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    • 影星里昂纳零接触Leonardo Up Close and Personal
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    • Victoria Looseleaf 著 /1998-10-20/ 德加拉
    • GET CLOSER TO LEO THAN YOU EVER THOUGHT POSSIBLE! As every girl in America knows, mere accolades simply fail to do Titanic star Leonardo DiCaprio justice. Now, from a close family friend who watched Leo grow into gorgeous adulthood right before her eyes, here is the book that finally brings you face-to-face with this boy wonder-ful. Brimming with exclusive photos and intimate stories only his family and friends know, Leonardo: Up Close and Personal gives you a unique glimpse of Leo as you've never seen him before--at home, at work, at play, off-guard. See Leo grow up through photos never-before-seen in public; read touching, funny, and wonderful tales about this lovable hunk; and get the inside scoop on the real Leo. This isn't just any Leonardo biography; this is a fact- and picture-packed tribute to the one-and-only Leo from a woman who has known him for more than half his life. You won't find anything else like it. Or anyone quite like him! Victoria Looseleaf is a broadcast,print,and electronic

    • ¥15.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Ben-Hur
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    • Lew Wallace 著 /2003-02-01/ Penguin
    • A bestseller since 1880... The classic saga of the Roman Empire From a thrilling sea battle to its famouschariot race to the agony of the Crucifixion, this is the epic taleof a prince who became a slave and by a twist of fate and his ownskill-won a chance at freedom.

    • ¥19.7 折扣:5折
    • The Life of Samuel Johnson (Wordsworth Classics)塞缪尔o约翰逊传
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    • James Boswell 著 /2008-01-05/ 人民出版社
    • The 22-year old James Boswell first met Johnson, who was then aged 54, in 1763. Nine years later he wrote in his journal of his 'constant plan to write the life of Mr Johnson'. Boswell was tireless in his search for authenticated proof, and his training as a lawyer helped him sift the evidence of friends and to operate forensically on Johnson himself. Boswell drew him out as no one else could, and although three-quarters of the book concerns the last twenty years of Johnson's life, his skill in constructing the early years is remarkable. The text of this complete and unabridged edition is that of the 1791 first edition, and it remains, by common consent, the greatest biography in the English language. Johnson's centrality in 18th century letters is established not only by Boswell's record of his life and conversations, but also by the success of the work in placing him in a literary and cultural context. James Boswell (1740-95) was educated at Edinburgh and Glasgow universities as a lawyer. He moved to

    • ¥28.8 折扣:6折
    • HOW LONG WILL THEY MOURN ME?(ISBN=9780345494832)
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    • Candace Sandy 著 /2006-08-01/ Random House US
    • “Buried as a g while tha whole world remembers me” –Tupac Shakur, from “Until the End ofTime” Tupac Shakur was larger than life. A giftedrapper, actor, and poet, he was fearless, prolific, andcontroversial–and often said that he never expected to live pastthe age of thirty. He was right. On September 13, 1996, he died ofgunshot wounds at age twenty-five. But even ten years after Tupac’stragic passing, the impact of his life and talent continues toflourish. Lauded as one of the greatest hip-hop artists of alltime, Tupac has sold more than sixty-seven million recordsworldwide, making him the top-selling rapper ever. How Long Will They Mourn Me? celebrates Tupac’sunforgettable life–his rise to fame; his tumultuous dark sidemarked by sex, drugs, and violence; and the indelible legacy heleft behind. Although Tupac’s murder remains unsolved, the spiritof this legendary artist is far from forgotten. How long will wemourn him? Fans worldwide will grieve his untimely death for a longti

    • ¥30 折扣:5折
    • Up from Slavery
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    • Booker T. Washington 著 /2010-05-01/ Penguin
    • Historically acknowledged as one of America's most powerfulorators, Washington challenged racial prejudice when such behaviorfrom a black man was unheard of. Here is the dramatic,autobiographical account of how he stood fast against the socialand ideological bias prevalent in his day.

    • ¥17.7 折扣:4.5折
    • The Story of My Life(Signet Classics)海伦·凯勒自传
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    • Helen Keller 著 /2002-02-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The Story of My Life is Helen Keller's own account of how she miraculously triumphed over blindness and deafness-and became one of the most inspiring and intriguing figures of our time. "I recall my surprise on discovering that a mysterious hand had stripped the trees and bushes, leaving only here and there a wrinkled leaf. The birds had flown, and their empty nests in the bare trees were filled with snow. Winter was on hill and field. The earth seemed benumbed by his icy touch, and the very spirits of the trees had withdrawn to their roots, and there, curled up in the dark, lay fast asleep. All life seemed to have ebbed away, and even when the sun shone the day was. "

    • ¥15 折扣:7.5折
    • Barack Obama: An American Story 奥巴马:美国式传奇
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    • Roberta Edwards 著 /2007-08-01/
    • Of mixed race and cultures, Barack Obama struggled for years with his identity and place in society. Having found his niche in public service, he has made history as the fifth African American U.S. senator ever to be elected. Now “the skinny kid” continues his political journey and strives to become the nation’s first black president. From Hawaii to Chicago to Washington, D.C., Senator Obama’s life has been interesting and inspiring.

    • ¥28.2 折扣:8.8折
    • Ben Hur宾赫 9781853262838
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    • Lew Wallace 著 /1998-04-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • An immediate best-seller on publication,Ben Hur remains a dazzling achievement by any standards.A thoroughly xhilarating tale of betrayal,revenge and salvation,it is the only novel that ranks with Uncle Tom's Cabin as a genuine American folk possession. This was the book that finally overcame the inherent suspicion of fiction that still prevailed in much of America in the late nineteenth century. Wallace writes with a freshness and immediacy that brings every action-packed scene to life and illuminates the eography,ethnology and customs of the ancient world.

    • ¥17.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 我不是天使:从维多利亚的秘密T台模特到女性楷模
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    • 凯莉比苏蒂 /2016-05-01/ 江苏文艺出版社
    • 2009 年全美*时装盛宴 维多利亚的秘密冠军凯莉在文中讲述了自己从初入行成为模特,到一举拿下维秘冠军,以及后愿淡泊名利回归平静生活的全部心路历程。 而在金钱名利物欲熏心的现在,许多年轻人未必还能做到保持一颗平淡的心来控制自己的生活节奏。 而在《我不是天使》里,这位曾经的维秘冠军,被全美看好的未来之星,凯莉给所有爱美爱漂亮追求明星梦的女孩们分享自己的建议和经历,也揭露了这个残酷的行业里一些不被外人所知的现实。

    • ¥15.8 ¥29.8 折扣:5.3折
    • Pickwick Papers匹克威克外传
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    • Charles Dickens 著 /1998-01-01/
    • The Pickwick Papers is Dickens’first novel and widely regarded as one of the major classics of comic writing in English. Originally serialJsed in monthly instalments, it quickly became a huge popular success with sales reaching 40,000 by the final number. In the century and a half since its first appearance, the characters of Mr Pickwick,Sam Weller and the whole Pickwickian crew have entered the consciousness of all who love English literature in general, and the works of Dickens in particular.

    • ¥17.6 折扣:8.8折