本书由李轶主编,共10章,内容包括绪论、心理过程、个性心理、心理健康、心理应激、心理障碍、心理评估、心理咨询与治疗、心理护理和护患关系。本特别突出了“案例版”和知识扩展的编写理念,开阔了学生的视野,有助于培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 本书可供中等卫生职业教育各专业使用,也可作为在职医护人员、护理教学和医学心理学教学人员的参考书。
Theme Making friends Learn about the world Enjoy the Nature
These Discovery cards, illustrated with beautiful photographs of the natural world, teach children about the rhythm of the seasons and answer their questions about why it snows in January and not in July, or why the leaves are green in June but not in December. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Four board books plus sticers inside!
When her grand-mère comes down wit' de flu, this Cajun Little Red knows what she has to do. With her witty cat, TeJean, she sets off in a pirogue to bring Grand-mère some gumbo. Who should she meet upon the way, but that big ol' swamp gator, Claude! Mean ol' Claude may want to gobble up Petite Rouge, but she and TeJean have a better idea. Before long, they have Claude running back to the bayou where he belongs! Illustrated by Jim Harris.
Smarter. Fresher. Better. And now with new content, and new packaging. Announcing the relaunch of Brain Quest, America’s #1 educational bestseller with over 23.7 million copies in print. Featuring a complete updating of the content and an eye-catching, brainy-retro new look, this is a dazzling makeover, inside and out. For kids, it’s fun unplugged. For parents, it’s the easiest, most trusted way to know if their children are keeping pace. Assisting in the relaunch is an advisory panel of ten of America’s top educators, each of them winners of Teacher of the Year or Milken National Educator Awards. The result: completely revised questions and answers, with up to 20%new material, to bring each deck up to the standards of today’s curricula. The content is the same that kids will find on standardized tests, handled in such a way that it promotes mental flexibility.
A novel of temptation by Paulo Coelho, the internationally bestselling author of The Alchemist and The Zahir, The Devil and Miss Prym is a thought-provoking parable of a community devoured by greed, cowardice, and fear, as it struggles with the choice between good and evil. A stranger arrives at the remote village of Viscos, carrying with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. He comes searching for the answers to a question that torments him: Are human beings, in essence, good or evil? In welcoming the mysterious foreigher, the whole village becomes an accomplice to his sophisticated plot, which will forever mark their lives. New to the U.S. but first published in Europe in 1992, Coelho's latest (following the bestselling The Zahir) is an old school parable of good and evil. When a stranger enters the isolated mountain town of Viscos with the devil literally by his side, the widow Berta knows (because her deceased husband, with whom she communicates daily, tells her) that a ba
Picking up where he left off in the Egyptian adventure Cigars of the Pharaoh, Tintin travels to China in The Blue Lotus, a tale which is generally considered Herge's first masterpiece. It's also Tintin's only foray into actual history, specifically the Sino-Japanese conflicts of the early 1930s. The political tensions combined with the chilling threats of drugs give the story an especially high and realistic sense of danger. Herge's interest in China was spurred by a friendship with a young Chinese student named Chang Chong-chen, a relationship that Tintin mirrors with a Chinese boy also named Chang Chong-chen. Herge paints a vivid picture of China and takes the opportunity to denounce ethnic prejudices (though ironically his artistic depiction of the Japanese businessman Mitsuhirato is quite grotesque). Years later, Tintin's relationship with Chang would become the basis of Tintin in Tibet. --David Horiuchi
Rita adore se déguiser, courir et être le chef. Machin, lechien, adore m?chouiller, dormir et tricher aux échecs. Avec cesdr?les de copains, impossible de s'ennuyer un instant !