As Mother Goose has known for centuries, rhyme and rhythm arefun And what could be a more enjoyable way for children and theirparents to learn about different cultures and languages thanthrough familiar rhymes and songs? In "Chinese and English NurseryRhymes," an innovative collection of favorite rhymes are put inpairs--one from China and the next in English--to show how thethings that kids love are the same, no matter where in the worldthey live. Whether your native language is English or Chinese, youcan learn the rhymes along with your children. Just follow thewords on the page, or play the CD and sing along
The year is 1920, and a young (and as yet unpublished) Cicely Mary Barker is staying at a friend's cottage in Storrington, West Sussex, for the spring and summer. Over the months as she sketches and writes in the gardens and grounds, she starts to suspect the presence of fairies in the flowers all around her. Her journal reveals her thoughts and musings, and includes sketches, research into general fairy folklore and many more extra items, as she searches for evidence that the Flower Fairies exist! Although a fictional account, the "Flower Fairies Journal" ties in with real dates and events, uses Cicely Mary Barker's sketches, artwork and samples from her poems, and contains many beautiful design elements from the 1920's and 1930's.