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    • 亦舒作品:玫瑰的故事(精装典藏版)【正版图书,达额减,电子发票】
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    • 亦舒著 /2017-07-01/ 湖南文艺出版社
    • 玫瑰,你知道我DI一次见你是什么感受吗?? ?什么啊?? ?我觉得你美丽过美丽,? ?但是忧郁过忧郁。? ?我以后一定要让你快乐过快乐。? ? ?黄玫瑰,一个有着倾城容颜的女子。? ?见过她的男人都为之颠倒,见过她的男人都再无爱人之心。? ?她的美丽,亦的执着,她存在仿佛就是为了爱情,带给人快乐也给人莫大的痛苦。? ?她追寻着自己心中的爱情,却忘了,虽然爱情是人们都向往的,执着的,干净的,天空一样的,可也是毁灭性的。? ?四个与之命运纠缠的男人,奏出黄玫瑰绚烂又迷离的一生。? ? ?岁月悠长,韶光易逝,怪你过分美丽,怪你过分执迷。? ?很多时候,人们爱的是一些人,与之结婚生子的又是另外一些人。? ? ?亦舒“DU家畅销?旧欢如梦辑”收录了亦舒ZUI经典、ZUI知名的5部作品,

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    • 亚特兰蒂斯3:美丽新世界【放心购买】
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    • A.G.里德尔著;邢立达译;何锐译 /2014-12-01/ 四川文艺出版社
    • 七万年前,原始人类在濒临灭绝的严峻情况下勉强幸存,七万年后,拥有先进文明与高端科技的人类又再一次面临灭绝危机……瘟疫虽然有了最终的解药,伊麻里组织却依旧进逼着全世界,阿瑞斯更是引爆了遍布在南极洲周围的水雷,融化的古代冰层形成一场大洪水,迅速侵袭世界各地。此时,凯特跟大卫收到一组来自外层空间的加密信号,他们知道这段信号是阻止伊麻里的关键,必须尽快解开密码,于是,一行人穿过传送门来到了亚特兰蒂斯的烽火系统……随着亚特兰蒂斯记忆拼图的逐渐完成,人类世界起源的面纱即将揭开,过去与现在相互角力,的结局,人类将何去何从?

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    • 生存之民工【放心购买】
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    • 李晓兵著 /2005-11-01/ 海天出版社
    • 这是陕西作家李晓兵标志性作品,2005年中国以民工为题材的同名电视剧的文学脚本,它讲述了一群游走在现代都市的社会层的城市边缘人——农民工生活的故事。该小说真实地记录了现代都市里一群被忽视的农民工合法追讨微薄的血汗钱,却被诱拐、诱骗、致残、致死的一些鲜为人知的真相;不加掩盖地暴露了黑心包工头纠党结伙、非法牟取暴利、欺骗压榨农民工的暴戾面目。这里是一个真实的世界,没有夸张,没有矫情,一切的一切都是他们生活的血泪史,看了,你一定会流泪。

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    • Robert Ludlum 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • It begins in Geneva. There American lawyer Joel Converse meets aman he hasn't seen in twenty years, a covert operative who diesviolently at his feet, whispering words that hand Converse astaggering legacy of death: " THE GENERALS...THEY'REBACK...AQUITAINE " Suddenly Converse is running for his life, alonewith the world's most shattering secret. Pursued by anonymousexecutioners to the dark corners of Europe, he is forced to play agame of survival by blood rules he thought he'd long left behind.One by one, he traces each thread of a deadly progression to thehear of every major government-- a network of coordinated globalviolence that no one believes possible. No one but Converse and thewoman he once loved and lost. The only two people on earth who canwrest the world from the iron grasp of Aquitaine.

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    • The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass(9781444723472)
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    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2012-02-01/ Orion
    • In the fourth powerful novel in Stephen King's bestselling fantasy quest, The Dark Tower beckons Roland, the Last Gunslinger, and the four companions he has gathered along the road. And, having narrowly escaped one world, they set out on a terrifying journey across the scarred urban wasteland to brave a new world where hidden dangers lie at every junction: a malevolent computer-run monorail hurtling towards self-destruction, Roland's relentlessly cunning old enemy, and the temptation of the wizard's diabolical glass ball, a powerful force in Roland's first love affair. A tale of long-ago love and adventure involving a beautiful and quixotic woman named Susan Delgado. And the Tower is closer...

