In a brilliant combination of biography, literary criticism,and history, The Bronté Myth shows how Charlotte, Emily, and AnneBronté became cultural icons whose ever-changing reputationsreflected the obsessions of various eras. When literary London learned that Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heightshad been written by young rural spinsters, the Brontés instantlybecame as famous as their shockingly passionate books. Soon aftertheir deaths, their first biographer spun the sisters into apicturesque myth of family tragedies and Yorkshire moors. Eversince, these enigmatic figures have tempted generations ofreaders–Victorian, Freudian, feminist–to reinterpret them, castingthem as everything from domestic saints to sex-starved hysterics.In her bewitching “metabiography,” Lucasta Miller follows thetwists and turns of the phenomenon of Bront-mania and rescues thesethree fiercely original geniuses from the distortions oflegend.
Plutarch's Lives, written at the beginning of the secondcentury A.D., is a brilliant social history of the ancient world byone of the greatest biographers and moralists of all time. In whatis by far his most famous and influential work, Plutarch revealsthe character and personality of his subjects and how they ledultimately to tragedy or victory. Richly anecdotal and full ofdetail, Volume I contains profiles and comparisons of Romulus andTheseus, Numa and Lycurgus, Fabius and Pericles, and many morepowerful figures of ancient Greece and Rome. The present translation, originally published in 1683 inconjunction with a life of Plutarch by John Dryden, was revised in1864 by the poet and scholar Arthur Hugh Clough, whose notes andpreface are also included in this edition.
*Starred Review* Since his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, Obama has captured attention as reporters, politicos, and ordinary citizens have wondered if he might be the nation's first black president. Chicago Tribune reporter Mendell argues that although Obama's rise to the national stage might seem unplanned, it is the outcome of a carefully calculated strategy by an ambitious man. Mendell chronicles Obama's personal evolution, from Barry, a biracial adolescent growing up in Hawaii, to Barack, the Harvard law school graduate. Obama's complex background—white midwestern mother and Kenyan father—has been both an asset and a liability to his search for acceptance among African Americans and voters in general as they have had to assess who he is and what he stands for. Mendell tracks Obama's rise through the frustrations of community organizing and the rough-and-tumble world of Chicago politics to the rarefied, if no less brutal, world of the U.S. Senate. Mendell draws on interviews with
Saucerful of Secrets is the first in-depth biography of thisvery private group. At the heart of the saga is Syd Barrett, thegroup's brilliant founder, whose public decline into shatteredincoherence--attributable in part to his marathon use of LSD--isone of the tragedies of rock history. The making of Dark Side ofthe Moon and Floyd's other great albums is recounted in detail, asare the mounting of "The Wall"? ? and the creation of the flyingpigs, crashing? ? planes, "Mr. Screen" and the other elements oftheir spectacular stage shows. The book also explores the manybattles between bass player/song writer Roger Waters and the restof the group, leading up to Water's acrimonious departure for asolo? ? career in 1984 and his unsuccessful attempt to disolve thegroup he had left behind. Saucerful of Secrets is an electrifying account of thisground-breaking, mind-bending group, covering every period of theircareer from? ? earliest days to latest recordings. It is full of? ?revealing information that will
Humphrey Bogart: it’s hard to think of anyone who’s had thesame lasting impact on the culture of movies. Though he died at theyoung age of fifty-seven more than half a century ago, hisinfluence among actors and filmmakers, and his enduring appeal forfilm lovers around the world, remains as strong as ever. What is itabout Bogart, with his unconventional looks and noticeable speechimpediment, that has captured our collective imagination for solong? In this definitive biography, Stefan Kanfer answers thatquestion, along the way illuminating the private man Bogart was andshining the spotlight on some of the greatest performances evercaptured on celluloid. Bogart fell into show business almost by accident and worked fornearly twenty years before becoming the star we know today. Borninto a life of wealth and privilege in turn-of-the-century NewYork, Bogart was a troublemaker throughout his youth, gettingkicked out of prep school and running away to join the navy at theage of nineteen. After a short
