Hello, Parent! Hello Reader! books have been designed-- for parents to read to children for children to read to parents for children to read themselves to make your child a better reader. High-interest stories make reading fun! Stories have beentested for vocabulary and sentence length to help you makethe right choice! A letter from an education specialist givesyou valuable advice on how to read to your chPd and how tolisten to your child read to you!
A visitor is coming to Mrs. Connor's class-a bunng!Her name is Sparky and everyone wants to take care of her. Except for Reza. He doesn't want to admit it but he's afraid of bunnies. So Mrs. Connor gives him a special job. and Reza begins to realize that maybe bunnies aren't so scary after all.
Brie is in love with Lanc me Juicy Tubes, Louis Vuitton accessories, and her gay best friend Charlie, who is in love with 1960s pop art, 1980s teen movies, and serial heartbreaker Walker, who has ever only been in love with his VW Bug, until he meets Daisy . . . who is too busy hating everyone to know what love is. Set in London, this girl-loves-boy-loves-boy-loves-girl romp is set against a theatrical production of The Taming of the Shrew, and features enough on- and off-stage drama to satisfy teens looking for a beach read—or a read all year round.
Come along as Strawberry and her friends help the Sandman save the Dream Factory from the villainous Purple Pie Man and Sour Grapes! This Sticker Stories title has big, inviting scenes to decorate and over 75 reusable stickers so little girls can experience the Sweet Dreams movie again and again.
With 90 million copies sold worldwide, the Key Words with Ladybird reading scheme is the springboard to reading for life. 100 Key Words make up half of all those we read and write. This essential vocabulary is carfully introduced, practised and developed throughout the scheme. Series a introduces new Key Words Series b practises Key Words Series c develops Key Words using phonics and writing skills
For over 40 years, the classic fairytale The Enormous Turnip has delighted children and adults alike.This new Ladybird title combines a faithful retelling with rich,vibrant artwork, promising to reintroduce the magic of these timeless tales to those who loved them while casting a spell upon a new generation of readers.
Learn to tell time the monster math way!You can read this story yourselr?
When a hurricane strikes while Clifford and Emily Elizabeth are having fun visiting her grandmother at the beach, Clifford the Big Red Dog knows just what to do to keep everyone safe.
The Ladybird Computers for School book is an invaluable and entertaining guide that will assist all children in the use lf computers。 Easy to use and packed full of essential tips,this coloruful book clearly explains the many useful things that can be done with a computer and clarifies common terminology in an enjoyable and interesting way。
Feet are neat! They jump, they climb, they swim, they dance. Animal paws have claws that dig and scratch any itch that they can reach. A dog uses them to hold a bone in place or get a person's attention. The squirrel uses its small, sharp feet to scamper up a tree and race along a branch--or grab a nut to eat. Raccoons' paws are so nimble that they can pluck cherries, husk corncobs, crack open bird eggs, and feel for clams in a muddy stream. And every animal--humans included--uses its feet to run from danger. Watch them in action, in photos and in drawings, to see just why feet can't be beat! The author lives in Victoria, British Columbia. 32 pages (all in color), 8 1/2 x 10.
Book De*ion Jack and Annie are off in search of another story in jeopardy, this time at a monastery in ancient Ireland. Trouble arrives when Vikings land, and Jack and Annie must find a way to escape! Card catalog de*ion Their magic tree house takes Jack and Annie back to a monastery in medieval Ireland, where they try to retrieve a lost book while being menaced by Viking raiders. About Magic Tree House series Magic Tree House is a book series for young children by Mary Pope Osborne. The series features two children, the bookworm Jack and his adventurous and imaginative younger sister Annie, who travel to historical places using a magic tree house. The magic tree house belongs to Morgan Le Fay who, in the series, is King Arthur's sister and a librarian. She uses the magic tree house to gather books from time and space. Jack and Annie travel by opening a book, pointing at a picture of a place and then wishing that they could go there. The magic tree house then spins around
What this book is about…… Piglet Feels Small Oh,dear!Piglet is too small to fly a kite,What can Piglet do ?
With 90 million copies sold worldwide, the Key Words with Ladybird reading scheme is the springboard to reading for life. 100 Key Words make up half of all those we read and write. This essential vocabulary is carefully introduced, practised and developed throughout the scheme. Series a introduces new Key Words Series b practises Key Words Series c develops Key Words using phonics and wiriting skills
In order to pay for his dog food, Clifford, a big red dog, decides to get a job.
FU LLY ILLU STRATED AND ADAPTED Peter Pan and the three Darling children fly off through their open windOW tO Neverland.What could be more grand than an adventure with pirateS,Indians,mermaids,and no grown-ups? Yet dangers await them—Tinker Bcll'S jcaloUSy,foul Pla v’the revenge of cruel Captain Hook…and the awfo J fear that Mother ha s jriot left the window open…
A series of popular,traditional tales written in a simple way for children who are learning to read. LEVEL3:for more confident readers who can read simple stories with help.The Elves and the Shoemaker,Rapunzel,Thumblina,Jack and the Beanstalk,Puss in Boots,Hansel and Gretel.
Angelina nominates Miss Lilly for Teacher of the Year—and she wins! But Angelina isn’t happy when Miss Lilly suddenly doesn’t have time for her mouselings anymore. Can Miss Lilly fulfill all her duties as Teacher of the Year and still find time for Angelina?
"Grandma, why do I hove such o lon9 nose?"Little Beor is curious and asks lots of questions. Luckily for him, wise Grondmo Bear seems to hove oll the onswers. And as they set off to look for food, Grandmo Bear con show Little Bear o trick or two.
Children pout when the rain begins, but, soon, properly dressed, they enjoy playing outdoors in the rain.
Hello Reader!books have been designed—— for parents to read to children for children to read to parents for children to read to themselves ——to make you child a better reader