六月,? 略带潮湿而阴暗的树林角落,? 一只独角仙甸甸前进,走向生命最后的旅程。? 另一只独角仙爬入地底,? 开启千古不变的传承。? 一颗颗乳白色卵粒的诞生,? 意味着母虫力竭将亡的时刻。? 小小的卵粒,在腐植土里,? 悄悄成形、悄悄成长。? 新生命的开张,没有祝福的咏颂,? 只有步步艰辛的成长与暗无天日的冒险。? ……?
10 easc~-to-plaL~nurser~j songs withan electronic piano! Anyone can play their favourite nurseryrhymes on this electronicpiano. Jus~push the key that matches the colourednumber of the noteabove each word.As simple as that! A note to parents: The system of colour-coded 'notes" and numbers used in thisbook,has been adapted from conventional musical notation to makeiteasier for children to play the songs. This system is not meanttorepresent standard notation. Lyrics to the verses have alsobeenincluded, however the music matches the choruses only. Let children approach the songs as they will and encouragethem toexperiment with pressing the buttons, enjoying thesound each onemakes without necessarily worrying about the correct sequence. While little fingers might find playingthenotes a difficult task, children can enjoy singing along whileaparent or older sibling plays. Some children might like tohavetheir hands held by a parent or older sibling who canguidetheir fingers to the