Isabella arrived in London in 1308, the spirited twelve-year-olddaughter of King Philip IV of France. Her marriage to the heir toEngland’s throne was designed to heal old political wounds betweenthe two countries, and in the years that followed, she would becomean important figure, a determined and clever woman whose influencewould come to last centuries. But Queen Isabella’s politicalmachinations led generations of historians to malign her, earningher a reputation as a ruthless schemer and an odious nickname, “theShe-Wolf of France.” Now the acclaimed author of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Alison Weir,reexamines the life of Isabella of England, history’s othernotorious and charismatic medieval queen. Praised for her fairlooks, the newly wed Isabella was denied the attentions of EdwardII, a weak, sexually ambiguous monarch with scant taste for hisroyal duties. As their marriage progressed, Isabella was neglectedby her dissolute husband and slighted by his favored malecourtiers. Humiliated and deprived of
Celebrated Stanford University historian Clayborne Carson isthe director and editor of the Martin Luther King Papers Project;with thousands of King's essays, notes, letters, speeches, andsermons at his disposal, Carson has organized King's writings intoa posthumous autobiography. In an early student essay, Kingprophetically penned: "We cannot have an enlightened democracy withone great group living in ignorance.... We cannot have a nationorderly and sound with one group so ground down and thwarted thatit is almost forced into unsocial attitudes and crime." Suchstatements, made throughout King's career, are skillfully woventogether into a coherent narrative of the quest for social justice.The autobiography delves, for example, into the philosophicaltraining King received at Morehouse College, Crozer TheologicalSeminary, and Boston University, where he consolidated theteachings of Afro-American theologian Benjamin Mays with thephilosophies of Locke, Rousseau, Gandhi, and Thoreau. ThroughKing's voice, the
In the tradition of our best-selling Secret Lives of the U.S.Presidents (120,000 copies in print), here are outrageous anduncensored profiles of the world's greatest artists, complete withhundreds of little-known, politically incorrect, and downrightbizarre facts. Consider: Michelangelo had such repellant body odorthat his assistants couldn't stand working for him. Pablo Picassodid jail time for ripping off several statues from the Louvre.Gabriel Dante Rossetti's favorite pet was a wombat that slept onhis dining room table. Vincent van Gogh sometimes ate paintdirectly from the tube. Georgia O'Keeffe liked to paint in thenude. Salvador Dal concocted a perfume from dung to attract theattention of his future wife. With outrageous anecdotes abouteveryone from Leonardo (accused sodomist) to Caravaggio (convictedmurderer) to Edward Hopper (alleged wife beater), Secret Lives ofGreat Artists is an art history lesson you'll never forget
In an engaging book that sweeps from the Gilded Age to the1960s, award-winning author Laura Claridge presents the firstauthoritative biography of Emily Post, who changed the mindset ofmillions of Americans with Etiquette, a perennial bestseller andtouchstone of proper behavior. A daughter of high society and one of Manhattan’s mostsought-after debutantes, Emily Price married financier Edwin Post.It was a hopeful union that ended in scandalous divorce. But thetrauma forced Emily Post to become her own person. After writingnovels for fifteen years, Emily took on a different sort ofproject. When it debuted in 1922, Etiquette represented afifty-year-old woman at her wisest–and a country at its wildest.Claridge addresses the secret of Etiquette’s tremendous success andgives us a panoramic view of the culture from which it took itsshape, as its author meticulously updated her book twice a decadeto keep it consistent with America’s constantly changing sociallandscape. Now, nearly fifty years aft
NATIONAL BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD In this groundbreaking biography, T.J. Stiles tells the dramaticstory of Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt, the combative man andAmerican icon who, through his genius and force of will, did morethan perhaps any other individual to create modern capitalism.Meticulously researched and elegantly written, The First Tycoondescribes an improbable life, from Vanderbilt’s humble birth duringthe presidency of George Washington to his death as one of therichest men in American history. In between we see how theCommodore helped to launch the transportation revolution, propelthe Gold Rush, reshape Manhattan, and invent the moderncorporation. Epic in its scope and success, the life of Vanderbiltis also the story of the rise of America itself.
