Kindergarten-Grade 2?In this early chapter book, Junie, a boisterous, effervescent kindergartner, and her friend Grace invite themselves over to the home of Lucille's wealthy grandmother, with whom the girl and her family live. They agree to help Lucille beg her "richie nanna" for a poodle. Once there, the girls find that everything in the house is exquisite?and untouchable. Lucille's bedspread is silk and her huge stuffed animals cost a fortune. Junie accidentally drops a crystal glass, which shatters into pieces. Her hot dog slides off her fork onto a white Irish linen table cloth. The friends have a good time but Junie is glad to go home to her own nanna's house where she can drink out of a plastic glass and not have to worry about breaking anything. Appealing black-and-white line-and-wash drawings extend the humorous situations. While parts of the story are funny and ring true, Junie's babyish, immature grammar will quickly wear thin.?Janet M. Bair, Trumbull Library, CT Copyright 1998 Reed Business Inform