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    • 羊脂球 译林出版社
    •   ( 57 条评论 )
    • (法)莫泊桑 /2019-04-01/ 译林出版社
    • 本书精选法国著名作家莫泊桑的39篇中短篇小说,有《羊脂球》《我的叔叔于勒》《项链》等不朽名篇,内容丰富多彩,结构巧妙动人。

    • ¥18.6 ¥38 折扣:4.9折
    • The Lovely Bones MTI可爱的骨头
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    • /2009-09-01/ Macmillan
    • Once in a generation a novel comes along that taps a vein ofuniversal human experience resonating with readers of all ages. TheLovely Bones is such a book-a phenomenal #1 bestseller celebratedat once for its narrative artistry, its luminous clarity ofemotion, and I astonishing power to lay claim to the hearts ofmillions of readers around the world.ld..

    • ¥25.22 ¥118.53 折扣:2.1折
    • 骸骨与沉默【达额立减】
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    • (英)雷格纳·希尔著;景翔著;景翔译 /2007-06-01/ 群众出版社
    • 戏剧与现实交错的杰作在雷格纳·希尔部推理小说《喜欢交际的女人》里,他创造的一对独特的侦探搭档也首度登场。一位是心宽体胖、好色贪怀、爱斗嘴耍活宝的刑事主任达尔齐尔,另一位则是教养优雅、学识丰富的警官帕斯科。 自从柯南·道尔创造了华生医生作为神探福尔摩斯的搭档之后,推理小说家就经常使用这种对比手法,用一位“次要而平凡”的角色来衬托神探的不凡。这些二号人物有时候是侦探的朋友,有时候是记者,有时候是助手或忠仆,但多半不脱烘托主角的功能。但雷格纳·希尔采取了另外一种途径:他让侦探的搭档有能力也有作用,甚至是重要的互补,没有对方彼此都不是完整的;他又让两人的文化特质与思考形态南辕北辙,比较与冲突的趣味因而源源不绝。仅此一项,就是希尔对推理小说的重大贡献。 希尔的小说结构复杂紧凑,在我们

    • ¥24.2 ¥48.4 折扣:5折
    • Firestarter
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /1981-01-01/ Penguin
    • Innocence and beauty ignite with evil and terror as a younggirl exhibits signs of a wild and horrifying force.

    • ¥25.3 折扣:4.5折
    • Christine
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    • Stephen King 著 /1983-11-01/ Penguin
    • It was love at first sight. From the moment seventeen-year-oldArnie Cunningham saw Christine, he knew he would do anything topossess her. But Christine is no lady. She is Stephen King'sultimate vehicle of terror.

    • ¥25.3 折扣:4.5折
    • The Age of Innocence 纯真年代
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    • 本社 编 /1970-01-01/
    • A Pulitzer Prize-winning classic follows Newland Archer, a young man who, despite his engagement to a beautiful socialite, is passionately drawn to the Countess Ellen Olenska, and includes biographical and historical data. Reprint. NYT.

    • ¥15 折扣:6折
    • The Mystery of Edwin Drood(Wordsworth Classics)德鲁德疑案
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    • Charles Dickens 著 /1998-06-01/
    • Dickens' final novel, left unfinished at his death in 1870, is a mystery story much influenced by the 'Sensation Novel' as written by his friend Wilkie Collins. The action takes place in an ancient cathedral city and in some of the darkest places in Victorian London. Drugs, disappearances, sexual obsession, disguise and a possible murder are among the themes and motifs. A sombre and menacing atmosphere, a fascinating range of characters and Dickens' usual command of language combine to make this an exciting and tantalising story. Also included in this volume are a number of unjustly neglected stories and sketches, with subjects as different as murder , guilt and childhood romance.

    • ¥12 折扣:6折
    • Twenty Years at Hull-House(ISBN=9780451527394)
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    • Jane Addams 著 /1999-09-01/ Penguin
    • The true story of one of America's greatestphilanthropists This is Jane Addams's graphic account of her famed settlementhouse in Chicago's West Side slums. Covering the years 1889 to1909, a time when America was fired with fear of subversives andsuspicion of foreigners, this book stands as the immortal testamentof a woman who lived and worked among the immigrant settlers, thesweatshop toilers, the unwed mothers, the hungry, the aged, thesick, to show them the true concept of American Democracy. * Jane Addams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition ofher philanthropic work * This new edition features an afterword by Manhattan BoroughPresident Ruth Messinger which examines the current state ofsettlement houses in America

    • ¥23.7 折扣:3.5折
    • Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
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    • Robert Louis Stevenson 著 /2003-09-01/ Penguin
    • The classic nightmare tale in a thrilling new edition Spawned by a nightmare that Stevenson had, this classic tale ofthe dark, primordial night of the soul remains a masterpiece of theduality of good and evil within us all.