“I have been incredibly fortunate over the course of mycareer to have been associated with some extraordinary dramatic andmusical productions, and also some rather spectacular disasters.Looking back, I can find gifts and life lessons in everyone.” The legendary Patti LuPone is one of the theatre’s most belovedleading ladies. Now she lays it all bare, sharing the intimatestory of her life both onstage and off--through the dizzying highsand darkest lows--with the humor and outspokenness that have becomeher trademarks. With nearly 100 photographs, including an 8-page four-color insert,and illuminating details about the life of a working actor, frominspired costars and demanding directors to her distinctperspective on how she developed and honed her Tony Award–winningperformances, Patti LuPone: A Memoir is as inspirational asit is entertaining. And though the title might say “a memoir,” thisis ultimately a love letter to the theatre by a unique Americanartist. Raised on Long Island’s North Shor
“The best biography of Lord Byron ever written,” according toPoet Laureate W. S. Merwin, is now back in print afterdecades. Of the hundreds of books on Byron and his work, not one has beendevoted to the immediate aftermath of his life; and yet it is thesefirst twenty posthumous years that yield the most unexpected andexciting discoveries about the character of the poet and thebehavior of those who once surrounded him—wife, sister, friends,enemies. With the burning of his memoirs almost as soon as news of his deathreach England in May 1924, there began the sequence of impassionedcontroversies that have followed one another like the links in achain ever since. What sort of man was the begetter of thesedramas? Unflagging in energy and acumen, Doris Lang- ley Mooresifts the various witnesses, their motives and credentials, and notonly reveals how much questionable evidence has been accepted butdevelops a corrected picture that appeals and persuades. Drawing upon a very large amount of unpublished material
Manchester United:The Biography will do for the football team what Peter Ackroyd did for London in his huge biog of the same name. The book follows the club's extraordinary journey from its birth in the railway works of Newton Heath to its current status as Premier League and European champions. The key stages in United's history will, of course, be covered: the Munich Air Crash of 1958, which saw the best part of an entire team (the Busby Babes) being killed; becoming the first English team to win the European Cup in 1968 (with Bobby Charlton and George Best); the dominance of the club in the Premiership; the controversial sale to American tycoon Malcolm Glazer, right up to Moscow 2008. But by drawing on the recollections of everyone from players and managers to fans and backroom staff, Jim has unearthed enough new material to interest die-hard fans and casual supporters alike. A fascinating history of a remarkable football club, by one of Britain's best-known and most popular sports writers.
First U.S. Publication A major literary event--the complete, uncensored journals of SylviaPlath, published in their entirety for the first time. Sylvia Plath's journals were originally published in 1982 in aheavily abridged version authorized by Plath's husband, Ted Hughes.This new edition is an exact and complete tran*ion of thediaries Plath kept during the last twelve years of her life. Sixtypercent of the book is material that has never before been madepublic, more fully revealing the intensity of the poet's personaland literary struggles, and providing fresh insight into both herfrequent desperation and the bravery with which she faced down herdemons. The complete Journals of Sylvia Plath is essentialreading for all who have been moved and fascinated by Plath's lifeand work. First U.S. Publication A major literary event--the complete, uncensored journals of SylviaPlath, published in their entirety for the first time. Sylvia Plath's journals were originally published in 1982 in aheavily abridged ve
"A dazzling portrait. . . . Written with energy, daring, andartful intelligence." --San Francisco Chronicle
Michael J. Neufeld, curator and space historian at theSmithsonian's National Air and Space Museum, delivers a brilliantlynuanced biography of Wernher von Braun. Chief rocket engineer of the Third Reich and one of the fathersof the U.S. space program, Wernher von Braun is a source ofconsistent fascination. Glorified as a visionary and vilified as awar criminal, he was a man of profound moral complexities, whoseintelligence and charisma were coupled with an enormous and, somewould say, blinding ambition. Based on new sources, Neufeld'sbiography delivers a meticulously researched and authoritativeportrait of the creator of the V-2 rocket and his times, detailinghow he was a man caught between morality and progress, between hisdreams of the heavens and the earthbound realities of his life.
