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    • The Nice Girl Syndrome: Stop Being Manipulated And Abused--A
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Beverly Engel 著 /2010-03-01/ Wiley
    • How women can overcome the pressure to please others and feelfree to be their true selves Are you too nice for your own good? Dofamily members manipulate you? Do coworkers take advantage of you?If any of this sounds familiar, read "The Nice Girl Syndrome." Inthis breakthrough guide, renowned author and therapist BeverlyEngel, who has helped thousands of women recognize and leaveemotionally abusive relationships, can show you how to take controlof your life and take care of yourself. Engel explains that womentoday simply cannot afford to be Nice Girls, since "nice girls" aremuch more likely to be victimized-emotionally, physically, andsexually-than those who are not so "nice." She identifies sevendifferent types of Nice Girls and helps you understand which typemight apply to you. She helps you determine whether the Nice GirlSyndrome is keeping you in an abusive relationship or inmanipulative situations, and helps you challenge and change NiceGirl beliefs and behaviors that are holding you back. Helps yo

    • ¥88.9 折扣:6.9折
    • 爱传小子:穿越81个经典国学故事 玩转2700个易混英文单词
    •   ( 65 条评论 )
    • 陈一元;蒋文生;王裕舟 /2018-04-30/ 中国市场出版社
    • 《爱传小子》提炼了81个中华经典故事,整理了国内、英国剑桥等初中英语教材中出现过的近2700个单词,镶嵌其中。 主人公阳伯带着侄儿阳阳,从中国DI一个朝代 夏朝开始,采取穿越古今的方式,畅游华夏五千年,拜访历代人物;从《大禹治水,三过家门而不入》,到《东方崛起,量子之父潘建伟》,结合81个中华典故来学习英语词汇;并以 词典记忆法 为基础,以独创的顺口溜展现出来,朗朗上口,押韵好记。单词一串串记!其记忆效果可速达传统学习法的5倍!10倍!甚至20倍!激发学习兴趣,让学习者尽情沉浸在历史文化与英语学习水乳交融的情境中,从而牢固掌握海量英语单词。 《爱传小子》既可为少年儿童未来取得出类拔萃的成绩打下坚实基础;也可为广大英语爱好者自由阅读英文报刊、出国留学保驾护航。

    • ¥66 ¥99 折扣:6.7折