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    • STUFFED(ISBN=9780375724992) 英文原版
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    • Patricia Volk 著 /2002-10-01/ Random House US
    • Patricia Volk’s delicious memoir lets us into her big, crazy,loving, cheerful, infuriating and wonderful family, where you’renever just hungry–your starving to death, and you’re never justfull–you’re stuffed. Volk’s family fed New York City for onehundred years, from 1888 when her great-grandfather introducedpastrami to America until 1988, when her father closed his garmentcenter restaurant. All along, food was pretty much at the center oftheir lives. But as seductively as Volk evokes the food, Stuffed isat heart a paean to her quirky, vibrant relatives: her grandmotherwith the “best legs in Atlantic City”; her grandfather, whoinvented the wrecking ball; her larger-than-life father, whosculpted snow thrones when other dads were struggling with snowmen.Writing with great freshness and humor, Patricia Volk will leaveyou hungering to sit down to dinner with her robust family–both forthe spectacle and for the food.

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    • SING A SONG OF BOTTOMS 让我们一起唱歌
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    • Jeanne Willis 著 /2010-06-01/ Penguin
    • Join Jeanne Willis in the funniest talent show ever. In a fabulous rhyming text, meet bears with baggy bottoms, pigs with perky pinky ones and peacocks who love to put theirs on display. Perfect for reading aloud and guaranteed to cause fits of giggles, one thing's for sure - whoever is the winner, bottoms are top! This title is from the dynamic duo behind "Bottoms Up"!

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    • BOURNE ULTIMATUM, THE(ISBN=9780553287738)
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    • Robert Ludlum 著 /1991-02-01/ Random House US
    • The world's two deadliest spies in the ultimate showdown. At asmall-town carnival two men, each mysteriously summoned bytelegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed JasonBourne. Only they know Bourne's true identity and understand thetelegram is really a message from Bourne's mortal enemy, Carlos,known also as the Jackal, the world's deadliest and most elusiveterrorist. And furthermore, they know that the Jackal wants: afinal confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor ofOriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped hewould never have to do again -- assume the terrible identity ofJason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically andeconomically Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure thecunning Jackal into a deadly trap -- a trap from which only one ofthem will escape.

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    • Gideon's Sword(ISBN=9780446564311) 英文原版
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    • Douglas PrestonLincoln Child 著 /2011-11-01/ Hachette
    • Introducing Gideon Crew: trickster, prodigy, masterthief GIDEON'S SWORD At twelve, Gideon Crew witnessed his father, a world-classmathematician, accused of treason and gunned down. At twenty-four, summoned to his dying mother's bedside, Gideonlearned the truth: His father was framed and deliberatelyslaughtered. With her last breath, she begged her son to avengehim. Now, with a new purpose in his life, Gideon crafts a one-timemission of vengeance, aimed at the perpetrator of his father'sdestruction. His plan is meticulous, spectacular, andsuccessful. But from the shadows, someone is watching. A very powerful someone,who is impressed by Gideon's special skills. Someone who has needof just such a renegade. For Gideon, this operation may be only the beginning . . .

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    • Everything's Eventual(9781444723212)
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    • Stephen King 著 /2012-06-01/ Orion
    • Nothing is quite as it seems. Expect the unexpected in this veritable treasure trove of enthralling, witty, dark tales that could only come from the imagination of the greatest storyteller of our time. In this eerie, enchanting compilation, Stephen King takes readers down a road less travelled (for good reason) in the blockbuster e-book 'Riding the Bullet'. Terror becomes deja vu all over again when you get 'That Feeling, You Can Only Say What It Is in French'. 'LT's Theory of Pets' will make you stop and think before giving a dog to a loved one. And there are eleven more stories that will keep you awake until dawn.

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    • Robert Jordan 著 /2001-11-01/ Orbit
    • Rand is on the run with Min, but his destination is a mystery to Cadsuane. Mazrim Taim, leader of the Black Tower, is revealed to be a liar, but his purpose remains shrouded in secrecy. Perrin is hunting desperately for Faile, now a prisoner of Sevanna's sept. With Elyas Machera, Berelain, the Prophet, and a very mixed army of disparate forces, he is moving through country rife with bandits and roving Seanchan ...while the man called Slayer is stalking the Wolf Dream and Tel'aran'rhiod. In Tar Valon, the schemers and counter-schemers in Elaida's White Tower are shaken to the core when Egwene and the rebels appear suddenly outside the walls. In Ebou Dar, the Seanchan princess known as Daughter of the Nine Moons arrives - and Mat, who has been recuperating in the Tarasin Palace, is introduced to her. Will the marriage that has been foretold come about? WINTER'S HEART is a triumph of epic storytelling, and a magnificent addition to a landmark series in the fantasy genre.

