The pirate ship’s first mate,Rotten Tooth,sees Pete and his friends more as an annoyance than pirates in training. As the ship heads toward Snake Island,Pete has an idea to earn some respect-if the kids can find the hidden treasure before the grown-ups,then they’ll have to be taken seriously!Only one problem:The treasure is guarded by a giant snake that curses anyone who looks in its eyes. Can the pirate kids find the treasure,earn the pirates’respect,and escape certain death?
"Now run along, and don’t get into mischief," Mrs. Rabbit tells her bunnies. But frisky Peter runs straight to Mr. McGregor’s tasty garden and sneaks under the gate! This beloved classic is once again available in an 8x8 Reading Railroad, now with beautifully remastered artwork.
We are in tbe lnidst of an energy crisis. We're running out of heating oil and gasoline, tearing up our wilderness with hydro dams and damaging our heahh with nuclear power.And out production of energy may be the biggest cause of pollution in the world today. In The Heat Is On you'll find out where our energy comes from and why it is creating a problem. But you'll also discover that there are bright spots from the many plans to develop alternative clean energy sources, to the many ways we can all help, by using energy more thoughtfully and efficiently.
Kindergarten-Grade 3. It would be difficult to imagine a less poetic theme than that of a bat accidentally trapped in the posh dining room of a summer resort. However, Dragonwagon has woven an evocative, lyrical prose poem in this tale of one frantic flying mammal and one quiet young girl who really cares what happens to it. While the excited, well-heeled patrons escape to the lobby, and the tuxedo-garbed staff run for brooms and other weapons, Melissa remains alone in the dining room. Unhurriedly, and with calm resolve, she lures the bat to an emergency door, where it flies into the starry night to freedom. The spare text combines internal rhyme and interesting word juxtapositions to create the appropriate mood. The contrast of uproar and quiet, agitation and calm combine to build a story from one brief incident. Schindler's beautiful illustrations, a combination of colored pencil and watercolor on pastel paper, become a harmonious complement to the text. The artist has juxtaposed the luminous views of a sum
Well. all you need are ordinary materia s like vegetabies, tinfoil, paper doilies, even your own fingers to make all kinds of arrlazing things -- without too much mess. Follow Steve and Megumi's instructions and clear diagrams and you can make all kinds of professional designs - to hang on your wal! or to giwe to your fdends.
Young children will love getting ready to start the new school year with this shaped paperback! From shopping for school supplies to packing lunches and riding the school bus, children will love counting down to their own first day! This interactive book is designed to reinforce counting skills, encourage solo reading, and ease children's anxieties about beginning school.
A-huff-and-a-puff-and-a-huff-and-a-puff-and-a-huff-and-a-puff" "WHAT'S HAPPENING?" Tacky the penguin wants to know. The Winter Games, that's what's happening. And Tacky and his fellow penguins Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect have to work hard to get in shape so they can represent Team Nice Icy Land in the athletic competitions. After rigorous training, they're ready - but are the games ready for Tacky? Will his antics keep Team Nice Icy Land from winning a medal? From bobsledless racing and ski jumping to speed skating, Tacky lends his unique, exuberant style to each competition. In laugh-out-loud scenes of Tacky and his fellow penguins' athletic debacles, Tacky reminds readers of the underlying joy and enthusiasm that propells athletes to greatness. So get ready to cheer for Team Nice Icy Land and let the games begin!
Robbie's most special friend is his grandfather, who teaches him all he knows of the countryside and the old country ways. But signs of the modem world are all around--the first television has appeared in the village, and Hawker Hunters scream through the air. However, it is the old man and the boy who come to the rescue when modem technology fails. Time, though, cannot stand still, and even after the death of his beloved grandfather, life must go on. With the coming of summer, Robbie's wicked escapades with the wild tinker boy strengthen a friendship that fills the void left by the old man's passing.
The 100th day of school is almost here and one student is desperate to find 100 of anything to bring to class.Then all of sudden inspiration strikes,and he comes up with a surprise that makes the 100th day celebration one to remember!This hilarious story of a popular school tradition offers a perfect modern twist on Clement C. Moore’s classic poem.
The reader's decisions control the search for treasure on a Greek island and a battle with an unscrupulous character seeking the same treasure.
A diary cum guide to Green projects throughout the year.
Cavity Sam is on his way to the emergency room—there’s a frog stuck in his throat! But when the wacky doctors at the hospital go to operate, they end up finding more things wrong with him, like a Charlie Horse and butterflies in his stomach. And with a sheet of hilarious stickers, this is the perfect companion to everyone’s favorite game!
It's going to be a big evening for Lynda -a cocktail party where she'll be introduced to lots of big names in the newspaper business. There's only one problem: who's going to be her date? The answer's obvious to most of the Junior Gazette team, but Lynda is determined that the last person she'll take to the party is Spike Thomson!
An A-Z of games to play and enjoy, and wild and wacky things to make. Packed with Michaela's brilliant ideas for kites and customised conkers,making musical instruments, designingyourown earrings and playing hilarious party games, this is a fun-filled 'must' for everyone.
Amber Brown is excited to be starting second grade and a little nervous. But on the way to school with her best friend, Justin, Amber decides she's ready for whatever happens. And second grade had better be ready for Amber Brown!
Strawberry Shortcake and her pals have planned the perfect day at the beach.But when Angel Cake accidentally breaks Strawberry's favorite sunglasses,this sweet day turns sour.Can the girls mend the sunglasses and their friendship?
Fairy Fern is really excited about the fairy parade-but will she make it in time?
Cam Jansen and her friends meet in the park to play baseball,but when their ball gets lost,it looks like the game may be over.Cam has a picture in her head of everything she has seen,and she says"click"whenever she wants to remember something.But does she have the picture she needs to find the baseball?With short sentences,plenty of repetition,and lots of clues,beginning readers will love solving this easy-to-read mystery right along with young Cam.
Grade 1-3?Pete is a young pirate who attends school on a pirate ship where the rules are geared toward the unkindly:"Finders keepers,losers weepers."Captain Bones encourages fighting to solve disputes,and Pete is happy to wrestle with classmate Grimy after a name-calling match.On Treasure Hunt Day,Pete and Grimy find themselves forced to cooperate in order to escape certain death and decide to share the treasure "Even Steven"down to the last gold coin.Children will enjoy this beginning reader with all of the bickering and rule reversals.The cartoon illustrations are well done,with interesting backgrounds and each character's feelings clear from his facial expressions.The combination of full-page and smaller pictures on white pages works well.?Sharon R.
The simple and clear step-by-step instructions will make it easy for children to build a kinara and mishuma saba, paint a family tree, construct unity dolls, weave a mkeka, and make a unity cup. They"ll also learn the history and the seven principles of Kwanzaa.