    • ¥12.6 折扣:4.5折
    • The Novel小说
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    • 本社 编 /2008-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • 1t's 1 962 and Baltimore’s Tracy Turnblad,a big girl with big hair and an even bigger personality,is ready for a change.When she wins a spot on the IocaI Tv dance program,The Corny Collins Show,she is transformedfrom socia I outcast to teen celebrity overn ight. But can a newly trendy Tracy vanquish The Corny Collins Show's reigning starlet,win the heart of her crush,Link Larkin,and racially integrate a television show without dentinq her,d0? 0nly in Hairspray!

    • ¥15.8 折扣:4.5折
    • The Time Machine / The Invisible Man
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    • H.G. Wells 著 /2007-10-01/ Penguin
    • The Time Machine (1895) and The Invisible Man (1897) are now more than a century old. Yet they endure as literarytexts, radio plays, and movies, because they appeal directly to twoof our deepest desires: immortality and omnipotence. The timemachine would allow us to escape death and gain knowledge of thefate of the earth, while invisibility would enable us to go andcome as we please, under the noses of friends and enemies. At thesame time, both fictions show us the dangers of fulfilled wishes:The Time Traveller discovers the future of humanity is not brightbut hideously dark, while the Invisible Man drowns in the madnessbrought about by his own experimentation. Of course, what Herbert George Wells (1866–1946) wanted to expressin these fantasies and what generations of readers have made ofthem are two radically different things. Erroneously labeled“science fiction,” and tricked out in their film versions with allkinds of fanciful devices with flashing lights and ominous buzzersWells never mentions

    • ¥19.7 折扣:5折
    • 骸骨与沉默 (英)雷格纳·希尔著;景翔著;景翔译 群众出版社【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (英)雷格纳·希尔著;景翔著;景翔译 /2007-06-01/ 群众出版社
    • 戏剧与现实交错的杰作在雷格纳·希尔部推理小说《喜欢交际的女人》里,他创造的一对独特的侦探搭档也首度登场。一位是心宽体胖、好色贪怀、爱斗嘴耍活宝的刑事主任达尔齐尔,另一位则是教养优雅、学识丰富的警官帕斯科。 自从柯南·道尔创造了华生医生作为神探福尔摩斯的搭档之后,推理小说家就经常使用这种对比手法,用一位“次要而平凡”的角色来衬托神探的不凡。这些二号人物有时候是侦探的朋友,有时候是记者,有时候是助手或忠仆,但多半不脱烘托主角的功能。但雷格纳·希尔采取了另外一种途径:他让侦探的搭档有能力也有作用,甚至是重要的互补,没有对方彼此都不是完整的;他又让两人的文化特质与思考形态南辕北辙,比较与冲突的趣味因而源源不绝。仅此一项,就是希尔对推理小说的重大贡献。 希尔的小说结构复杂紧凑,在

    • ¥25.45 ¥60.9 折扣:4.2折
    • Needful Things
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /1992-07-01/ Penguin
    • The #1 bestseller that raises the price of greed... A new store has opened in the little townof Castle Rock. It has just what you want. But you won't discoverjust how high the price is until it's too late.

    • ¥25.3 折扣:4.5折
    • RAGE(ISBN=9780345467072) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Jonathan Kellerman 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In a host of consecutive bestsellers, Jonathan Kellerman haskept readers spellbound with the intense, psychologically acuteadventures of Dr. Alex Delaware-and with excursions through the rawunderside of L.A. and the coldest alleys of the criminal mind.""Rage offers a powerful new case in point, as Delaware and LAPDhomicide detective Milo Sturgis revisit a horrifying crime from thepast that has taken on shocking and deadly new dimensions. TroyTurner and Rand Duchay were barely teenagers when they kidnappedand murdered a younger child. Troy, a remorseless sociopath, diedviolently behind bars. But the hulking, slow-witted Rand managed tosurvive his stretch. Now, at age twenty-one, he's emerged ahaunted, rootless young man with a pressing need: to talk-onceagain-with psychologist Alex Delaware. But the young killer comesto a brutal end, that conversation never takes place. Has karmacaught up with Rand? Or has someone waited for eight patient yearsto dine on ice-cold revenge? Both seem strong possibilities toStur

    • ¥24.3 折扣:3.5折