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    • Room(ISBN=9780316183871)
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    • Emma Donoghue 著 /2011-01-01/ Hachette
    • To five-year-old Jack, Room is the entire world. It is wherehe was born and grew up; it's where he lives with his Ma as theylearn and read and eat and sleep and play. At night, his Ma shutshim safely in the wardrobe, where he is meant to be asleep when OldNick visits. Room is home to Jack, but to Ma, it is the prison where Old Nickhas held her captive for seven years. Through determination,ingenuity, and fierce motherly love, Ma has created a life forJack. But she knows it's not enough...not for her or for him. Shedevises a bold escape plan, one that relies on her young son'sbravery and a lot of luck. What she does not realize is just howunprepared she is for the plan to actually work. Told entirely in the language of the energetic, pragmaticfive-year-old Jack, ROOM is a celebration of resilience and thelimitless bond between parent and child, a brilliantly executednovel about what it means to journey from one world to another.

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    • Skeleton Crew(9781444723205)
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    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2013-06-01/ Orion
    • Hold tight. We are going into a number of dark places, but I think I know the way. Just don't let go of my arm . . . Unrivalled master of suspense Stephen King takes the unsuspecting reader on a fantastic journey through the dark shadows of our innermost fears. Do the dead sing? In this bumper collection of chilling tales, which includes the brilliant story adapted into the acclaimed movie The Mist, we meet: a woman who has never crossed The Reach, the water dividing her from the mainland; a gramma who only wants to hug little George, even after she is dead; an innocent looking toy with sinister powers; and a primeval sea creture with an insatiable appetite.

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    • CRY OF THE HALIDON, THE(ISBN=9780553576146)
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    • Robert Ludlum 编 /1996-11-01/ Random House US
    • Alex McAuliff has received an offer he can't refuse: twomillion dollars for a geological survey of Jamaica's dark interior.All Dunstone, Limited, requires is his time, his expertise, and hisabsolute secrecy. No one--not even McAuliff's handpicked team--canknow of Dunstone's involvement. But British Intelligence is aware of the deal and they've letAlex in on a secret of their own: the last survey team Dunstonedispatched to Jamaica vanished without a trace. Now it's too lateto turn back. Alex already knows about Dunstone...which means heknows too much. From the moment he lands in Jamaica, Alex is a marked man. Butwho wants him dead? Dunstone? A rival company? Or BritishIntelligence? Here in anisland paradise where even a beautifulwoman might be a spy, every move could be his last, and his onlyclue to survival is a single mysterious word: Halidon.

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    • The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands(9781444723465)
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    • Stephen King 著 /2012-02-01/ Orion
    • In the third novel in King's epic fantasy masterpiece, Roland, the Last Gunslinger, is moving ever closer to the Dark Tower, which haunts his dreams and nightmares. Pursued by the Ageless Stranger, he and his friends follow the perilous path to Lud, an urban wasteland. And crossing a desert of damnation in this macabre new world, revelations begin to unfold about who - and what - is driving him forward. A blend of riveting action and powerful drama, The Waste Lands leaves readers breathlessly awaiting the next chapter. br /And the Tower is closer...

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    • Flyboys(ISBN=9780316107280)
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    • James Bradley 著 /2007-12-01/ Hachette
    • This "New York Times" bestseller tells the harrowing true storyof nine American airmen shot down over the Pacific. One of them,George H.W. Bush, was miraculously rescued. This edition featuresthe same Afterword by the author that appeared in the tradepaperback edition.

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    • 远离尘嚣
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    • /1997-11-01/ 译林出版社
    • 年轻貌美、气性高傲的芭思希芭·埃弗汀来到威瑟伯里,继承她叔叔的农场。农场主波德伍德以及年轻英俊的中士特洛伊先后爱上了她,错综复杂的爱情纠葛导致了一出发生在远离尘嚣之地的悲剧。????本书系哈代第一部极受欢迎的长篇小说,其紧凑而扣人心弦的情节、对乡间四季景色的细致观察和独到描写,给读者带来无穷的回味。

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