英语童谣绘本《玛丽有只小羊羔》从英美两国众多的童谣中精选了 经典、 、 上口的24首,配以活泼温馨、充满童趣的纯手绘插图,并录制了配套的音频。此外,“家长手册”作为附赠品单独成册,内含专家导读、本身特色、使用指南、童谣注释等重要内容,比较全面地为家长和孩子提供了学习英文童谣所需的帮助。
Discover amazing and fascinating sea creatures in the hole in the bottom of the sea! Based on the traditional cumulative song, each verse introduces a new creature and its place in the food chain, with the shark chasing the eel, who chases the squid, who chases the snail. Enhanced CD includes videso animation and audio singalong.