙,使这个西方文明的代表逐步抛弃了原有的文化传统,变成了一个
The definitive story of the Red Sox, a best-selling classic, nowexpanded and updated to include the incredible 2004 season andWorld Series win. In that magic fall of 2004, the Boston Red Soxtransformed themselves from an unruly band of self-proclaimedidiots into world champions for the first time in eighty-six years.Their unlikely triumph became known instantly as one of the mostthrilling, nerve-racking, and ultimately inspiring sports storiesever. And it also changed the course of history for a franchisethat had long been known more for its failures than for itssuccesses. In Red Sox Century, "the best of the Sox sages" (USAToday Baseball Weekly) chronicle the complete history of thisenduring team with authority, insight, and high style. From theteam's inception in 1901 and its early peak in 1918, when it wonits fifth World Series, to the glory years, which saw the rise ofsuch greats as Cy Young, Babe Ruth, Teddy Ballgame, and Yaz and the"impossible dream," to the near misses in 1975, 1986, and 2003, andfina
First published in 1938, The Hobbit is a story that "grew inthe telling," and many characters and events in the published bookare completely different from what Tolkien first wrote to readaloud to his young sons as part of their "fireside reads." For thefirst time, The History of the Hobbit reproduces the originalversion of one of literature's most famous stories, and includesmany little-known illustrations and previously unpublished maps forThe Hobbit created by Tolkien himself. Also featured are extensiveannotations and commentaries on the date of composition, howTolkien's professional and early mythological writings influencedthe story, the imaginary geography he created, and how he came torevise the book in the years after publication to accommodateevents in The Lord of the Rings.