《小小爱因斯坦??乐乐学纸板书》包括《奇妙的感觉》《变化的天气》《有趣的形状》《字母ABC》《小小诗歌》《可爱的动物》六本,通过色彩鲜艳的图画,吸引孩子通过自主探索来认识天气、形状、动物以及自己的感官,学习简单的语言,初步学会感受简单文学作品中的美。 书页厚,圆角设计,非常适合低龄孩子翻阅;画面简单清晰,内容针对性强,符合低龄孩子的身心发展特点;理念科学,注重探索,给孩子更科学的早期教育。
欢迎来到爱可和妮妮的萌趣世界。 《小种子爱可》 爱可是一颗小种子,住在她的小花盆里。她会在花盆里做各种各样的事情:吃饭、拉??、做着变成蝴蝶的梦 有一天,在众人期待下,即将闪亮登场的时候却消失了,到底怎么回事呢? 这是一本异形书,可爱的花盆造型。透过爱可的活动,促使孩子们对一颗种子的成长经历产生兴趣,并启发孩子们自己的想象力、观察力,激发探求心。 《毛毛虫妮妮》 妮妮是一条小毛毛虫,住在自己的梨房子里面,她在自己的梨房子里会做各种各样的事情:看电视、洗澡、上厕所,甚至看书、学飞行。有一天晚上,她躺到了床上睡觉,而第二天,居然不见了,她去哪里了呢? 这是一本梨形的书,透过妮妮的每日活动,促使孩子们对于不同房间的功能及时间产生概念,并且启发孩子们的想象力、创造力。
Boynton is back! Joining "Barnyard Dance! "and "BirthdayMonsters!," here is "Pajama Time! "a good-night book with theirrepressible language, the inimitable illustrations, theirresistible cast of characters only Sandra Boynton couldcreate. A ju mp-roping chicken and a pig on a swing. A Scottie in plaidpajamas and an elephant in a fuzzy one-piece with feet. And insing-along nuttiness reminiscent of "Barnyard Dance!," it's time tohead to bed-to the beat: Pajammy to the left. Pajammy to the right.Jamma jamma jamma jamma P!J! Everybody's wearing them for dancingtonight. Jamma jamma jamma jamma P!J!
《小鼠艾瑞克的故事》共4册。主人公艾瑞克是一只人见人爱的小老鼠,他爱思考、爱冒险,心底善良。这套书讲述了艾瑞克在幻想中游遍世界的经历,他在公园结识了变色龙;在亚马孙森林和蜂鸟成了好朋友;在水族馆里与海马一起躲过大鱼的追击;他还遇见过一只狼,他们之间发生了一系列奇幻、有趣的故事。 《小鼠艾瑞克的故事》这套书故事离奇,不仅能培养读者的情商和想象力,同时,该套书特殊的绘画风格还能让读者增长美术见识,培养艺术情操。
本系列共有4本,包括生日、玩耍、声音、朋友四本。 《生日》 今天是我的生日。过生日需要什么?当然是气球和蛋糕啦! 《玩耍》 这是我的玩具。我开动我的小汽车。我踢球、搭积木、听音乐和看书。我玩的很开心! 《声音》 我听到各种声音,时钟嘀嗒作响、电话铃声阵阵,救护车呼叫者飞驰而过。鸟儿的鸣唱是那么美妙动听。 《朋友》 这些都是我的朋友 我的小猫,它有柔软的皮毛。鱼缸里美丽的小鱼。我喜欢和姐姐一起玩,喜欢爸爸把我扛在肩上,喜欢让妈妈抱抱。
Emboldened by the enthusiastic response to Belly Button(Round)—a song from her Grammy-nominated book/CD, PhiladelphiaChickens—Sandra Boynton further contemplates this mesmerizingsubject. Featuring a beachful of bare-bellied hippos—including one tinybaby who can only say “Bee Bo”—the Belly Button Book is the latestquirky addition to the phenomenally successful Boynton on Boardseries. Every page captivates with Sandra Boynton’s inimitableillustrations and joyful rhyming text: Soon after dark, upon the beach, we sing a hippo song, and ifyou’re feeling in the mood, we hope you’ll sing along: “Belly BellyButton, you’re oh so fine. Ooo, Belly Button, I’m so happy you’remine.” Shiny and sturdy, and featuring a great (navel-shaped, naturally)die-cut cover that offers a provocative glimpse of the merrimentinside, the Belly Button Book provides enduring, giggly, read-aloudfun.
This is the perfect book for kids who love animals. On thebig, sturdy board pages, they’ll discover bright, bold photographsof all different kinds of animals, from pets to farm animals tobirds. Each has their name written underneath, so that children canlearn what they’re called, build their animal vocabulary,
Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas Join Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald,Daisy, and Pluto as they deck the halls in preparation for theirfavorite holiday. The Clubhouse pals and Toodles need to make surethat each tree is trimmed, each sprig of mistletoe is hung, eachtwinkling light is just right before the big day arrives. With thisnew Clubhouse-shaped novelty format, preschoolers will have greatfun joining in the countdown to Christmas.The premiere of MickeyMouse Clubhouse delivered the highest ratings ever for a PlayhouseDisney series premiere among Kids 2-5, Girls 2-5, Households, andTotal Viewers. It also premiered at #1 among all basic cablenetworks in its time period for Kids 2-5.Mickey Mouse Clubhouseshows no signs of slowing down -It is the number one show amongpreschoolers
Happy and sad. Good and bad. Opposites take on a whole newmeaning when illustrated by a gang of personable dinosaurs. Adie-cut cover opens to reveal chunky pages full of delightfuldinosaurs singing, dancing, lumbering, galloping, and gallivanting.On board pages with a die-cut cover. This book is a main selectionof the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club.
A great big hug in book form, "Snuggle Puppy" is a year-roundvalentine from parent to child. It is bright, chunky, a pleasure tohold, and has a die-cut cover that reveals a glimpse of the joyinside before it's even opened. Best of all, it's packed, ofcourse, with pure Boynton: her inimitable language, her inimitableillustrations, her inimitable sense of fun. OOO, Snuggle Puppy of mine! Everything about you is especiallyfine. I love what you are. I love what you do. Fuzzy little SnugglePuppy, I love you. Featuring a sweet and cuddly doggie cast andrhyming verse, "Snuggle Puppy" is the perfect bedtime book to readlast, because of an ending that kids will want again and again: Istarted with OOO. . . . Now we'll end like this: [BIG SMOOCH!]
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人,迈出社交启蒙一大步! 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,书里还藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋,让你和孩子亲密互动! 《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》这本讲述了长颈鹿平时很爱笑,但这一天心情却有点儿糟。小熊给他表演杂技,小羊给他拧气球玩,小鳄鱼给他表演布偶戏,但他还是开心不起来,这可怎么办呢?朋友
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的成长绘本,适合0~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、与人打招呼、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,毫无说教痕迹地引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人。 书里的小动物造型呆萌,生动、传神的动作和眼神让人忍俊不禁,是一套藏着丰富细节和惊喜彩蛋的低幼宝宝成长绘本。 每本书由一个简单的问题开始,引发一系列让人意想不到的趣味答案! 《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》是 小熊有很多很多朋友 系列中的一本,故事讲述了小瓢虫特别爱抱抱,打招呼的时候喜欢抱抱,说再见的时候也喜