Charles I waged civil wars that cost one in ten Englishmentheir lives. But in 1649 Parliament was hard put to find a lawyerwith the skill and daring to prosecute a king who claimed to beabove the law. In the end, they chose the radical lawyer JohnCooke, whose Puritan conscience, political vision, and love ofcivil liberties gave him the courage to bring the king to trial. Asa result, Charles I was beheaded, but eleven years later Cookehimself was arrested, tried, and executed at the hands of CharlesII. Geoffrey Robertson, a renowned human rights lawyer, provides avivid new reading of the tumultuous Civil War years, exposinglong-hidden truths: that the king was guilty, that his executionwas necessary to establish the sovereignty of Parliament, that theregicide trials were rigged and their victims should be seen asnational heroes. Cooke’s trial of Charles I, the first trial of ahead of state for waging war on his own people, became a forerunnerof the trials of Augusto Pinochet, Slobodan Milosevic
Book De*ion Every Thursday morning for two years in the Islamic Republic ofIran, a bold and inspired teacher named Azar Nafisi secretlygathered seven of her most committed female students to readforbidden Western classics. As Islamic morality squads stagedarbitrary raids in Tehran, fundamentalists seized hold of theuniversities, and a blind censor stifled artistic expression, thegirls in Azar Nafisi’s living room risked removing their veils andimmersed themselves in the worlds of Jane Austen, F. ScottFitzgerald, Henry James, and Vladimir Nabokov. In thisextraordinary memoir, their stories become intertwined with theones they are reading. Reading Lolita in Tehran is a remarkableexploration of resilience in the face of tyranny and a celebrationof the liberating power of literature. An inspired blend of memoir and literary criticism, ReadingLolita in Tehran is a moving testament to the power of art and itsability to change and improve people's lives. In 1995, afterresigning
As a singer and songwriter, Gram Parsons stood at the nexus ofcountless musical crossroads, and he sold his soul to the devil atevery one. His intimates and collaborators included Keith Richards,William Burroughs, Marianne Faithfull, Peter Fonda, Roger McGuinn,and Clarence White. Parsons led the Byrds to create the seminalcountry rock masterpiece Sweetheart of the Rodeo, helped to guidethe Rolling Stones beyond the blues in their appreciation ofAmerican roots music, and found his musical soul mate in EmmylouHarris. Parsons’ solo albums, GP and Grievous Angel, are nowrecognized as visionary masterpieces of the transcendentaljambalaya of rock, soul, country, gospel, and blues Parsons named“Cosmic American Music.” Parsons had everything–looks, charisma,money, style, the best drugs, the most heartbreaking voice–andthrew it all away with both hands, dying of a drug and alcoholoverdose at age twenty-six. In this beautifully written, raucous, meticulously researchedbiography, David N. Meyer gi
Edith Kermit Carow grew up in New York City in the same circlesas did Theodore Roosevelt. But only after TR's first wife died atage twenty-two did the childhood friends forge one of the mostsuccessful romantic and political partnerships in American history.Sylvia Jukes Morris's access to previously unpublished letters anddiaries brings to full life her portrait of the Roosevelts andtheir times. During her years as First Lady (1901-09), Edith KermitRoosevelt dazzled social and political Washington as hostess,confidante, and mother of six, leading her husband to remark, "Mrs.Roosevelt comes a good deal nearer my ideal than I do myself."
Drawing on an exceptional combination of skills as literarybiographer, novelist, and chronicler of London history, PeterAckroyd surely re-creates the world that shaped Shakespeare--andbrings the playwright himself into unusually vivid focus. Withcharacteristic narrative panache, Ackroyd immerses us insixteenth-century Stratford and the rural landscape–the industry,the animals, even the flowers–that would appear in Shakespeare’splays. He takes us through Shakespeare’s London neighborhood andthe fertile, competitive theater world where he worked as actor andwriter. He shows us Shakespeare as a businessman, and as a constantreviser of his writing. In joining these intimate details withprofound intuitions about the playwright and his work, Ackroyd hasproduced an altogether engaging masterpiece.
Although the private lives of political couples have in ourera become front-page news, the true story of this extraordinaryand tragic first family has never been fully told. TheLincolns eclipses earlier accounts with riveting newinformation that makes husband and wife, president and first lady,come alive in all their proud accomplishments and earthy humanity.Award-winning biographer and poet Daniel Mark Epstein gives a freshclose-up view of the couple’s life in Springfield, Illinois(of their twenty-two years of marriage, all but six were spentthere), and dramatizes with stunning immediacy how the Lincolns’ascent to the White House brought both dazzling power and the slow,secret unraveling of the couple’s unique bond. The first full-length portrait of the marriage of Abraham andMary Todd Lincoln in more than fifty years, The Lincolns iswritten with enormous sweep and striking imagery. Daniel MarkEpstein makes two immortal American figures seem as real and humanas the rest of us.